National Repository of Grey Literature 35 records found  previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The right of defense in criminal proceedings
Svobodová, Pavla ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (advisor) ; Pelc, Vladimír (referee)
The thesis deals with the right of defense in criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into several chapters defining the legal rights of the defense at national and international level. The thesis deals with the historical development of the right of defense in the first chapter, defining certain differences of the former legal regulations up to the present. In the next part of the thesis, the institute of the right of defense is analyzed in terms of international and national legislation, including regulation at European Union level. The third chapter deals with the position of the accused, what the denomination carries in the various stages of the criminal proceedings, and what are his individual rights of defense, including material and formal defense. The third chapter follows the chapter analyzing the position of a lawyer in criminal proceedings. It focuses on its historical development, attorney's substitution, advocate's rights and duties, and individual ways of choosing a lawyer, including the necessary defense institute. The fifth chapter deals with a separate group of persons to whom statutory defense rights belong. Finally, the legal framework for the right of defense, including the de lege ferenda, is reviewed. The thesis also includes the case law of the...
Do the future health professionals behave healthy? Prevalence of substance use among students at secondary medical school
Svobodová, Pavla ; Vacek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Vopravil, Jiří (referee)
Background Risky behavior among students nursing schools - future health professionals in direct and indirect patient care and access to addictive substances. Formulation of objectives or research questions To map the prevalence, frequency and types of drugs used by students SZŠ using the following research questions: What is the difference in the prevalence of substance use among students in direct patient care (field medical assistant) and students in indirect patient care (field of medical lyceum)? The prevalence of substance use (alcohol, soft and hard drugs) in the fields of medical students in relation to their future careers with age /year of lower/higher? Description of the methods used Data were collected at day education of students of the high school quantitative method using a questionnaire survey in Google Docs (Google Forms) with a total of 18 those questions, 15 of them were taken from the ESPAD (European School Survey Project study on alcohol and other drugs). The first three questions characterizing field of study, year of age and established author. The obtained data were processed by descriptive statistics based on an analysis of responses according to the research questions. The main results From the research shows that the field of medical assistant - ZA, which in the future...
Quality of life of mothers of children with cerebral palsy
Svobodová, Pavla ; Mareš, Jiří (advisor) ; Švarcová, Eva (referee)
Author: Pavla Svobodová Institution: Institute of social medicine MF HK in Hradec Králové Nursing care department Name of Theses: Quality of life for mothers of children with cerebral palsy Head of Theses: prof. PhDr. Jiří Mareš, CSc. Number of Pages: 149 Number of Attachments: 6 Year of Defense: 2013 Key Words: cerebral palsy, quality of life, caring mother The subject of this thesis is the quality of life for mothers who are taking care of a child with cerebral palsy. It illustrates the changes in the mother's life and the close family of the handicapped child, as well as how they cope with the challenging situation. The research involves four mothers, ages 38 to 42, who are taking care of their handicapped children, ages 7 to 15. Semi-structured interviews were used for the qualitative research. The common themes that came up during the interview were: the course of the pregnancy and childbirth, the attitude of healthcare givers while informing the caregiver of the diagnosis, difficult situations during the first year of life for the handicapped child, social support for the mother and the family, effects on the healthy siblings, changes in the quality of life over time for the mother, strategies for dealing with the burdens, and the positive aspects of daily life for a family with cerebral palsy.
Financial Resources of Social Enterprises - Vision and Reality
Svobodová, Pavla ; Dohnalová, Marie (advisor) ; Frištenská, Hana (referee)
Bc. Pavla Svobodová: Financial resources of social enterprises - vision and reality (2012) Abstract The theme of my thesis is looking into problems with social enterprise financing. Well set up concept of social enterprise financing is equally maintained with it's importance in foreign countries as well as the Czech republic. Based on research, my aim was to find the ideal concept of social enterprise financing and to test it on a chosen sample of Czech social enterprises. In the section "Social enterprise in the third sector and its funding" I explain the overview of financial definitions of foreign social enterprise and their focus on the funding. In here I am also deciding on my own perception of this issue - well mainly the ideal funding resources for social enterprise. This section also covers a "lighter" version of the ideal concept of social enterprise financing from a Czech point of view and explains various studies focusing on social enterprise financing currently available. The empirical section focuses on analysis of financing of chosen social enterprises and verifies the ideal concept in the Czech republic. The escalation of my thesis is a devised proposal which could seriously support the financial stability for Czech social enterprise.
Local referendum in the Czech Republic
Svobodová, Pavla ; Jüptner, Petr (advisor) ; Just, Petr (referee)
The diploma paper represents a contribution to the research of direct democracy in the Czech Republic, specifically it deals with the most used form of direct citizen participation in governance, local referendum. The paper is mainly empirical - it shows an experience of ten European countries with local referendum as well as the legislative framework and the definition of this instrument in the Czech Republic. The centre point of the whole thesis lies in the real practice and the experience of Czech municipalities with local direct democracy. The data used in this paper come up from research which aimed to collect information on all local referendums in the Czech Republic since 1990. Although this aim has not been fully accomplished, the data allow to study the practice of Czech local referendums. Local referendums are divided into several groups (categories of territorial changes, the environment, issues of internal governance of the municipality and others) within which are further analysed. The aim of the paper is to verify the hypothesis that seeks a relationship among the size of the municipality, subject of voting, quorum and voter turnout. The paper also focuses on the factors that have got fundamental impact on the final result of referendum.
Gendr stereotypes in english language course books for grammar and secondary schools
Svobodová, Pavla ; Higgins, Bernadette (referee) ; Chalupský, Petr (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the occurrence of gender stereotypes in English language coursebooks for grammar and secondary schools. Its theoretical part offers the reader an insight into the issues of gender by defining its basic terms and by describing the individual areas of gender stereotyping. In the practical part the author analyses three different English language textbooks in terms of the occurrence of the aforementioned stereotypes. A survey conducted among three groups of students working with the textbooks investigates their views of gender stereotyping and supports the author's analyses. Both the author and the students try to suggest improvements of the individual textbook contents in order to avoid any gender stereotypes. In the conclusion, all three textbooks are compared and evaluated with special focus on whether they teach the students gender tolerant attitudes and are therefore appropriate or inappropriate for the purpose of education.
Primary and secondary prevention of breast carcinoma
Hunčíková, Zuzana ; Svobodová, Pavla (advisor)
Breast carcinoma is the most common type of cancer in women. In the past years its incidence as well as the mortality are increasing. Therefore it is essential to pay attention to the prevention of this disease and use all the available resources to educate doctors and patients about this. Breast carcinoma is not targeted at the desired level in Czech Republic since most patients are diagnosed at the late stages of the disease where chances of being cured are minimal. That is where preventive measures play its roles, primary and secondary prevention as well. In this paper I would like to discuss possibilities we have to prevent occurence of breast carcinoma, as well as the possibilities to diagnose those who are already ill. It is of vital importance to diagnose ill as soon as possible, at early stages where there is still a chance for survival.
The use of metaphors in various genres of electrical engineering discourse
Svobodová, Pavla ; Zmrzlá, Petra (referee) ; Haupt, Jaromír (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá metaforou jako lingvistickým jevem a jejím používáním v různých druzích textů týkajících se transistorů (populárně vědecké zprávy, online tutoriály, učebnice a odborné články). Cílem práce je zmapovat výskyt a funkci metaforických výrazů v elektrotechnickém diskurzu, jakož i klasifikovat je pomocí konceptuálních metafor. Práce dále obsahuje porovnání daných typů textů s ohledem na zkoumané rysy.

National Repository of Grey Literature : 35 records found   previous11 - 20nextend  jump to record:
See also: similar author names
13 SVOBODOVÁ, Pavlína
29 Svobodová, Pavla
13 Svobodová, Pavlína
62 Svobodová, Petra
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