National Repository of Grey Literature 115 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The position of sharia within the legal systems of Arab states in the Near East
Lvová, Michala ; Maršálek, Pavel (advisor) ; Kühn, Zdeněk (referee)
The position of sharia within the legal systems of Arab states in the Near East The aim of the thesis is to produce a brief but coherent overview of the position of the Islamic law - sharia - within the contemporary legal systems of Arab states in the Near East. This particular part of the Arab and Islamic world was chosen primarily because of two reason: First, the necessary condition for a direct research of available sources is at least basic knowledge of the appropriate language - in this case, Arabic. This is also the reason why other states, which are historically and geographically part of the Near East, were excluded here, especially Turkey and Iran. Second: the Near East region was chosen as a complex part of the Arab world. States in the Northern Africa were excluded because their cultural position is different from that of the states in the Near East. The method chosen tu fulfil the purposes of this thesis was to first briefly summarise the contemporary state of the Czech literature specialised in the field of the Islamic law. The second chapter offers a short introduction in sharia, its origin, sources, schools of law, and basic branches and other concepts. The following three chapters deal each with one of the selected three Arabic states: Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria. In each of...
Moral arguments in consideration of courts when applying law
Šimek, Jiří ; Wintr, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
This thesis deals with relationship of law and morals from the perspective of a judge applying the law. It starts by defining morals as a normative system which determines what is good and what is bad. Bad morals are punished by social sanction. The relationship of content of morals and law can be described as an intersection. There are three possible relationships of the area of law and morals regarding their respective application: (i) area which should be regulated only by moral rules; (ii) area which should be regulated only by law; and (iii) common area for both normative systems. Morals can penetrate reasoning of a judge applying the law at least in three ways: Firstly, Legislator can order the judge to drag a moral norm into his consideration. Such an order is called boni mores (dobré mravy) in Czech legal system (used in Section 3 or Section 39 of Czech Civil Code). Secondly, the school of phenomenology hermeneutics claims that any interpretation, thus interpretation of law as well, is conditioned by existence of so called pre-structures. We cannot get rid of these structures, they create necessary interpretative frame of interpreting individual. Moral feelings or moral attitudes are parts of these pre-structures. Morals can project to the decision-making of judge knowingly or unknowingly through...
The question is, what law applies
Krzyžanková, Katarzyna ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
The aim of this paper is to provide the identification and the analysis of the major factors which affect the answer to the question: What is found legal [i.e. according to law] in the particular case? Primarily analytical - descriptive method in association with the multidisciplinary approach is chosen to illuminate the complex nature of this issue. In other words, the diverse pieces of knowledge stemming from the various social science sub- disciplines such as psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, ethnology and anthropology are brought together to reveal frequently hidden constituents of the response to the question 'quid iuris?' The paper consists of 6 chapters. The introductory chapter, which offers a preliminary insight into the problem, is followed by the four major parts that gradually, as a whole, give a steadily more accurate picture of different variables reflecting in the answer, what is legal. More precisely, in Chapter 2 the mutual relation between the law on the one side and human culture and human instincts on the other side is investigated. A dissection of an extensive body of the anthropologically oriented literature leads to the deduction that the appearance of law is mostly influenced by the human culture and that universal instincts have an effect just on the resemblance of...
Rousseau's legal and social philosophy
Chválek, Jan ; Kysela, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
I have presented this work which, I admit, has not one integrated aim, but tries to handle it comprehensively with more questions. The reason why I have chosen theoretical or philosophical law work was that I have been interested for a long time in common questions rather than particular details and more, that I have got an opportunity to study the topic which affects philosophical questions, which has also been my long-time interest. The reason why I have chosen Rousseau, is mainly that, he was the principal author who mediated the most important ideological turning point between the so - called ancien regime and new citizen society. The reason why I was concerned with, mainly, the piece about the social contract was above all, that there are ideas meeting philosophy and law and, most of all, matches for analysis of the work designed for a law faculty. Appropriately, I have also added conclusions from other of his works. I'm trying to connect law and philosophy questions, in two places, which, in my opinion unfortunately, cannot be done. It's a question of technical development and more of art or, more widely, of the cultural aspect of a society. The basic aspiration of the work is to introduce Rousseau's conception of the Social contract, but also to show , that it is not possible to execute it to a...
Presumption of illegitimacy of the state power
Gregárek, Matěj ; Kysela, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
The thesis challenges the established "myth of easy legitimacy" and argues for more cautious attitude toward involuntary social arrangements by shifting the burden of proof in favour of the rigorous individual rights. Any State action shall be held for impermissible unless it is shown to be unavoidable - beyond reasonable doubts. With the assumption of existence of individual rights as a starting point, the thesis inquires into the attempts to derive State's legitimacy from individual rights. Finding this task virtually impossible, it comes to the conclusion that the only way how to legitimize the State is to compromise the individual rights somehow. Yet, to maintain some meaning of the rights, this compromise need to be restricted in scope, so the thesis analyses further the meaningfulness of "necessary and proper" provisos and the notion of "ideology" as a factor driving collective action and as the ultimate check of the State's power.
The principle of social state in political theory and the case-law of the Constitutional Court
Kaloč, Otakar ; Wintr, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
1 Abstract The principle of the social state in political theory and the case-law of the Constitutional Court The topic of this work is the phenomenon of the welfare state, social rights and their judicial review performed by the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. The aim of this paper is to introduce the welfare state in terms of the theoretical, historical and practical implementation of its goals, whether it is a political reality or the decision making practice of the Constitutional Court, which in turn influences political environment. This work is based on theoretical works of political philosophy, findings of constitutional law and the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court. The thesis points out the different understanding of the social question in basic political theories such as liberalism, socialism or feminism. The historical part of this work comprises of the description of the development of social issues in countries such as the United Kingdom and the USA. It is evident that this was a long-term process beginning in the early seventeenth century and continuing to the period of its greatest expansion after World War II. This work also mentions some aspects of poverty. Another important part is the introduction to the theory of typologies of different "regimes" and types of welfare...
To Be a Lawyer - Theory and Practice of Professional Ethics of Chosen Legal Professions in the Czech Republic
Friedel, Tomáš ; Kysela, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee) ; Večeřa, Miloš (referee)
The dissertation thesis To Be a Lawyer - Theory and Practice of Professional Ethics of Chosen Legal Professions in the Czech Republic aims to strengthen (currently rather weak) discussion about professional ethics in the Czech Republic. The first part introduces elemental terminology of the topic which enables easier understanding of second and third part. The second part is devoted to the presentation of results of researches regarding the analysis of judgements issued by Czech disciplinary authorities on judges', state attorneys' and lawyers' discipline. The last part demonstrates how professional ethics scrutiny operates in a real-life situation. A judicial usage of social media serves as an example of such situation (or more precisely of such scrutiny). Arguments for and against the judicial usage of social media are articulated and based in a weighting of the arguments final decision is taken.
Human Rights in Private Law
Ondřejek, Pavel ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
121 Summary Shrnutí v anglickém jazyce The presented work challenges traditional view on human rights as rights guaranteed only against the state. In contemporary world, in which states delegate powers either on supranational structures or on private entities, it is hardly acceptable for the individual to remain unprotected against comparable interferences with his constitutional rights caused by private persons. The classical doctrines of human rights protection lead in this situation to the decrease of level of protection of individuals. Therefore certain models of application of human rights norms in private law are to be scrutinized. How public and private law intertwine in contemporary law was shown on the examples of private military contractors that accompany modern armies in wars as well as transnational corporations operating in the Third World and exploiting indigenous peoples there. Notwithstanding the aforementioned it is clear that it was primarily private law that determined various areas of the "constitutional" status of individuals before modern constitutions of states came into force. From various models of application of human rights norms in private law, the example of models of direct and indirect horizontal application as well as non-application of human rights norms was described and...
Values, legal consciousness and law
Moravec, Lukáš ; Wintr, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
Values, legal consciousness and law This thesis deals with legal values and their importance for the decision making of legal subjects. First it introduces a general model of a world, which can be used for any world with consistent effects. From that it deduces what can be considered an individual person and how such individuals behave. Who we consider an individual is dependent on our subjective choice. While choosing a particular individual we can express their relationship to their environment with a certain attitude of thought. If mutually corresponding thought attitudes can be shared by different individuals in such a way that the conveyance of them would correspond to a certain thought of a different individual, we use the term institution. Institutions are not considered to be existing objectively, however they help us interpret objective facts. Institutions include natural and artificial persons, the state and the law. The state emerges in a power struggle, although under the influence of morality. Morality is a type of institution, which is created by an interaction among individuals and through a compromise between their aspirations. This thesis decides for a consequentialist approach to morality, while objections against consequentialism are either refuted or shown to be able to be...

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2 Maršálek, Petr
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