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Adaptabilita zvířat v zájmových chovech
Mrózková, Agáta
One of the biggest disasters we face today is undoubtedly the felling of rainforests, con-struction of huge dams, construction of roads and all of this for one reason - profit. Felling of rainforests is also closely linked to the constant growth of the human population. We are losing very important ecosystems that are home to a huge variety of diverse organisms. Rare animal species are disappearing from nature due to black trade, but many organiza-tions are trying to prevent this. One of the main international agreements, which has the task of controlling trade in the most endangered animal species, is called CITES. One way of not to lose all rare species, often endemic species of animals, is hobby breeding. In many cases, individuals raised in human care can be returned to their original habitat, but this does not apply to all cases. All animals kept in human care fall under the protection of the Animal Protection Act (Act No. 246/1992 Coll.). Animals kept outsider their natural terri-tory had to adapt to completely different conditions, and I will try to define this on verte-brate species model. The aim of my work is to define the ability to adapt to life in com-pletely different conditions on selected species, which are the most frequently bred animals in pet breeding. Describe their way of life in the wild and in human care, evaluate these findings and summarize the mat the end of my work.
Potravní adaptace lipana podhorního po vysazení
Pospíšil, Kryštof
The aim of this work was to monitor the food adaptation of grayling after stocking. Du-ring the field surveys, certain parameters were monitored at selected localities of the Oslava 6 fishing district below the dam in August 2020. During the survey, the basic parameters of water quality were taken. The grayling (Li2) stock was injected in the field with an elasto-mer. The handle was stocked in 4 marked sections of the district. To obtain data on food adaptation of individuals, a non-lethal method of taking stomach contents using a suction pump was chosen. After evaluating the fullness of the digestive tract, it was found that the food consisted on average of 83.2% food particles and 16.8% non-food particles after 48 hours. However, the piece return was only 8%.
The Application of Leadership in the Army of the Czech Republic
Galek, Tomáš ; Flasar,, Zdeněk (referee) ; Rašticová, Martina (advisor)
The following diploma thesis is dealing with the application of leadership in the Army of the Czech Republic. It defines the leadership and importance of its integration in the Czech Army environment. The diploma thesis contains employee’s current conditions evaluation and requirements in the field of HR Management. The questionnaire was used to acquire this information. Further, the diploma thesis suggests the changes in relationships and communication between superior and subordinates.
Application of local approximators for control of real mechatronic system
Palaj, Lukas ; Vejlupek, Josef (referee) ; Grepl, Robert (advisor)
Cieľom práce je aplikácia lokálnych aproximátorov pre riadenie reálnych mechatronických sústav pomocou metódy dopredného riadenia predstavujúcej zaujímavú alternatívu k metódam využívajúcim globálne aproximátory. Po ukážkových príkladoch funkcie lokálnych aproximátorov bol navrhnutý algoritmus implementovaný pre riadenie dvoch sústav, elektronickej škrtiacej klapky a výukového modelu magnetickej levitácie, predstavujúcich vysoko nelineárne a nestabilné sústavy. Skúmali sme, či riadiaci algoritmus bude mať pozitívny vplyv na presnosť regulácie, ďalej bola skúmaná jeho schopnosť prispôsobiť sa zmene parametrov sústavy a tiež prípadná možnosť jeho implementácie pre mikrokontrolér znížením vzorkovacej frekvencie. Výsledky ukázali, že riadenie založené na lokálnych modeloch zlepšilo riadenie v porovnaní s jednoduchým PID regulátorom a že má schopnosť adaptability. Veľmi výhodné sa zdá byť jeho použitie pre zariadenia umožnujúce vzorkovaciu frekvenciu do 1 kHz.
Evaluation of Organization Culture for Creating Business Ethics Policy
Šubrtová, Renata ; Toufar, Tomáš (referee) ; Putnová, Anna (advisor)
The thesis deals with a concept of corporate culture as an important supposition of business ethics. In the first theoretical part, based on existing body of literature and research, the issue of corporate culture and its significant impacts on functioning and effectiveness of a particular organization is described. In the empirical part, the corporate culture of a specific organization is analyzed and described using the data obtained from The Denison Organizational Culture Survey (by Denison and Neal). Based on the research results, measures leading to the change of existing corporate culture are suggested.
Structuralism for the 21st Century
Vojtíšek, Martin ; Štojdl, Václav (referee) ; Rozwalka, Szymon (advisor)
Nomos is partly a theoretical project that explores differences between Dutch Structuralism and Japanese Metabolism and tries to find a contemporary architectural system, that is intended as a contemporary interpretation of these movements. The project emphasizes an underutilization of the changeability of our environment and tries to incorporate it into the design of the system so that the user can customize it. It explores ways to combine the benefits of organic growth and modular design through the simulation of a reaction-diffusion. The application of the system shows a possible solution in a specific context with the design of a fragment.
Posouzení možnosti reintrodukce lipana podhorního vysazením uměle odchovaných generačních ryb v předvýtěrovém období
My bachelor s thesis deals with the possibility of reintroduction of the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) into open waters by stocking artificially bred generation fish in their pre-spawning period. 3-4-year-old broodfish, bred in the pond Hulák in Prachatice, were used for the experiment. Then in the spring the fish were marked and stocked in the parts of FROV JU fishing ground, where fish were previously caught with electric aggregates and the local composition of fish stocks was examined. In the same way, a control catch was carried out also in the autumn - this time there was a main focus on the presence of the European grayling and juveniles. In addition, a follow-up section of the river (outside the experimental sections) was fished out and most fish were caught here. Based on the results of the monitoring, it can be said that in the section of the river where artificially bred generation fish were stocked at least partially successful natural spawning took place. Although the number of caught fish in the autumn was low (11 fish), this approach might be considered as promising in terms of the possibility of supporting the occurrence of the European grayling in open waters and suitable for further testing. Only 6 % of stocked generation fish were caught out 7 months after stocking. The size of these fish was practically the same as when stocked. In case of using this approach within the fishery management, it is necessary to stock generation fish no more than a few weeks before the expected spawning.
The looking back to projects of operational programme The development of human resources in Pardubice Region: Or how it is uneasy to be an applicant for European money
Dušková, Alena ; Kuchař, Pavel (advisor) ; Mička, Pavel (referee)
The author of diploma thesis "The looking back to projects of operational programme The development of human resources in Pardubice Region: Or how it is uneasy to be an applicant for European money" focuses on difficulties which was battled by the applicants from Pardubice region. These difficulties are uncovered by questionnaires and they are faced with discrepances between documents written both at European and national level. The author looks for theoretical resources in the theory of organization and in the linear model of public administration in order to come to the conclusion that this model is strictly complied. She tries to discover possible causations of this problem and reason for its (non)solution. So she makes use of an actor analysis to uncover relationships between actors and their definitions of the problem. At the close, she compares these preferred solutions and she chooses one of them for the reason that this solution would be the best to deal with the problem.
Heterogeneous Island Models
Balcar, Štěpán ; Pilát, Martin (advisor)
The work deals with heterogeneous island models. The work designs and implements a new island model based on knowledge of homogeneous models of evolutionary algorithms. The model allows dynamic replanning of general computational methods. The work experimentally compares results of homogeneous and heterogeneous models.
Heterogeneous Island Models
Balcar, Štěpán ; Pilát, Martin (advisor)
The work deals with heterogeneous island models. The work designs and implements a new island model based on knowledge of homogeneous models of evolutionary algorithms. The model allows dynamic replanning of general computational methods. The work experimentally compares results of homogeneous and heterogeneous models.

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