National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Social theater as a path to active citizenship
Boučková, Markéta ; Moree, Dana (advisor) ; Šťovíčková Jantulová, Magdaléna (referee)
The thesis aims to study how civic actors of the theatre of the oppressed and playback theatre actively seek social change. It also examines how these methods differ and what their mechanisms are. The research sample includes 5 actors of theatre of the oppressed and 5 actors of playback theatre. Semi-structured interviews were used as the research method, using open coding as the analysis method. The main finding is that Theatre of the Oppressed functions primarily through the actors' awareness of their own oppression and their search for solutions to social problems through interactions with the audience. Playback theatre also draws primarily on audience interactions, but these are predominantly based on emotional connection and active listening. The difference in methods, then, is that theatre of the oppressed provides actors with reflection on their own experiences and validation from other members of the group; the audience's reactions to the performance and search for a common solution subsequently reinforce efforts for social change. In the case of playback theatre, it is all about understanding the emotions of others and using this connection to create a safe space that allows for community bonding and understanding of differing viewpoints. Key words: Social Theatre, Theatre of the...
The formative benefits of theatre-music projets for actors and audiences
Swoboda, Jaroslava ; Valenta, Josef (advisor) ; Kasíková, Hana (referee)
This thesis is a theoretical-empirical study divided into nine chapters. After the introduction, the second chapter focuses on the theoretical basis, defines the terms applied theatre (drama) and social theatre, which relates to the empirical part, and presents them in a broader context. The third chapter then provides an overview of projects implemented in the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter defines the immigrant experience and the psychosocial events connected with immigration. The fifth chapter provides a brief overview of the practical use of applied drama in the Czech conditions, in the Archa Theatre. The sixth chapter contains qualitative research on the theme of formative influences of theatre-music projects at the Archa Theatre and on several immigrants who participate in them. The seventh chapter is an empirical survey that profiles the audiences of these performances and describes their motivation for attending theatre projects with social outreach. The final, eighth chapter, provides a concluding overview of the whole work. The ninth chapter contains a bibliography and list of sources. KEY WORDS Applied drama, applied theatre, formative influences, immigration, immigrant, social theatre.
Use of social theatre in social work
Šindelková, Marie ; Křížová, Eva (advisor) ; Janečková, Hana (referee)
In the following text I will consider possible ways of using social theatre in social work. Studying connections between these fields is preceded by a brief introduction of chosen terms of the theory of social work and theatre, with definitions as the frame. The main objective of my work is the basic division of forms of social theatre and desribtion of its conditions in the Czech Republic. Social theatre as a self-contained system is not defined in the Czech literature yet. Comparing foreign sources and the terminology used in the Czech literature with knowledge of the protagonists' way of work were used to make the structure, so that the main representatives, authors and organizers could be named in relation to particular forms. Based on such a map of contemporary social theatre in our country using definitions and theoretical terms, the answer is offered to the question , whether theatre is a valuable tool of social work, what areas could benefit from it most, and what the specific benefits are from the point of view of values and objectives of social work. Keywords social work, community work, anti-oppressive practice, creativity, social theatre, Theatre of the Oppressed, theatrical creation in the specific groups, community theatre
Theatre Studio Reduta as an example of modernistic utopia
Jiřík, Jan ; Hyvnar, Jan (advisor) ; Pilátová, Jana (referee) ; Oslzlý, Petr (referee)
1 ABSTRACT This thesis describes the theatre reform at the turn of 19th and 20th century in its wider sociocultural concept. It focuses on the reaction of theatre to the modernistic crisis of European culture and society. Modernism is understood here according to its wider thematic and chronological definition. Modernism is based on the conception of machine civilization as it was defined by a Polish sociologist Jerzy Jedlicki. Jedlicki places the rise of modernistic cultural formation into the second half of 18th century which is when a steam engine was invented and it was a time of social turbulence and changes in human spirituality. Another theoretical frame of the thesis is created by utopia phenomenon as it was defined by Jerzy Szacki. Second half of 20th century is considered to be the end of modernism, inasmuch the utopic visions which had been placed on theatre faded away. The main topic of the thesis is Juliusz Osterwa's and Mieczyslaw Limanowski's theatre studio Reduta. It was founded in Warsaw in 1919 and it was to a great extend inspired by Moscow theatre studios of Stanislavsky and by Polish theatre sources (Stanislaw Wyspianski). By studying selected examples, the thesis studies Reduta as a realisation of modernistic utopia when theatre was supposed to carry a special mission in renaissance of...
The formative benefits of theatre-music projets for actors and audiences
Swoboda, Jaroslava ; Valenta, Josef (advisor) ; Kasíková, Hana (referee)
This thesis is a theoretical-empirical study divided into nine chapters. After the introduction, the second chapter focuses on the theoretical basis, defines the terms applied theatre (drama) and social theatre, which relates to the empirical part, and presents them in a broader context. The third chapter then provides an overview of projects implemented in the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter defines the immigrant experience and the psychosocial events connected with immigration. The fifth chapter provides a brief overview of the practical use of applied drama in the Czech conditions, in the Archa Theatre. The sixth chapter contains qualitative research on the theme of formative influences of theatre-music projects at the Archa Theatre and on several immigrants who participate in them. The seventh chapter is an empirical survey that profiles the audiences of these performances and describes their motivation for attending theatre projects with social outreach. The final, eighth chapter, provides a concluding overview of the whole work. The ninth chapter contains a bibliography and list of sources. KEY WORDS Applied drama, applied theatre, formative influences, immigration, immigrant, social theatre.

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