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Analýza obsahu a kvality organické hmoty ve vybraných půdních vzorcích
The evaluation of quantity and quality of soil organic matter is constantly evolving. New arising methods may or may not be put into practice. The aim of this thesis is to qualify the quantity and quality of soil organic matter using different approaches in order for the comparison to be made. Total organic carbon content, carbon con-tent in humic and fulvic acids and the ratio between CHK : CFK are included among the classical approaches in this thesis. On the other side, carbon content of soil or-ganic matter, stable organic carbon fractions, the rate constant of oxidation of or-ganic matter in the soil, and the setting of cationic bartering capacity according to Sandhoff are considered to be among the innovative approaches. The analysed samples were extracted from permanent grassland in the area of the village Třísov (Region Český Krumlov) in such a way that each sample was ex-tracted from different soil type (luvisols, pseudogleys, and gleys). The results of analysis carried out on each sample were found to be very similar after applying both the above-mentioned classical and innovative approaches of the evaluation of quantity and quality of soil organic matter. By using the listed approaches, it was proven the luvisols to be the best evaluated. However, the comparison of classical and new methods regarding the evaluation of quality of soil organic matter points out the difficulty of determining quality of non-humified organic matter using the classical approaches. On the contrary, the innovative approaches distinguish so called primary soil organic matter and humus.
Kvalifikace primární půdní organické hmoty podle rychlostní konstanty oxidace v půdách s odlišným systémem zpracování
Soil organic matter is considered to be one of the most frequently discussed topics among professional associations and scientists. Both the content and the quality of soil organic matter radically influences not only the physical and chemical properties of soils but also the ecosystem services that soils provide. Many methods have been originated regarding the evaluation of quality and quantity of soil organic matter during scientific research. It seems that most of the methods employed in agricultural practices are encumbered by certain shortcomings. Principles of newly discovered methods of evaluating soil organic matter are described in this thesis. These principles proceed from dividing the portion of organic material into stable and unstable organic matter. We evaluated the quality of organic material from different sampling techniques (e.g. ploughing, disc harrow, deep tillage). The results have shown that different ways of cultivation influence the amount of quantitative and qualitative parameters of soil organic matter. For example we discovered the impact of cultivation on the quantity of soil organic carbon or on the quality of primary soil organic matter
Role of modified autophagosomal function in patophysiology of Huntington's disease.
Kotrčová, Eva ; Motlík, Jan (advisor) ; Sládková, Jana (referee)
Huntington's disease, an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease, affects the cell in several toxical ways. One of them is accumulation of protein aggregates in cytoplasma, which could become a serious problem especially for long-lived cells such as neurons. Autophagy (macroautophagy) is an important catabolic pathway, crucial for cell survival. If fully functional, it should eliminate protein aggregates and reduce the toxic effect on the cell. However, recent works show that this pathway might be defective, most probably in the cytoplasmic cargo recognition. In my work I used a transgenic miniature pig model of Huntington's disease to verify the hypothesis of autophagical dysfunction in individuals suffering from Huntington's disease. I studied levels of autophagosomal markers - LC3 and p62 in mesenchymal stem cells after different autophagy stimulation treatments, and ammonium chloride was found the most effective. In addition I evaluated the effect of age of the animals on autophagic function, but no significant changes were identified, even if animal genotype was considered. Moreover I had an opportunity to study proteins levels in three porcine brain tissues - cortex, cerebellum and striatum. Even though there is no significant diference, we can observe a trend of LC3 II and p62 increase in...
Albina Honzakova- Portrait of feminist women
Sládková, Jana ; Hlavačka, Milan (advisor) ; Pokorná, Magdaléna (referee)
Annotation: The work focuses on the history of women in the 19th and 20 century. Based on a unique source, Albin Honzáková memory and preserved records, such as extensive correspondence and publications. The thesis describes the history of girls' education and related associations, but associations that participated in the gradual emancipation of the public. Keywords: Memoirs, everyday reality, 19th and 20th century, womens, feminism, education, clubs
Quality control of nursing care in the strategic plan of the Faculty Hospital in Motol
Sládková, Jana ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Buda, Otakar (referee)
In 2009, the faculty hospital Motol acquired a certificate of accreditation SAK ČR. In fact it means that our hospital accomplished requirements of accreditation enquiry, accepted all standards of SAK ČR and this way it became one of several medical facilities in the Czech Republic, which are allowed to use this certificate of quality. By this accreditation, these facilities bound themselves to improve continually all-round care of their patients, medical background and to minimalize all hazards for patients and working staff. This graduation thesis is the guide through the whole accreditation process in the biggest medical facility in the Czech Republic. It goes through all phases of this complicated process from the preparation of the hospital through the before accreditation counsel, the correction of imperfections and shortfalls and the final comparison of the results before and after the accreditation. This work aims to become a small manual for other medical facilities trying to get the accreditation because it brings the whole process of the accreditation from the view of its author. It deals with the particular problems on workplace, not just from the point of view of an observer but from the position of a person incorporated in the process thanks to my position of the head-nurse, which...
Education of the ill before and after total hip replacement
Marcinková, Jarmila ; Nikodemová, Hana (advisor) ; Sládková, Jana (referee)
This document describes several issues like keeping patients informed, education of patients and communication with patients while they are hospitalized for total hip replacement. The whole work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. Theoretical part is focused on general description of hip joint diseases and different surgery methods of total hip replacement. The role of nurses is emphasized especially regarding communication with patients, their education and awareness. In practical part a survey is being conducted by questionnaire distributed to 64 respondents - patients of the Department of Orthopaedics Surgery (First Clinics) of the Motol University Hospital that have been hospitalized for total hip replacement. Questionnaire was focused on how patients are informed before taking into hospital and during their stay in the hospital. It was to find out how patients had been satisfied with communication with nurses. The output of this survey disclosed that patients require more information. For this purpose I have prepared information bulletin for patients. Regarding communication respondents expressed their consent with present state and suggested slight amendments for improvement in particular areas that would serve as basic recommendation for behaviour of nurses. Powered by TCPDF...
Analysis of Demand for a City Social Service
Kohoutová, Adéla ; Sedláková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Sládková, Jana (referee)
The thesis analyzes the structure of needs, barriers and effective demand for social services in the town Strmilov. Using multiple methods (interviews, public inquiry, observation, experiment) this thesis presents the initial conditions for the planning of social services in the town, including proposals for the development of social services.

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4 Sládková, Jitka
1 Sládková, Johana
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