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Modern approaches to maintenance in engineering practice
Vašíček, Martin ; Hájková, Alena (referee) ; Hammer, Miloš (advisor)
The bachelor thesis is focused on maintenance. The first part presents the current maintenance standard entitled "Maintenance-Maintenance Terminology" and the older standard with the same name, which was replaced by the current standard. The work describes the types of maintenance according to each of these standards and compares them with each other. In the second part, modern approaches to maintenance in engineering practice are presented. The third part is focused on one of these modern approaches, namely TPM. The fourth part is focused on the implementation of TMP in two companies.
Password Leaks Automated Processing
Dvořák, Jakub ; Veselý, Vladimír (referee) ; Pluskal, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to find databases of leaked data and to create an application capable of processing the data, storing it in a suitable database and enabling searching of the data on the basis of significant data. Among other things, the work deals with database research and measurement of uploading and data retrieval speeds, in order to select a suitable database used in the final solution. The resulting application is able to detect the encoding of the input file, the data format and stored items. Using the web interface, it also allows data to be searched based on filtering conditions from a database that has 5 157 229 040 records of leaked data at the time of theses submission. The results of this thesis provide a tool for processing and analysing databases of leaked passwords.
Dynamic Visualisation Tool for Brno Public Transport Data
Gáfrik, Patrik ; Hynek, Jiří (referee) ; Lazúr, Juraj (advisor)
Verejná doprava zohráva kľúčovú úlohu v mestskej mobilite, najmä v mestách ako Brno, kde tvorí takmer polovicu všetkých druhov dopravy. V záujme optimalizácie efektivity verejnej dopravy čelia mestá výzve vypracovať účinné stratégie založené na analýze dát. Existujúce nástroje na vizualizáciu dát o verejnej doprave v Brne sú však obmedzené a často poskytujú len vizualizáciu statických dát a nie sú navrhnuté tak, aby zobrazovali dynamické zmeny dát na základe vstupov užívateľa. Cieľom tejto práce je vyriešiť tento problém vývojom nástroja, ktorý spracúva a vizuálne reprezentuje dáta o verejnej doprave v Brne a uľahčuje tak analýzu. Nástroj je schopný vizualizovať dynamické zmeny dopravných dát v čase a umožňuje užívateľovi analyzovať hustotu spojov a prestupov, dĺžku trvania ciest alebo polohu a meškanie vozidiel hromadnej dopravy v reálnom čase.
Web Interface for a Database of Events
Hanzlík, Tomáš ; Křivka, Zbyněk (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This work includes the design and implementation of a web application that serves as an interface between users and data aggregated from social networks. In the web interface, an emphasis is placed on displaying large amounts of data and browsing through filters. It consists of the JavaScript client part written in Vue.js and Nuxt.js and the server part of the Django REST framework that serves as a data source.
Web Application for Graphical Description and Execution of Spark Tasks
Hmeľár, Jozef ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
This master's thesis deals with Big data processing in distributed system Apache Spark using tools, which allow remotely entry and execution of Spark tasks through web inter- face. Author describes the environment of Spark in the first part, in the next he focuses on the Apache Livy project, which offers REST API to run Spark tasks. Contemporary solutions that allow interactive data analysis are presented. Author further describes his own application design for interactive entry and launch of Spark tasks using graph repre- sentation of them. Author further describes the web part of the application as well as the server part of the application. In next section author presents the implementation of both parts and, last but not least, the demonstration of the result achieved on a typical task. The created application provides an intuitive interface for comfortable working with the Apache Spark environment, creating custom components, and also a number of other options that are standard in today's web applications.
The Grid
Gajdošík, Andreas ; Magid, Václav (referee) ; Krekovič, Slavomír (advisor)
Work aims at consequences of fully developed infrastructure of web 2.0 and its wide social acceptance, which with cheap computing power leads to massive data interpretation. In relation to that this work uses public Facebook's data about user activity at right wing oriented Facebook pages which gathers and statisticaly analyzes. Result is then showed at web page which is designed to look close to the look of extreme right wing webs. Positive first sight impression of right wing sympathizers is then eroded with not so good empirical statistics. Under 100 users are commenting quite often so this right wing craziness looks like a small movement in the end. Therefore Grid stands somewhere between amateur sociol research and artistic intervention into public media space.
The algorithm for the detection of positive and negative text
Musil, David ; Harár, Pavol (referee) ; Povoda, Lukáš (advisor)
As information and communication technology develops swiftly, amount of information produced by various sources grows as well. Sorting and obtaining knowledge from this data requires significant effort which is not ensured easily by a human, meaning machine processing is taking place. Acquiring emotion from text data is an interesting area of research and it’s going through considerable expansion while being used widely. Purpose of this thesis is to create a system for positive and negative emotion detection from text along with evaluation of its performance. System was created with Java programming language and it allows training with use of large amount of data (known as Big Data), exploiting Spark library. Thesis describes structure and handling text from database used as source of input data. Classificator model was created with use of Support Vector Machines and optimized by the n-grams method.
Distributed Forensic Digital Data Repository
Josefík, Martin ; Burget, Radek (referee) ; Rychlý, Marek (advisor)
This work deals with the design of distributed repository aimed at storing digital forensic data. The theoretical part of the thesis describes digital forensics and what is its purpose. There are also explained Big data, suitable storages, their properties, advantages and disadvantages, in this part. The main part of the thesis deals with the design and implementation of distributed storage for digital forensic data. The design is also focused in suitable indexing of stored data, and supporting new types of digital forensic data. The performance of implemented system was evaluated for chosen type of digital forensic data PCAP files.
Design of a Solution for Effective Analysis of Security Data
Podlesný, Šimon ; Gardian, Ján (referee) ; Luhan, Jan (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to design architecture capable of processing big data with focus on data leaks. For this purpose multiple data storage systems were described a and compared. The proposed architecture can load, process, store and access data for analytic purposes while taking into account authentication and authorisation of users and principles of modern agile infrastructure.
A Monitoring and Aggregation Device for Large Amounts of Industry Data
Held, Oliver ; Pánek, Richard (referee) ; Smrž, Pavel (advisor)
This bachelor thesis describes hardware and software development of a monitoring device for the collection of industrial big data. The device is based on the development BeagleBone Black kit together with vibration sensors, temperature sensors and strain gauges. The objective of the thesis is to design a device with respect to low production cost, simplicity and possible modularity. The I2C bus and embedded AD converter are used for the collection of the data from the sensors. The data is sent to remote server using UDP protocol. Furthermore, custom strain gauge module is designed and tested. The practical contribution of the thesis is to test the platform functionality, that includes collection, aggregation and transfer of the data.

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