National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Selected psychological features of Jewish identity in contemporary Czech society
Warren, Jana ; Boukalová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Blatný, Marek (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on selected psychological aspects of Jewish identity, namely its content and meaning in contemporary Czech society. It reviews how the bearers of this identity understand and feel positive or negative aspects related to it in their lives. The theoretical part introduces the field of identity in psychology in general and subsequently focuses specifically on Jewish identity. The chosen theoretical model of identity, adjusted to the Czech environment, represents the basis for applied research of this identity. The empirical part is conducted as a qualitative study by means of interpretative phenomenological analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results mapping contemporary Jewish identity in Czech society should be utilised to raise awareness about this frequently overlooked topic and perhaps also further utilised by professionals who encounter Jewish identity in their work. Powered by TCPDF (
Why the Czech Republic postponed adoption of the euro currency?
Vošková, Martina ; Karlas, Jan (advisor) ; Knutelská, Viera (referee)
The diploma thesis is devoted to explanation of Czech position towards European monetary integration. Even though Czechia is committed to adopt euro, the official term has not been set. The main purpose of a thesis is to answer why the Czech Republic postponed entrance into to eurozone indefinitely. The first chapter applies materialistic aspects of liberal intergovernmentalist theory into the Czech context by analysing economic interests on micro and macro level. Detailed cost-benefit analysis results in a slight favour of entrance. However, valid economic arguments on both sides and lack of interest group pressure allow government to adopt waiting strategy. Second analytical part incorporates constructivist theory, particularly defines Czech national identity and its effect on public opinion on eurozone. The thesis refuses exclusive character of the Czech identity and its ability to fully explain postponement of euro adoption. Thesis main contribution to international relation research is final chapter, which extends traditional integration theories by perspective of ideology. Ideological prism seems to present the most eloquent explanation of the Czech position, especially dominance of firstly the Eurosceptic ODS and then populist party ANO, as well as conservative stance of CNB. Despite the fact that...
Modern National Novel in Central Europe
Kúdelka, Peter ; Chmel, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pátková, Jana (referee)
in English The papers contain a finding of the national literature in between novels in the Central Europe at the age of modernism in 20s and 30s o 20th century. The idea definition of national novel in the literatures of Central Europe is difficult and complicated process. This papers work with literal texts as a part of national literature with polish novel Przedwiośnie by Stefan Zeromsky, hungarian novel Édes Anna by Deszo Kosztolanyi, slovakian novel Cesta životom by Ladislav Nádasi-Jégé, czech novel Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka by Jaroslav Hašek and austrian novel Mann ohne Eingeschafen by Robert Musil. The finding is divided into two parts - first is finding of national novel - second is about national character. Both situations are actualized with new terms - novel of the nation and character of the nation. Both literary terms correspond to objects that are not directly denouncing the life of the nation, but produces its main ideas and identification. The slovakian and the hungarian novel focus on the struggle of individual characters with society and their new status. In the contrary to the austrian and the czech novel reveal the principle of applying national characteristics in literary philosophical swirl. The polish novel is stranded somewhere in between these two types of novel. Key...
Anton Jasusch. The Artist as a Device of Power Relations
Kvočáková, Lucia ; Lahoda, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Rakušanová, Marie (referee)
Diploma thesis examines how the artist and his work can become a device of power relations illustrated by the example of one artist - Anton Jaszusch. The context of his work has changed several times over time, changing the interpretation of his work. Changes of the context were indirectly influenced by the political - social situation, which affected also the inclusion of his work in the canon of modern art in Slovakia. The thesis closely reviews the literature on the history of art from the period of the first Czechoslovak Republic until now. This review inquires the emergence and development of the phenomenon of Košice modernism and adoption of Anton Jaszusch as its leading artist. The work also analyzes available documents (periodicals, catalogs, articles and publications) in detail to refer to the aforementioned changes in the context of Jaszusch's work and its position as an device of power relations. The thesis examines the documents from three periods related to shifts in the context of Jaszusch's work. It begins in mid-twenties when an exhibition of Jaszusch's post- war series of paintings in Bratislava sparked controversy about "Slovakness" of his work. Then it continues in the Second World War period, when Košice belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary and Jaszusch was presented as...
Selected psychological features of Jewish identity in contemporary Czech society
Warren, Jana ; Boukalová, Hedvika (advisor) ; Blatný, Marek (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on selected psychological aspects of Jewish identity, namely its content and meaning in contemporary Czech society. It reviews how the bearers of this identity understand and feel positive or negative aspects related to it in their lives. The theoretical part introduces the field of identity in psychology in general and subsequently focuses specifically on Jewish identity. The chosen theoretical model of identity, adjusted to the Czech environment, represents the basis for applied research of this identity. The empirical part is conducted as a qualitative study by means of interpretative phenomenological analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews. The results mapping contemporary Jewish identity in Czech society should be utilised to raise awareness about this frequently overlooked topic and perhaps also further utilised by professionals who encounter Jewish identity in their work. Powered by TCPDF (
Modern National Novel in Central Europe
Kúdelka, Peter ; Chmel, Rudolf (advisor) ; Pátková, Jana (referee)
in English The papers contain a finding of the national literature in between novels in the Central Europe at the age of modernism in 20s and 30s o 20th century. The idea definition of national novel in the literatures of Central Europe is difficult and complicated process. This papers work with literal texts as a part of national literature with polish novel Przedwiośnie by Stefan Zeromsky, hungarian novel Édes Anna by Deszo Kosztolanyi, slovakian novel Cesta životom by Ladislav Nádasi-Jégé, czech novel Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka by Jaroslav Hašek and austrian novel Mann ohne Eingeschafen by Robert Musil. The finding is divided into two parts - first is finding of national novel - second is about national character. Both situations are actualized with new terms - novel of the nation and character of the nation. Both literary terms correspond to objects that are not directly denouncing the life of the nation, but produces its main ideas and identification. The slovakian and the hungarian novel focus on the struggle of individual characters with society and their new status. In the contrary to the austrian and the czech novel reveal the principle of applying national characteristics in literary philosophical swirl. The polish novel is stranded somewhere in between these two types of novel. Key...

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