National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  beginprevious14 - 23  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Relations between forms of processing and a rate of realization of strategic plans
Hauschke, David ; Perlín, Radim (advisor) ; Miškovský, Josef (referee)
Nowadays, there is quite a lot of attention dedicated to strategic planning in Czechia. This process is ended by a document which should indicate the direction of the area's development. A strategic plan is the document of a territorial development which is processed by municipalities and regions. To be able to fulfill the purpose of the strategic plan, it is necessary to use the document - which means to put projects approved in the document into practice. The strategic plan is processed in two basic ways - community method of processing and expert method of processing. The main purpose of this writing is to identify if one of these methods leads to a better success rate of the document. The success rate is indicated by the bigger amount of implemented projects or activities and also by a positive change in defined area which could not be possible to achieve with no strategic plan. The principal hypothesis is that community method of processing leads to the better success rate of the document. This hypothesis is based on concepts of social and human capital as well as on social networks which underline cooperation and the ability of consensus. Another no less important feature is the concept of governance because it stresses that citizens are involved in governance and their opinions matter....
Potential of the adventure tourism in the Hradec Králové region
Michna, Jan ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Miškovský, Josef (referee)
1 Univerzita Karlova v Praze Přírodovědecká fakulta Katedra sociální geografie a regionálního rozvoje Studijní program: Geografie Studijní obor: Regionální a politická geografie Jan Michna POTENCIÁL DOBRODRUŽNÉHO CESTOVNÍHO RUCHU V KRÁLOVÉHRADECKÉM KRAJI POTENTIAL OF THE ADVENTURE TOURISM IN THE HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ REGION Diplomová práce Praha 2017 Vedoucí diplomové práce: RNDr. Jiří Vágner, Ph.D. 2 Potential of the adventure tourism in the hradec králové region Abstract This thesis deals with the characteristics of adventure tourism with a specific focus on selected adventure activities in the Hradec Králové Region. The first part focuses on the theoretical concepts of selected issues, the development of this fast growing form of tourism and offers an overview of approaches to assess the territorial potential for tourism. The empirical part is based on the evaluation of the geographical potential for selected activities of adventure tourism with usage of geoinformation systems. The benefits of this thesis include defining the most important destinations of adventure tourism in the region and, above all, finding new places with appropriate natural potential to develop adventure activities that could be an alternative to already established destinations. The results showed that even though the Hradec Králové...
The Analysis of Non-benefit Acteurs in Tourism Development in the Střední Čechy - Jih Tourist Region
Grafnetterová, Adéla ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Miškovský, Josef (referee)
Destination management plays an important role both in the development of tourism and a region. Unfortunately its level is very low in the Czech Republic in comparison with other developed countries. There are not many high quality research studies that would deal with the issue in the Czech Republic. The diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of destination management and it brings together the fields of tourism geography, tourism marketing and the impact on regional development. The main part presents empirical study which examines a specific tourist area of Central Bohemia. It includes the analysis and evaluation of localization potential - natural, cultural and selective conditions for tourism development. The analysis is followed by a survey among the major players in the development of tourism in the area which are entrepreneurs in tourism, public administration representatives, as well as residents and visitors of the area. We can conclude that the destination management faces many obstacles, the most severe of them is the heterogenity of the tourist area. Company Posázaví o. p. s. is the most visible player among non-profit organizations but it has no power to equally operate throughout the tourist area. Thus above average localization potential area is not currently fully utilized. Key...
Concept of Fast Charging Station with Accumulation for Electric Vehicles
Miškovský, Ján ; Morávek, Jan (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
Main purpose of the thesis is the creation of a concept a fast-charging station associated with accumulation that uses renewable source. The introduction of the thesis describes a standard that specifies the charge of electric vehicles using direct and alternating current as well. It depicts an overview of using charging connectors. The first part also deals with overview of the technology of renewable sources and exploitation energy storage system for charging station. The second part introduces the theoretical basement for mathematical model of the charging station in Matlab/Simulink. The function of model station is verified by a physical laboratory model. For options verification of the connection station to the distribution net is created simulation of voltage losses in Matlab/Simulink. The thesis shows four 24 hours’ scenarios that have been simulated. According to the assumptions of simulation, the technology of station and connecting component is suggested. Next is the designed energy and financial analysis of the project charging station until 2030.
Regional identity and regional differentiation of the Baltic countries
Miškovský, Josef ; Havlíček, Tomáš (advisor) ; Baar, Vladimír (referee) ; Švec, Luboš (referee)
Title: Regional Identity and Regional Differentiation of the Baltic Countries Author: Josef Miškovský Key words: regional identity, regional differentiation, Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania he thesis deals with the regional identity of the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) at different scale levels. The theoretical baselines of the thesis are the dynamic concepts of institutionalization of the regions and their formation, disappearance and restoration. This abstract view on the formation of regional identity is based on theories of social identity and social representation. In the thesis, mainly the "macroidentity" of the Baltic States, i.e. their formation in the space between the European and the Russian spheres and within the superior regions of northern, eastern and central Europe is evaluated. The concepts of these regions and subsequently their influence on the territorial identity of the Baltic States are discussed. The elements of internal identity of individual Baltic States, according to which the Baltic region can be considered a distinctive region within the concept of northeastern Europe, are discussed in later section of the thesis. Attention is also paid to the internal coherence of the Baltic region and the elements that integrate or disintegrate this...
Tourism and institutional support of tourist development in Portugal (witha focus on Region Norte)
Hovorková, Štěpánka ; Vágner, Jiří (advisor) ; Miškovský, Josef (referee)
4 Abstrakt Cestovní ruch je jednou z nejd ležit jších sou ástí portugalské ekonomiky. Významn se podílí na tvorb HDP i zam stnanosti. Portugalsko, významná evropská destinace cestovního ruchu, si to uv domuje, a proto v nuje institucionální podpo e rozvoje cestovního ruchu v jeho regionech velkou pozornost. S rozvojem principu udržitelného cestovního ruchu se v turistických destinacích uplat ují více r zné alternativní formy cestovního ruchu, jako je rurální, vina ský, kulturní nebo religiózní cestovní ruch. Dobrým p íkladem m že být region severního Portugalska - Norte. Portugalský cestovní ruch se vyzna uje výraznou koncentrací do n kolika málo oblastí a i v regionu Norte je cestovní ruch soust ed n p evážn do západní ásti. Práv podpora alternativních forem cestovního ruchu m že v budoucnu pomoci zmírnit p ílišné zatížení n kterých region masivním cestovním ruchem. Institucionální podpora cestovního ruchu probíhá r znými zp soby a na r zných úrovních. Práce je zam ena na podporu jak ze strany Evropské unie a využívání jejích fond , tak na národní a regionáln nebo tématicky zam ené organizace. Zvláštní pozornost je v nována práv regionu Norte. Klí ová slova: cestovní ruch, alternativní formy cestovního ruchu, institucionální podpora cestovního ruchu, Evropská unie, Portugalsko, region Norte Abstract...
Plan of grid connection for small hydroelectric power plant
Miškovský, Ján ; Wasserbauer, Vojtěch (referee) ; Radil, Lukáš (advisor)
The purpose of the thesis is a plan of grid connection for a small hydroelectric power plant in Rastak. The introduction briefly analyses the scheme, MVE, description of the particular constructive parts and specified technical equipment as well. The main goals of the study were choice of suitable transformer, the proper VN substation as well as a plan of overhead power lines. Particular attention was paid to: figuring the short circuit current and mechanical strain, the best choice of electric field VN substation for MVE, the transformer connection in the point VN substation and geometrical measurement of its power line with 35 kV voltage summing up, it can be concluded that above mentioned is crucial to cooling of the transformer in Raštak.
Plan of Grid Connection for Small Hydroelectric Power Plant
Miškovský, J.
The subject of this work is a plan of grid connection for small hydroelectric power plant. The introduction briefly describes the hydroelectric power plant and location of the country. The main aim of this work is project of medium-voltage substation and cable connection transformer with medium-voltage substation.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 23 records found   beginprevious14 - 23  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
1 Miškovský, Jakub
1 Miškovský, Josef
2 Miškovský, Julius
4 Miškovský, Ján
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