National Repository of Grey Literature 457 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Price Elasticity of Electricity Revisited: A Meta-Analysis
Šikl, Vojtěch ; Havránková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Petit, Mathieu (referee)
Despite a plethora of empirical research on electricity demand, results regard- ing estimated price elasticities persist to be inconclusive. Our meta-analysis synthesizes 4521 estimates from 413 studies to explore the presence of publi- cation and endogeneity bias. We code for over 100 variables to quantify the response of electricity consumers to price shifts. The price elasticity of electric- ity is inelastic and the short-run elasticity sample average of -0.231 is double (in magnitude) the short-run elasticity corrected for publication bias, which is -0.116. The long-run elasticity adjusted for publication bias is -0.303. We conclude that experimental studies, while also su ering from publication bias, report unbiased elasticities of -0.07. Our thesis also confirms a significant occur- rence of p-hacking across multiple specifications. By employing Bayesian model averaging, we explore the heterogeneity among reported elasticities, finding that factors such as decreasing tari s, demographics and fuel usage controls, daylight hours and number of citations critically influence the variability in findings. The average and marginal price of electricity and time of use tari s play a negligible role in explaining the di erences in estimated elasticities. JEL Classification D01, Q40, Q49, C11 Keywords...
Glycolysis and substrate-level phosphorylation in parasitic protists
Šírová, Lucie ; Hrdý, Ivan (advisor) ; Malych, Ronald (referee)
Glycolysis is an important metabolic pathway that conserves energy within cells. During the breakdown of glucose, molecules of ATP are synthesized in processes of substrate-level phosphorylation. The classical pathway follows the Embden-Meyerhof scheme, but there are remarkable deviations in many organisms. This is the case of parasitic protists. Their glycolytic pathway differs in some of the enzymes used. This thesis focuses on glycolysis and ATP-synthesizing reactions in selected parasitic protozoa. Specifically focuses on Trichomonas vaginalis, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica and Trypanosoma brucei spp. In individual subchapters, their glycolytic pathways and related enzymes are described, from the initial substrate, glucose, to the final products. Key words Glycolysis, substrate-level phosphorylation, parasitic protists, ATP, pyrophosphate, energy
Design of a PV plant for a family house
Kalousek, Stanislav ; Vaněk, Jiří (referee) ; Jandová, Kristýna (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the design of a photovoltaic power plant in combination with a heat pump for a family house. The theoretical part of the thesis includes a detailed analysis and analysis of currently used photovoltaic and heat pump technologies with the use of possible government subsidy programs. Furthermore, the practical part describes the layout of the family house for which both systems are proposed. Based on the knowledge gained, the design of the heat pump and photovoltaic power plant is proposed, including a system for the storage of electrical energy or the sale of surplus to the distribution grid. In addition, a simulation of the operation of the PV power plant is performed in the professional design environment PV*Sol Premium, including a 3D model, module shading, economic and energy analysis of the PV power plant design. Finally, an evaluation of the combination of a PV plant with a heat pump and a comparison with a commercial design from a professional PV and HP installation company is made.
Preparation of a laboratory exercise focusing on hydrogen energy storage
Mistrová, Jana ; Vanýsek, Petr (referee) ; Bača, Petr (advisor)
This diploma thesis describes the preparation of a laboratory experiment focused on hydrogen storage capacity. The experiment deals with hydrogen production, fuel cells, the evaluation its efficiency and hydrogen consumption within a fuel cell. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the energy storage systems, particularly chemical energy storage and hydrogen production. The next part explores fuel cell technologies. Following this, the thesis describes the experiment's preparation, equipment, and fuel cell activation. The final part focuses on the laboratory materials and the report.
Evaluation of iron intake in a selected group of women
KRŮČKOVÁ, Dominika
This thesis focuses on the assessment of iron intake in women. Women, especially those of childbearing age, are an at risk group for iron deficiency anaemia. This is because of the higher need for this trace element due to its loss during menstruation, in pregnant and lactating women the need for iron increases due to fetal nutrition and increased red blood cell production to ensure adequate oxygen transport to both mother and fetus. Iron intake was monitored in two groups of women, with the first group comprising women younger than 50 years of age, while the second group included women older than 50 years. Both groups consisted of six female respondents. Iron intake was assessed through four weekly dietary intakes. Dietary consumption was recorded for one year. One weekly diet was recorded by the respondent in each season. The diets were analysed through publicly available databases. The recommended standard for nutrient intake was based on the recommendations of DACH (2019). The aim of this study is to analyze the intake of iron, energy and essential nutrients and to compare the resulting values both within the two groups of respondents and with the official recommendation for the intake of each nutrient. According to the results, only one respondent from the age group over 50 years does not meet the recommended standard of 10 mg iron/day. In the group of women under 50 years of age, only 1 respondent meets the recommended standard of 15 mg iron/day. However, the iron intake of most of the respondents can be assessed as satisfactory. Furthermore, there was a difference in iron intake between the two groups of women, with women under 50 years receiving statistically more iron than women over 50 years. The effect of season on iron and essential nutrient intake was not demonstrated. A statistically significant difference was observed only in the energy intake of the group of women over 50 years of age, namely between the summer and autumn seasons, with women in this group taking in statistically more energy in the autumn season compared to the summer season. Furthermore, a positive moderate correlation was found between protein and iron intake. A varied and balanced diet that includes iron rich foods such as red meat, poultry, fish and legumes is essential for adequate iron intake. Iron absorption can be aided by simultaneous consumption of foods containing vitamin C.
Optimizing experimental parameters for LIBS analysis of hard tissues
Fazlić, Aida ; Kuchynka,, Michaela (referee) ; Pořízka, Pavel (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na detekci a analýzu těžkých kovů, zejména olova (Pb), v tvrdých tkáních pomocí hydroxyapatitových standardů a spektroskopie laserem buzeného plazmatu (LIBS). Studie využívala různé vlnové délky laseru 1064 nm, 532 nm a 266 nm, stejně jako různé konfigurace laseru, včetně jednopulzní (SP, z angl. single-pulse) LIBS a dvojpulzní (DP, z angl. double-pulse) LIBS v ortogonálním a kolineárním uspořádání. Byla provedena optimalizace parametrů laseru, jako jsou vlnová délka, defokus, doba zpoždění, mezipulzní doba zpoždění a energie. Poměr signál-ke-šumu (SBR), limit detekce a rozlišení odpovídající průměru ablačního kráteru sloužily jako základní parametry pro určení optimální kombinace parametrů. Výsledky této studie poskytují důležité poznatky o optimálních parametrech LIBS pro detekci a analýzu těžkých kovů v tvrdých tkáních, což může mít potenciálně významné dopady pro lékařský výzkum.
Influence of thermal insulation properties of building envelope on its energy consumption
Eliáš, Filip ; TROJAN,, Karel (referee) ; Šťastník, Stanislav (advisor)
This diploma thesis describes possibilities of thermal insulation of a detached house and choice optimization of insulating materials especially based on economic and ecologic factors. The thesis describes basic physical effects that are associated with heat transfer and that should be respected in insulation design. These effects influence the choice of suitable insulating materials based on their properties.
Waste to energy in European Union
Klučka, Ivan ; Šomplák, Radovan (referee) ; Ferdan, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis is focused to waste to energy in the European Union. To the legislation applicable in the European Union in this thesis are summarized aspects of the member states in the field of energy recovery in terms of capabilities, technologies, etc. In this thesis is prepared an overview of the largest suppliers of technology and comparing the efficiency of energy production.
Energy supply of the complex Technicka 2
Buráň, Petr ; Lisý, Martin (referee) ; Pospíšil, Jiří (advisor)
The theme of this master thesis is „Energy supply to the site Technická 2“. This thesis is divided into several parts. First we will get in touch with concept of combined heat and power and also with principle of photovoltaic electricity production. We will continue with description of site before and after reconstruction. Then we will follow with analyze the effect of reconstruction on energy consumption. In the end we will make some suggestions for using the local source of heat and electricity in Faculty of mechanical engineering, Brno university of technology. All suggestions will be analyzed from energy and economic point of view.
Heat storage in solar thermal systems
Mokriš, Lukáš ; Hejčík, Jiří (referee) ; Charvát, Pavel (advisor)
In this bachelor’s thesis are described methods of heat storage in solar thermal systems. Solar energy is retrieved in form of solar radiation, that is processed and stored in the form of sensible heat of solid materials and liquids, as heat of fusion of some material or as chemical heat, which is created during reversible chemical reactions.

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