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Target population of debtors in distraints as beneficiaries of public policy measures
Braun, Vojtěch ; Dobiášová, Karolína (advisor) ; Plaček, Michal (referee)
This diploma thesis aims to analyse the approaches of policy actors towards the target population of debtors in enforcement proceedings. The object of the research is the perceptions of debtors by the political representation and the influence of these perceptions on the proposed measures. The area of enforcement proceedings has seen considerable changes in recent years. The main changes are described in this thesis. The history of the system of enforcement proceedings in the Czech Republic is also briefly presented. The thesis analyses the media outputs of various political actors operating between 2017 and 2025, looking at how debtors are portrayed and what instruments are proposed towards them. The approach to debtors is analysed for all political parties that successfully ran for the Chamber of Deputies in the 2017 and 2021 elections. The results are interpreted using the social construction theory of target populations to explain why the definitions of target populations are constructed in that particular way and what this means for debtors. Four distinct approaches to debtors are identified and described, which differ in their perceptions of debtors, preferred changes in the area of enforcement proceedings, or their motivations.
Debt problematics in social counseling clients in the age of 18-26
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of debt of people in the age category 18-26 years. The object of the diploma thesis is to map the reasons for the indebtedness persons in the age of 18 - 26. To accomplish main object were set two sub-objectives: 1. Identify the reasons that lead to indebtedness. 2. Identify competencies whose absence may lead to indebtedness. The thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part includes description of the term dept problematic, definition of commitments, characteristics of indebtedness and overindebtedness, the reasons of debts, social counseling, the klient of social counseling and last but not least, debt counseling as a social counseling activity. In the empirical part is described the research itself, which includes objectives, research questions, methodics and results of research and last but not least discusion and result of whole research.The research was used qualitative strategies, method of questioning and semi-structured interview technique. The basic sample for this thesis were formed by clients of social counseling in Příbram. The research results into the fact that people in the chosen age group are most often indebted because of the lack of financial literacy, which leads them to falling into a debt trap, which then deepens, mainly because of their indiscretion. The main cause of debts in such young peoples is the separation from the family and the searching for adequate housing. The research also proved that this group of people is located on the brink of society and will find it difficult to deal with this situation, as they know the solutions but rarely know where they can find advice or help. The consequences of their actions then have a bad effect on their psyche and subsequently worsen their health. The results of thesis can be used as educative material for wide public. The thesis can be also publicated in the local peridiocals in terms of the actual topic in connection with the amendment of insolvency act. It can be also used in social work with the chosen age group. For social workers can served as insight into this problematic.
The issue od debet relief for women in prison
The thesis deals with the issue of elimination debts of women during their prison sentence in the Czech Republic. The topic of elimination of debts is a hot issue. There are numerous obstacles making the issue more complicated. The theoretical part describes the development and present situation of the Czech Republic citizens who fall into debts. It also specifies some terms, e.g. financial knowledge, distrain, personal bankruptcy and it familiarizes with the amendment of the insolvency law. The chapters describe the issue of imprisoned women who fell into debts and the reasons of this low education, the family background (mostly pathological) etc. Real-life cases and the cooperation of prisons with out-of-prison specialized departments are described in the following part of the thesis. Three non-profit organisations are described in details. The aim of the thesis is describing issues and difficulties connected with debted women imprisoned in the Czech Republic, characterization of the system of professional help in elimination of debts and proposing solutions which could help with solving the problem. The main method of collecting data was observation, qualitative questioning with the technique of structured interviews with opened questions. There were 10 convicted women, five prison staff and five employees of non-profit organizations as respondents. I put together three sets of questions, which were gathered in charts to be well arranged. The thesis may be useful for prison staff, employees of other organizations, institutions co-operating with Prison Service of the Czech Republic for solving the issue of elimination of debts of women during their prison sentence. The issue seems to be vast. The following problems resulted from the survey: all of the three groups of respondents said that an issue was low salary of the convicted, other problems were time given for dealing with elimination of debts, low number, overworking and insufficient professional education of employees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic. Based on these problems I suggested several optimization measures: Eliminating of debts requires major salary rise of the convicted. Another suggestion is to introduce house arrest, which would lead to relieve the employees in prisons and also the option of eliminating debts. The next steps would, in my opinion, be specialized training of selected prison employees and rapid raise of numbers of these professionals and also co-operation with the professionals outside of prison service. Another of my proposals is building both financially and locally available subsequent social educational care for people who were released from prison. This care would actively extend activities practised in prisons. That is what I think is crucial, because without this help, the effort of the employees of prison service is senseless.
Consumer credit and consumer protection
Petr, Tomáš ; Švarc, Zbyněk (advisor) ; Marková, Hana (referee)
The theme of this diploma thesis is Consumer credit and consumer protection. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the new Consumer Credit Act that brings substantial changes to the provision of consumer and mortgage credit. Author compares new act with the previous legislation and describes the development in past years. The diploma thesis compares selected bank and non-bank providers of consumer credit and evaluates the parameters of mortgage credit of these institutions. In the conclusion the results are summarised, and there is stated the recommendation for the consumer. The last part outlines the recommendations concerning chances to decrease the household indebtedness and increase the consumer protection on the consumer credit market.
Indebtedness of Czech households and its influence on quality of life
Rolincová, Martina ; Mašková, Pavla (advisor) ; Háva, Petr (referee)
Martina Rolincová Indebtedness of Czech households and its impact on quality of life Thesis Abstract The thesis "Indebtednesst of Czech households and its impact on quality of life," explores the phenomenon of over-indebtedness and thus, what impacts has this problem on life satisfaction of borrowers and their families. The main goal of this work is to describe these effects and instruments how Czech legislation responds to this negative phenomenon. Part of the work is a qualitative research among borrowers, their families and staff of non-bank credit institutions and agencies of discharge. Based on the analysis of this research and legislative background of this issue finds the author next to insufficient financial literacy also gaps in the legislation in protecting relatives against the consequences of wrong decisions of their family members.
Households Indebtedness and Financial Stability: Empirical Analysis from the Czech Republic
Kroupa, Jan ; Seidler, Jakub (advisor) ; Džmuráňová, Hana (referee)
This thesis studies interconnections between macroeconomic environment and non-performing loans ratio (NPL) of banking loans provided to households in the Czech Republic in years 2005-2014. This analysis serves as tool for macroprudential policy to detect potential risks before negative consequences occur. The thesis examines mutual relations between households' non-performing loans ratio and variables capturing macroeconomic environment such as GDP growth, unemployment rate, CPI, interest rate and exchange rate. For purposes of this analysis, vector autoregressive approach and vector error correction model are applied. Based on impulse response analysis, most of expected relations are confirmed. Generally, favorable macroeconomic conditions increase payback capacity of households and reduce share of non-performing loans. According to forecast variance decomposition, increase in unemployment rate is the most serious threat for financial stability of the country from the perspective of non-performing rate increase. JEL Classification C32, C52, E21, G21 Keywords Households, indebtedness, financial stability, non-performing loans, Czech Republic, VAR, VECM Author's e-mail Supervisor's e-mail
Social Impact of the Inability to Repay Debts to the Lives of Seniors
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of debt and its impact on the seniors´ daily lives. In my bachelor thesis I defined and then examined the following research questions: 1. Do seniors with families and higher education get into debt less often than seniors who do not have a family and have primary or secondary education? 2. Does the debt situation affect women more often than men? 3. What are the most common causes of the debt situation for seniors? The theoretical part of the thesis describes the current situation. It also explains the basic concepts of the given issue in the area of financial literacy and indebtedness. It deals with the causes, consequences and possible ways of solving it. The aim of the thesis is to point out the given issue and show possible ways to the seniors to get out of the debts. For the research part the secondary analysis of the data obtained by qualitative research was chosen. The research was performed by a semi-structured interview with a sample of women and men aged over 60. The interviews were made in response to the contact received from the Regional Office Příbram of the Czech Republic Labour Office - the Contact Point Mělník. Research has shown that: - seniors with no partners and primary education are more likely to face debt problems; - the most common debtors are men; - the most frequent reason for debt are previously unpaid receivables. The expected contribution to practice is to map out the issues and risks of senior citizens' indebtedness and prevent it.
Overindebtedness connected to consumer finance - possible solutions and suggested precaution
Zelený, Martin ; Angelovská, Olga (advisor) ; Trlifajová, Lucie (referee)
This thesis is mapping current situation in the area of consumer lending, shows main reasons and impacts of overindebtedness and also its connetion to consumer lending. The target is to suggest appropriate regulation to lower the rate of overindebtedness, that exists in this area due to the absence of regulation in the area of consumer lending in Czech republic. Suggested regulation insures higher consumer protection and compact rules for all the partcipants on the consumer lending market. It also collects complex information about clients and their debt ratio. It has advantages for all participants.
Dimensions of the problem indebtedness of the populatin in the Czech Republic after 2000
My bachelor thesis deals with the explanation of basic terms related to the debt issue. Among the basic concepts which the work is engaged, eg. Financial literacy, usury, execution, poverty, etc. in my bachelor work closely learn about with the causes of debt, debt prevention and consequences of debt. This work also deals with social work with debtors and introduces us to a debt-vulnerable group of people. The thesis analyzes the problem of indebtedness of the population in the Czech Republic after 2000. The problem is elaborated after 2000 because of the increase in non-financial institutions in the market in the Czech Republic, which brought negative economic and social problems which are mutually intertwined.
Retiree's debt as a social problem
This thesis study the problematicsofsenior's indebtebness and/or the impact of indebtebness on the daily life of the senior's. During this study, two aspect were investigated, i.e.: 1. The debt problem is more influenced by the level of education? 2. Tthe most common mason for senior's indebtebness are borrowing needs of the family members? The theoretical part describes current situation, the different concepts of the financial literacy connected with indebtebness and over-indebtebness are prescribed. Also, thecauses, consequences and possible solutions of the problems connected with debts are discussed. The aim of this work is to point out the problems connected with the senior's indebtebness in Czech Republic. For the empirical part, (i) method of secondary data analysis, (ii) method of qualitative research (iii) and semi-structured interview of the random sample of respondents, were selected. The results schowed that the educational level is not the main atribute of the indebtebness problematic, while the lover education is not connected with tendency to ask more debts. Also, it was proven that the most common reasons for senior's indebtebness are borrowing needs of the family members. The impact of this study is to search for the causes and the risks and subsequently, to prevent the negative outcome of the senior's debts.

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