National Repository of Grey Literature 461 records found  beginprevious451 - 460next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Judgment by Acknowledgement and Judgment by Default
Klein, Jakub ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
70 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused mainly on the judgment by acknowledgement and judgment by default which are institutes of the civil procedural law, which purpose is mainly to increase the efficiency of the legal proceedings. The aim of the thesis is to offer a complete overview of the current legal legislation and its practical usage. At the same time this thesis attempts to cope with problems, which the current legislation suffers with, and offers convenient conceptual solutions. This piece of work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter generally concerns the judgment by acknowledgement and clarifies the conditions in details that are essential to meet for its issuance. It concurrently distinguishes the judgment issued on the basis of actual acknowledgement by defendant and a judgment issued on the basis of legal fiction of acknowledgement of claim. The second chapter is dedicated to the institute of judgment by default. In the first subchapter the individual preconditions for the judgment by default issuing are being discussed in details, whether the formal or the material ones. This subchapter is divided according to these individual preconditions. The second subchapter deals closely with the defence of the defendant consisting in the proposal of cancellation of the judgment by...
Protecting the Rights of Third Parties in Enforcement Proceedings
Lackovský, Petr ; Macková, Alena (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
The thesis contains a historical overview of the origin and development institute of protection of the rights of third parties in enforcement proceedings. In this section, the focus is on the period of the Roman Empire and then follows the development from the 19th century untiltoday. The fundamental part of the work focuses on the description of the current state of enforcement proceedings under the Act no. 120/2001 Coll. The Executors and Execution, his status in the legal order of the Czech Republic, the basic principles of management and everything in relation to the protection of the rights of third parties in enforcement proceedings. Distributes third party to various groups and describes their rights and obligations under the legislation. It focuses on the means of protection and defense. In conclusion provides an overview of the most important novels enforceable rights in relation.
Reorganization as the way of bankruptcy solution
Holevová, Jana ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
The intention of the thesis, on theme of Reorganization as the way of bankruptcy solution, is to describe this legal institute complexly and coherently. It begins from the history, continues through the current legislation and finishes with a practical point of view to reorganization and its implications in practice. The first chapter describes influences which affected reorganization in the Czech legal environment. First of all, the insolvency law was affected by historical circumstances in the Czech lands and by changes of political regimes to which the legislation was subordinated. Another subsection is addressed to foreign influences which were used as an inspiration for the legislator during creating of the current legislation. Mainly, it is an American and German legislation. In the last subsection, the EU legislation regarding reorganization is elaborated including effects of the harmonization in the Czech Republic. The second chapter of the thesis describes the legislation of reorganization in the Czech Republic and completes it of the case law especially of the High courts in Prague and Olomouc. The institutes are elaborated one by one according to the order made in the Insolvency act and in order which is usually used during insolvency proceedings. The last subsection is focused on a...
Divorce proceedings
Václavíková, Veronika ; Macková, Alena (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
Zusammenfassung Als Thema meiner Diplomarbeit habe ich das "Ehescheidungverfahren" ausgewählt. Zur Auswahl dieses Thema haben mich viele Gründe bewegt. Vor allem möchte ich meine Diplomarbeit einem praktischen Thema widmen, das sich mit der Lösung von alltäglichen Lebenssituationen befasst, und diese Kenntnis könnte ich später in meiner Karriere als Rechtsanwältin verwerten. Angesichts der neuesten Statistiken, nach denen so ziemlich jede zweite Ehe geschieden wird, scheint dieses Thema sehr praktisch zu sein. Das Ziel meiner Diplomarbeit ist eines Ehescheidungverfahrens nach dem Gesetz Nr. 292/2013 über besondere Gerichtsverfahren, in der Fassung der späteren Vorschriften, das am 1. Januar 2014 in Kraft trat, zu analysieren. Das Gesetz über besondere Gerichtsverfahren, das in Rahmen der Änderungen des privaten Rechts aufgenommen wurde, brachte in das Scheidungverfahren eine Reihe von Neuerungen, deren Zweck es ist, die Mängels an vorherigen Prozessvorschriften zu beseitigen. Die größte Änderung im Zivilprozessrecht ist die Ausklammerung der außerstreitigen Verfahren aus dem Gesetz Nr. 99/1963 der Zivilprozessordnung, in der Fassung der späteren Vorschriften, in das Gesetz über besondere Gerichtsverfahren. Mit den außerstreitigen Verfahren wurden in das neue Gesetz auch die spezifischen streitigen Verfahren...
A minor as debtor in proceedings to enforce judgment (by judicial officers or private enforcement agents)
Procházková, Michaela ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
This Master's thesis describes the position of a minor debtor in enforcement proceedings. The aim of this thesis it to, first, provide with a complex summary of the issue, concerning primarily topical questions which are discussed by experts in connection with childrens' indebbtedness, and second, to further identify the key drawbacks regarding the enforcement proceedings against minor debtors, with an offer for a solution. The thesis is subdivided into two parts. In the first part, there is the notion of a minor defined - for the purposes of this text, a minor is a person who is younger than eighteen years old and, concurrently, who was not emancipated by a court. The following chapters describe the protection of a minor in the legal system in general, where there are principles of best interest of a child and the right of a child to be respected in their opinion described. Further, the procedural protection of a minor is discussed, concerning primarily the procedural specifics of trials where a minor is a party to the case, including enforcement proceedings. Proper representation of a minor and provision of information to minors is emphasized within the chapter. At the very beginning of the second part, enforcement proceedings is described, and then the particulars of this proceedings are...

National Repository of Grey Literature : 461 records found   beginprevious451 - 460next  jump to record:
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