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Czech and Austrian feature film 1939-1945: propaganda, collaboration, resistance
Kašpar, Lukáš ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Kvaček, Robert (referee) ; Harna, Josef (referee)
Anglicke resume Throughout my thesis, I have strived to portrait the feature film production and manifestation of collaboration and resistance in the field of Czech and Austrian feature film as comprehensively as possible. I have attempted to answer the question, whether the Nazis misused this mass media. After the occupation, Czech cinematography was being taken over by the Nazis. There are two main trends in movies prevailing at the time. The first one is stressing the national traditions and expecting that this will be favourably received by the public. The second trend represents an obvious escape of a number of movies, especially conversation comedies. If we look at the emphasis on national traditions in terms of the reaction by cinema audiences or through the eyes of the reaction in the press, their importance seems to be extremely significant. The escape and amusement of movies should be viewed in the context of the intentions of the Nazi propaganda. Then we can say that, it was about much more than an escape from the routine drudgery of the protectorate life, it was also about intentional relaxation, which was supposed to facilitate regeneration of energy necessary for a problem-free functioning of the protectorate. Feature film passed by censorship was in this sense an inseparable part of the...
Humanist democracy of Edvard Beneš
Podlaha, Petr ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee)
Beneš was committed to the rather radical economical and political ideas of socialism already before the war. He believed that old parliamentarian system of liberal democracy would be inevitably replaced after the war with the new system of humanitarian democracy - the political democracy amended by the social and economic democracy. Beneš suggested that the government should regulate all the important parts of political, social and economic life of the post-war society. The biggest problem of the Czechoslovak prewar political democracy was according to Beneš, the existence of too many parties. Therefore only two, at most three political parties would be allowed to take part in the political struggle after the war. These parties would be organized solely on the basis of the approach towards progress. On the left side of the political spectrum, there would be a uniform socialist party and on the right, there would be a conservative party. The establishment of any other party should be banned. The communists should be part of the socialist party. According to Beneš they would be outnumbered and neutralized there by the other democratic socialist parties. The market economy according to Beneš is an obsolete system and therefore it should be replaced with a planned economy. All bigger businesses and natural...
The German neoactivism 1935-1938
Vlček, Lukáš ; Šebek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (advisor)
Problematika česko-německých vztahů byla po celou dobu trvání První republiky jedním z ústředních bodů jejího politického života. Od vzniku Československa v roce 1918 až do jeho konce v roce 1938 v podstatě nebylo vlády, která by nebyla nucena reagovat na vývoj každodenního soužití několika národností na půdě ČSR. Postavení německé menšina bylo určeno několika zásadním faktory. Zejména se jednalo o minoritu nejpočetnější, s plně rozvinutou sociální strukturou, s bohatě rozvinutým kulturním životem a politickým spektrem, které plně kopírovalo stav na české straně. Další důležit), činitel představoval fakt, že německé oblasti sousedily s Rakouskem a především s Německem. Úzké kontakty a pocit sounáležitosti s celým německým národem měl za následek, že sudetští Němci dění za hranicemi vždy pozorně sledovali a byli vystaveni vlivům, které z těchto států vycházely Toto vše předznamenávalo důležitost německé otázky pro stabilitu celého státu. Vztah německého obyvatelstva k republice prošel za dvacet let velmi bouřlivým vývojem. Po 1. světové válce, rozpadu Rakouska-Uherska a vzniku ČSR byl naprosto odmítavý. V polovině 20. let nastal u většiny obyvatelstva obrat a převahu získal aktivistický proud. Vyjádření se tomuto stavu dostalo v roce 1926 vstupem dvou německých stran do vlády a ve volbách roku 1929, kdy více...
Political ideas of Bohumil Laušman in the years 1941-1944
Horák, Pavel ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
Socialdemocratic parties played a very important role in the tactics of communists in the countries of Sovieťs interest after the World War II. It was based on cooperation with social democrats and then on "unification" of both of the "labour" parties in conditions of so called popular, respectively national fronts. The very beginning of these cooperations could have started in the middle ofthe year 1941 after the US SR had entered the War. The initiation to cooperation of the left-wing partie s was coming out of the "left-wing" fraction of social democrats in London's exile at that time. Its representative was Boumil Laušman, whose obvious left-wing tendency and non-constructive behaviour are possible to be seen after the failure of his political formation of Czechoslovakia's resistance movement in Paris and London. So he left in the middle of the year 1942 to the USSR to get to know c10ser the political ideas of the representatives of the Czechoslovakia' s resistance living there, possibly to get their politi cal support. In the negotiations he offered communists mainly the possibility of advancement together with "lef-wing" group of the social democrats in London's exile institutions, at first the participation in the government. This cooperation was to be done with the perspective of uni:fYing the...
Czechoslovak diplomat Robert Flieder
Brejcha, Miroslav ; Kuklík jun., Jan (referee) ; Čechurová, Jana (advisor)
Robert Flieder ranked among the czechoslovakien diplomats, which took part on establishment on Czechoslovakien diplomacy. After his study in the Faculty of Law in Prague he became his carier as official on Prague municipal authorities, during it he try to habilitate in the Charles Univerzity. At the end of the first World war he become the Secretary of Czech association in Wien. After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovakia he took part in the likvidation ofunion with Austrian-Hungrian Empire. After that he entered diplomatic service. During his diplomatic carier he worked as a czechoslovakien Ambassador in Switzerland (1921 - 1924), in Poland (1924-1927), in Sweden, in Norway and Litvuania (1927-1930), in Yugoslavia (1930-1933) and in Spain and Portugal (1935-1937). After his return to Prague he become the head of the legal department in the Ministry of Foreign Affaires. After German occupation he was entrusted with liquidation of the Ministry. After that in 1941 he was sent to retirement. For his resistence activity he was sent before the end of the war to prison., he was taken iIl and for the healthy reasons he didnt return back after the war to active servi ce. After the year 1948 he was oppressed and was not permited actively worked. This sigmatized the end of his life.
Czech refugees in Kralupy nad Vltavou after Munich agreement (1938)
Benda, Jan ; Gebhart, Jan (referee) ; Kuklík jun., Jan (advisor)
V poslední době se rozšířily příspěvky k problému uprchlíků, kteří v důsledku Mnichovské dohody a mnoha dalších důvodů, ať už politických, rasových, či ekonomických opustili své domovy na území zabraném Německem, Polskem a Maďarskem. Stalo se tak pravděpodobně i v souvislosti s tlakem sudetoněmeckých krajanských sdružení na odškodnění za zabavený majetek po 2. světové válce. Pozornost není upřena jen na ně, ale i na české přestěhovalce ze Slovenska. Obecně mě k tomuto tématu inspirovaly články Miroslava Šišky v sobotním Právu a snaha poznat situaci v mém městě, které leželo na cestě uprchlíků z pohraničí do hlavního města. Důvodem byla také snaha vidět téma s konkrétními aktéry - osobami, které dosavadní obecná literatura, vzhledem ke své podstatě, může velmi těžce zachytit. I proto jsem se rozhodl, směřovat jádro této práce k osvětlení situace v Kralupech nad Vltavou -okresním městě ve středních Čechách, které se muselo ze dne na den vypořádat s přílivem stovek uprchlíků. (Uprchlíkem je pro mě každý, kdo splňoval definici tohoto označení uvedenou v Jednacím řádu Ústavu pro péči o uprchlíky. Se stejným významem používám i další označení hraničáři, či utečenci.) Pozornost této sondy by měla být upřena zejména na situaci ve městě včetně místní péče o uprchlíky, kteří přišli do Kralup ze svých domovů. Z...
Socialism is work. The life of Rudolf Bechyně 1881-1948
Noha, Jiří ; Kuklík jun., Jan (advisor) ; Gebhart, Jan (referee)
The present thesis discusses the life of Rudolf Bechyně, the eminent Czech Social-Democratic politician of the first half of the twentieth century. The author studies in a practically chronological order the life's path of the poli tician, start ing in Moravia (sti ll dur ing the era of the Austro-Hungarian Empire), over the period of the First Republic of Czechoslovakia, until his exile to London during the Second Wor ld War when Bechyně, a s the Chairman of the Council of State, became together wi th the President Edvard Beneš the main leader of the Czech resistance movement abroad. Wi th respect to extant archival materials, the thesi s focuses more systematically on the description of Bechyně' s work at the Ministry of Public Supply, as well as on the last decade of his life when the politician was forced to revalue most of hi s atti tudes and principles. Al though the author tends to follow the traditional biographical pattern, through the fate of Rudolf Bechyně he furthermore depicts the fate of the Czech Social Democratic Party. A certain excursus of the thesis is presented in an attempt at a comparison of the socialist ideas and their differentiation under the influence of the Bolshevik Revolution; and in a separate case study of the politicalcultural review Nová Svoboda published by the left-wing...

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1 Kuklík, Jiří
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