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Assessment of site suitability for the placement of the SNF and RAW deep geological repository in terms of long-term safety - locality Hrádek\n
Havlová, V. ; Pertoldová, J. ; Bukovská, Z. ; Baier, J. ; Hroch, T. ; Štědrá, V. ; Říha, J. ; Červinka, R. ; Černý, M. ; Dudková, I. ; Dušek, K. ; Franěk, J. ; Gondolli, J. ; Gvoždík, L. ; Hokr, M. ; Holeček, J. ; Jelínek, J. ; Kachlíková, R. ; Kaláb, Zdeněk ; Klajmon, M. ; Kolomá, K. ; Kouřil, M. ; Královcová, J. ; Kučera, R. ; Kunceová, E. ; Maryška, J. ; Milický, M. ; Nývlt, D. ; Ondra, P. ; Polák, M. ; Rapprich, V. ; Rukavičková, L. ; Steinová, J. ; Svoboda, J. ; Šír, P. ; Švagera, O. ; Uhlík, J. ; Vašíček, R. ; Vavro, Martin ; Vopálka, D. ; Zeman, J.
This report summarises outline of a report for evaluation of the sites‘ suitability for the emplacement of a deep geological repository on the basis of the archive information and the geological survey conducted from surface.\nSites are evaluated according to the following criterion categories\n1. Geological characteristics of the site\n2. Hydrogeologic characteristics of the site\n3. Transport characteristics of the the site\n4. Site stability\n5. Factors, increasing probability of human intrusion into the site\n6. Acceptability of enginnered barrier properties under site conditions
Structural mapping of exploration boreholes walls within first phase - Safety boreholes for Boxcut
Waclawik, Petr ; Souček, Kamil ; Vavro, Martin ; Kukutsch, Radovan ; Ram, S.
Structural-geological analysis, i.e. core fracturing assessment within the boxcut safety\nborehole was carried out on the basis of optical televiewer record evaluation. In general,\noptical televiewer (OPTV) probe provides a continuous, unwrapped, high-resolution digital\n360° image of the borehole-walls oriented towards the cardinal points. This technique\nprovides information about the strike, dip direction, dip angle and depth of foliation, bedding\nplanes and fractures, as well as the frequency, aperture and infillings of fractures. Information\nabout spatial characteristics of structural elements is one of its indisputable advantages and\nallows for subsequent statistical evaluations.\nThe structural mapping of boreholes of Boxcut safety boreholes were carried out within the\ncontract of IG CAS (Contract No. D/18/156/00) GEOMET, s.r.o. (as a customer, contract No.\n01/2018). The aim of the contractual research was the realisation and interpretation of the\nfractures by digital logging of boreholes walls.
Obtaining data from the deep horizons of the Rožná Mine
Bukovská, Z. ; Bohdálek, P. ; Buda, J. ; Dobeš, P. ; Filipský, D. ; Franěk, J. ; Havlová, V. ; Chabr, T. ; Knés, I. ; Kryl, J. ; Kříbek, B. ; Laufek, F. ; Leichmann, J. ; Navrátil, P. ; Pořádek, P. ; Rosendorf, T. ; Soejono, I. ; Sosna, K. ; Souček, Kamil ; Šustková, E. ; Švagera, O. ; Vavro, Leona ; Vavro, Martin ; Veselovský, F. ; Waclawik, Petr ; Zuna, M.
This report summarizes the work and partial results made under the Public Procurement Obtaining Data from the deep horizons of the Rožná Mine in the first phase of the third and fourth subdivisions from February to November 2018. These are in particular technical works (boreholes, access to corridors),seismic measurements, sampling for laboratory analysis (physical-mechanical properties of rocks, breakage fills, bearing revalidation), structural characterization of the rockanalytical work on all samples taken. Parallel to these works3D models are being prepared, especially data preparation for modeling.
Instrumentation of four-point bending test during 4D computed tomography
Kytýř, Daniel ; Fíla, Tomáš ; Koudelka_ml., Petr ; Kumpová, Ivana ; Vopálenský, Michal ; Vavro, Leona ; Vavro, Martin
High-resolution time-lapse micro-focus X-ray computed tomography is an effective method for investigation of deformation processes on volumetric basis including fracture propagation characteristics of non-homogeneous materials subjected to mechanical loading. This experimental method requires implementation of specifically designed loading devices to X-ray imaging setups. In case of bending tests, our background research showed that no commercial solution allowing for reliable investigation of so called fracture process zone in quasi-brittle materials is currently available. Thus, this paper is focused on description of recently developed in-situ four-point bending loading device and its instrumentation for testing of quasi-brittle materials. Proof of concept together with the pilot experiments were successfully performed in a CT scanner TORATOM. Based on results of the pilot experiments, we demonstrate that crack development and propagation in a quasi-brittle material can be successfully observed in 3D using high resolution 4D micro-CT under loading.
Effective crack model application for analysis of chevronnotched cylindrical specimens fracture response
Halfar, P. ; Frantík, P. ; Šimonová, H. ; Daněk, P. ; Keršner, Z. ; Vavro, Leona ; Vavro, Martin
This paper introduces the application of an effective crack model to analyse the response\nof chevron-notched cylindrical specimens loaded in three-point bending. There were\nanalysed the three sandstone specimens from the Javorka locality and three concrete\nspecimens from the building structure of the Ostrava-Vítkovice railway station. The\nchevroncylinder software based on the finite element method was used for the\ncalculations.
Obtaining data from the deep horizons of the Rožná mine - realization project of work
Švagera, O. ; Bukovská, Z. ; Souček, Kamil ; Vavro, Martin ; Waclawik, Petr ; Sosna, K. ; Havlová, V. ; Zuna, M. ; Jankovský, F. ; Filipský, D. ; Chabr, T. ; Navrátil, P. ; Mixa, P. ; Soejono, I. ; Laufek, F. ; Kříbek, B. ; Leichmann, J. ; Zeman, J.
Realization project summarizes the planned work, its progress and continuity within the environment of Rožná I mine in the extent of the procurement „Získání dat z hlubokých horizontů dolu Rožná“ which is being compiled by Hluboké hluboké horizonty Rožná group. The final goal is to clarify the significance and spatial influence of major tectonic fault on surrounding rock mass. The results will help to clarify localization and safety issues of the potential deep underground repository, especially with respect to the Kraví hora locality.
Final research report to the project PB-2014-ZL-U2301-004-BUKOV
Souček, Kamil ; Vavro, Martin ; Staš, Lubomír ; Kaláb, Zdeněk ; Koníček, Petr ; Georgiovská, Lucie ; Kaláb, Tomáš ; Konečný, Pavel ; Kolcun, Alexej ; Králová, Lucie ; Kubina, Lukáš ; Lednická, Markéta ; Malík, Josef ; Martinec, Petr ; Ptáček, Jiří ; Vavro, Leona ; Waclawik, Petr ; Zajícová, Vendula
Bukov Underground Research Facility (Bukov URF) has been built as a test site to assess the properties and behaviour of the rock mass analogous to selected candidate sites. It is situated at a depth corresponding to the proposed storage depth of the final locality for the Czech Republic´s deep repository of high-level radioactive waste. Bukov URF is located in the Vysočina Region, the cadastral district of Bukov, approx. 3 km south-eastwards from the municipality of Dolní Rožínka. The underground research facility is placed approx. 300 m from the Bukov-1 shaft, namely on the level 12 of the shaft, at the depth of about 550 – 600 meters below the Earth’s surface. As for the regional geology, Bukov URF is found at the southern part of the Rožná uranium deposit, at the north-eastern edge of the Strážek Moldanubicum close to its contact with the Svratka Unit. The rock mass is composed of a relatively monotonous sequence of differently migmatized biotite gneisses to stromatic migmatites, continuing with amphibole-biotite to biotite-amphibole gneisses and amphiboles, with occasional fine intercalations of aplites, pegmatites or calc-silicate rocks (erlanes). Between 2013 and 2017 and within the complex geotechnical characterization of the Bukov URF, the Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Ústav geoniky AV ČR, v.v.i.) in Ostrava carried out a series of laboratory and field works in order to provide a detailed description of the geotechnical and geomechanical properties and quality of the rock mass. The works included the determination and assessment of the physical-mechanical properties of the rocks sampled from the walls, boreholes and ground surface in the locality, the determination of stress state and deformation properties of the rock mass using the methods of hydrofracturing of borehole walls, Goodman Jack and CCBO, or CCBM, determination of the rock mass quality based on selected index geomechanical properties, periodic, long-term strain-gauge measurements and convergence measurements, and the assessment of the effect of technical and mine-induced seismicity on the rock mass of interest. The implemented set of research works was supposed to render a sufficient and integral whole of geotechnical and geomechanical knowledge vital for the subsequent implementation of extensive research experiments focused on long-term safety and technical feasibility of the future national deep repository of radioactive waste.
Influence of composition and fabric of volcanic rocks on their technological properties
Krutilová, Kateřina ; Přikryl, Richard (advisor) ; Vavro, Martin (referee) ; Holzer, Rudolf (referee)
Because of a very variable geological composition of the Czech Republic, there is a various scale of all genetic types of rocks that are used for the production of crushed stone. The most often used group of rocks are effusive magmatic rocks, which represent about 34 % of crushed stone marketed (Starý et al. 2010). These rocks are used for all kinds of construction purposes including roads. The experimental material of crushed stone used in this thesis was sampled from 40 active quarries in the Czech Republic. The studied volcanic rocks originated from Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic complexes of Barrandien, Carboniferous and Permian of Krkonose Piedmont Basin, Carboniferous and Permian of Intrasudetic basin, area of ordovician Železné Hory, from the main volcanic center of Bohemian Massif in the north-west Bohemia (České středohoří Mts. and Doupov Mts.), Neovolcanic area of Czech Cretaceous basin and area of Neovolcanic East and West Sudeten. Petrographic study was carried out in a form of standard petrographic analysis of thin sections and chemical analysis, which helped inclusion of rocks to a classified systems. The whole suite of volcanic rocks was separated to five petrographic-technologic subgroups defined as: (1) rhyolites / porphyres, (2) phonolites, (3) basalts s.l., (4) spilites and (5)...

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2 Vavro, Martin
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