National Repository of Grey Literature 17 records found  previous11 - 17  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Legal regime of natural resources of celestial bodies
Pepřík, Šimon ; Pelikánová Urbanová, Kristýna (referee)
1 Legal regime of natural resources of celestial bodies Abstract The aim of this thesis is to describe the legal regime of the natural resources of celestial bodies. In recent months and years, there has been an increase in debates regarding mining on the moon and asteroids and this thesis dedicates its seven parts to the legal regime of such activities. In particular, whether such activities are possible from the point of view of international law, how are they regulated and what are the potential future developments in this area. In order to understand the legal regime governing the natural resources of celestial bodies, it is necessary to first become acquainted with the essential concepts of space law, including outer space, celestial bodies and outer space resources, whose definition is the subject of the first part of the thesis. The second part describes the development of international space law, from the first mentions in legal commentary to the creation of two important international documents in this area, the Outer Space Treaty and the Moon Agreement. Both international treaties are analysed and compared in individual chapters both in terms of their international acceptance and in terms of the regulation of activities in the field of outer space resources. Subsequently, their possible future...
Principle of complementarity in the Rome Statute
Urbanová, Kristýna ; Šturma, Pavel (advisor) ; Ondřej, Jan (referee) ; Caban, Pavel (referee)
Principle of complementarity in the Rome Statute The thesis provides a reader with analysis of non/operation of principle of complementarity in practice of the International Criminal Court. The principle of complementarity concerns rules governing a relationship between national courts and the ICC in the context of exercise of jurisdiction over the crimes under international law covered by the Rome Statute. From the beginning, the principle of complementarity has been considered as a cornerstone of the Rome Statute and has been often contrasted with principle of primacy enjoyed by the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. During the adoption of the Rome Statute, both the states and researches expected that thanks to complementarity the ICC would act only as a court of a last resort and would exercise its jurisdiction only if states endowed with jurisdiction would be unwilling or unable to investigate or prosecute those responsible for international crimes in jurisdiction of the ICC. The amount of emphasis put on unwillingness or inability of states to investigate and prosecute should have guaranteed a balance between a protection of state sovereignty and effective and credible operation of the International Criminal Court. The...
Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
Urbanová, Kristýna ; Pavičová, Petra (advisor) ; Deverová, Lenka (referee)
This master thesis is dedicated to strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR) and to the concept of creating shared value (CSV). It analyses the difference between CSV and common business philanthropy which is based on allocation of some part of their profit. It shows the connection between business and civic society. Currently the companies realise that their success is related to the well-being of the society in which they work. Therefore - when adopting the concept of CSV companies focus on the field in which they are active in their core business. The thesis concentrates on partnering business companies with civic society organisations. This is based on the belief that social and economic aims coincide. This partnership is a challenge to find a solution to common social issues. It should gain profit to both sides. The theory of this thesis is complemented by a research and analysis of interviews with respondents from both business and civic companies.
An order of the superior as a defence excluding illegality in international criminal law
Urbanová, Kristýna ; Šturma, Pavel (advisor) ; Bílková, Veronika (referee)
RESUME The defence of Superior Order in International Criminal Law The theory of superior order as a defence to an international crime has been a subject of wide academic debates which often produced diametrically opposite opinions and reflected how this defence is presumably the most controversial one in international criminal law. This essay examines different approaches within international community towards the aforementioned defence since the beginning of the 20th century and also takes into consideration difficult moral and legal questions arising in connection with this topic. The aim of this paper is also search for answer to a question whether there may be identified an international custom governing treatment of the plea of superior order. First chapter is concerned with reasons supporting different approaches to this defence and considers arguments why superior order should or should not be accepted as a defence to an international crime. Second part of chapter one introduces three relevant theories dealing with the defence of superior order, namely the theory of respondeat superior, the absolute liability principle and the principle of conditional liability. Chapter two concentrates on relevant practice of international institutions, such as the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal, the...
Textile industry in Kushan Central Asia
Urbanová, Kristýna ; Ondřejová, Iva (referee) ; Stančo, Ladislav (advisor)
Samotný název mé diplomové práce, Textilní produkce kušánské Střední Asie, vymezuje v jedné krátké větě objekt, oblast i časové údobí, které hodlám sledovat. Z hlediska tématického členění, by se práce dala rozdělit do dvou okruhů. První část se zabývá vlastními textilními nálezy z dané oblasti a jejich technologickým rozborem, část druhá pojednává o předmětech k textilní tvorbě používaných a o zařazení této produkce do rámce každodenní činnosti člověka. První část mé práce se opírá o archeologické nálezy textilií z oblasti starověké Baktrie za vlády Kušánů (od první pol. 1. století př. Kr. po konec 3. století) a sousedních oblastí. Toto území lze v podstatě dělit na dvě části, rozdělené přirozenou hranicí - tokem Amudarji na pravobřežní a levobřežní. Pravobřežní bývá označována za tzv. severní Baktrii, uzavřenou hřebeny hor Hissar, Bajsúntau a za Železnými vraty navazujícím masívem Kugitang. Pokrývala teritorium dnešního jižního Uzbekistánu a jihozápadního Tádžikistánu. Nebyla však jediným územím na tomto břehu řeky Amu, které poutaly pozornost kušánských panovníků. Byly to i oblasti za hradbou Hissaru: Sogdiana, Fergana a Chorezm, tvořící kulturně jeden velký celek, odlišující se od území, spadajících pod jižní Baktrii. Do soupisu textilních nálezů budou tedy zařazeny i tyto tři oblasti a ještě dvě další,...
Education and presentation of archaeological cultural heritage: certified methodology
Mikešová, Veronika ; Opatrná, Marie ; Urbanová, Kristýna ; Valentová, Jarmila ; Košta, Jiří ; Bursák, Daniel ; Vélová, Lucie ; Belaňová, Petra
V úvodních kapitolách metodiky jsou přehledně vysvětlena základní témata, týkající se prezentace a edukace archeologického kulturního dědictví spolu s určením uživatelů, kteří mohou z metodiky čerpat. Metodika se dotýká nejen kulturních a historických aspektů prezentace a edukace, ale také aspektů pedagogických, které se snaží zohledňovat a osvětlovat jejich uplatnění v archeologii. Vlastní metodické postupy, jakými osvědčenými způsoby lze provádět prezentaci a edukaci archeologického kulturního dědictví, jsou pak uvedeny v kapitole 5. Metodika práce s veřejností. Jelikož se metodika zabývá archeologickým kulturním dědictvím a konkrétními postupy, jak ho prezentovat veřejnosti a zlepšovat její vztah k němu, je důležité si nejprve uvést základní myšlenky a fakta, která se archeologického kulturního dědictví a nakládání s ním týkají, a z nichž metodika mimo jiné vychází.
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National Repository of Grey Literature : 17 records found   previous11 - 17  jump to record:
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4 Urbanová, Kamila
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3 Urbanová, Karolína
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