National Repository of Grey Literature 287 records found  beginprevious41 - 50nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Application of CSR activities in a selected company
HALMLOVÁ, Karolína
The aim of this diploma thesis is to define the basic areas of corporate social responsibility from a theoretical point of view. The subsequent goal of the thesis is to evaluate the state of social responsibility in the selected company and application of individual principles in business practice. Part of the evaluation is the conduct of individual interviews to supplement the previously identified theoretical knowledge, in order to answer the comprehensive perception of social responsibility in the company and the impact of CSR activities on the strategies of the selected company.
Public administration and environmental protection in district Příbram
The bachelor thesis, conceived as a case study, deals with environmental protection in the former Příbram district. It presents specific aspects of the chosen problem, for example, the management of residues from mining activities, which inherently belonged to this town, or rather to the entire former Příbram district. Among the imaginary main pillars of environmental protection are projects related to revitalisation and the passport of greenery, landscape conservation, many cycle paths across the protected landscape area of Brdy or more effective flood protection.
Covid-19 pandemic and environmental protection from s legal perspective
Homolková, Kateřina ; Damohorský, Milan (advisor) ; Falteisková, Sabina (referee)
Pandemie Covid - 19 a ochrana životního prostředí z právního pohledu Abstrakt Pandemie Covid - 19 zásadním způsobem ovlivnila téměř všechny aspekty života na Zemi, životní prostředí a jeho ochranu nevyjímaje. Cílem této práce je zjistit, jaký vliv měla, má a případně bude mít koronavirová pandemie na jednotlivé složky životní prostředí a jejich ochranu z právního pohledu. Vliv pandemie v oblasti práva životního prostředí můžeme pozorovat ve dvou rovinách. Tou první je její přímý, respektive materiální vliv na jednotlivé složky životního prostředí. Práce se zaměřila na vzduch, vodu a odpady, jakožto složky, jež byly pandemií ovlivněny nejvíce. Materiální vliv pandemie na životní prostředí a jeho složky znamená, že se v přímém důsledku pandemie zlepšila, či zhoršila jejich kvalita, případně kvantita. Druhá rovina vlivu pandemie na jednotlivé složky životního prostředí se projevila nepřímo, a to reakcí práva na změny ve složkách životního prostředí způsobené pandemií Covid-19. V této rovině bylo možné pozorovat, jak pružně, rychle a efektivně zvládlo, nebo nezvládlo právo reagovat na aktuální události. Práce je rozdělena do sedmi kapitol, z nichž nejpodrobnější je druhá z nich, která analyzuje přímý a nepřímý vliv pandemie Covid - 19 na některé vybrané složky životního prostředí. Dále se práce věnuje vlivu...
Integrated prevention of pollution and the protection of the environment
Ječná, Tereza ; Žákovská, Karolina (advisor) ; Franková, Martina (referee)
The purpose of my master thesis is to analyse the incorporation of Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control in the Czech legal order, show the strengths and weaknesses of current regulations and to find some solution. The thesis is composed of chapters, each of them concerning different aspects of integrated pollution prevention and control (hereinafter "IPPC"). Chapter One is introductory and explains origin of environmental protection. Chapter Two concentrates on sources of regulation of IPPC, firstly explain the role of international law in environmental protection. The chapter is subdivided into two parts. Part One presents the evolution of environmental law of the European Union and Part Two focuses on Czech legislation of IPPC. Chapter Three deals with the principles of the IPPC regulations. The fundamental principles are principles of prevention, highest value, sustainable development, integrated protection, best available techniques and participation of public. The basic legal instruments of the IPPC are treated in Chapter Four which is subdivided into three parts. Part One deals with the integrated permit; Part Two describes subjects of regulation of the IPPC and Part Three its obligations. Chapter Five concerning the procedure to issue integrated permits...
Comparison of the Programmes of the Green Party in the Federal Republic of Germany, Austria and the Czech republic in the years 1990 - 2014
Veselá, Martina ; Stracený, Josef (advisor) ; Lánský, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis compares the electoral programmes of green political parties in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria, and the Czech Republic in the years 1990- 2014, namely the German party Alliance '90/The Greens, the Austrian party The Greens - The Green Alternative, and the Czech Green Party. The beginning of the work provides an explanation of the concepts related to green politics, such as ecology, environmentalism, environment and sustainable development, whose knowledge is essential for understanding the major themes of the electoral programmes. Subsequently, the origin and history of all three political parties are outlined. The actual comparison is performed in a twofold manner. The first one compares the content of a specific programme with the previous ones and the second one compares the programmes of all three green parties for the same or the close electoral period. Furthermore, the format of individual programmes is characterized. Attention is focused on the major thematic areas, similarities and differences, and on the position of these parties before and after a particular parliamentary election being held.
Legal regulation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in relation to European legislation
Linkeová, Sandra ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Humlíčková, Petra (referee)
The subject of this dissertation is the process of the Environmental Impact Assessment in relation to the respective European legislation. The dissertation aims at providing a comprehensive analysis of the current Environmental Impact Assessment legislation, including its historical, international and European contexts. The dissertation proceeds in five chapters. Chapter One outlines the general characteristics of the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure and the principles that govern it. Chapter Two examines the development of the Environmental Impact Assessment process in international law, with emphasis on the Aarhus Convention. Chapter Three focuses on the anchoring of the procedure in European law. The core part, then, is Chapter Four, which delineates the separate phases of the Environmental Impact Assessment process as defined in Czech legislation. In the last chapter, the expected changes in the concept of the Environmental Impact Assessment are sketched.
Land-use planning as a tool for environmental protection
Tichá, Anděla ; Franková, Martina (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee)
My thesis deals with town and country planning as a tool for environmental protection. It is necessary to take into consideration the environment impacts by procurement and issuing the planning documents and to make available tools to protect the environment in this process. The second chapter defines the term town and country planning and describes its objectives and tasks. I described the history of legislation and focused on the principles of the current legislation. The last part of this chapter considers with the powers in town and country planning activities. The third chapter contains the characteristics of individual tools of town and country planning and process of procurement and issuing of these documents. It includes the planning materials, the spatial development policy as a statewide conception, spatial development principles issued on regional level, local plan as a basic instrument determining conception of municipality development and protection of its values and the regulatory plan. I also described individual kinds of planning permissions and planning provisions. The fourth chapter deals with the review of these documents. Fifth, sixth and sevenths chapter I rate as the main part of my thesis. It considers with the connections between the town and country planning process and the...
Ecological modernization theory - facts and context. Historical perspective, conditions and limits of the neoliberal sustainability concept
Oharková, Alena ; Novák, Arnošt (advisor) ; Lapka, Miloslav (referee)
Ecological modernization theory - facts and context. Historical perspective, conditions and limits of the neoliberal sustainability koncept Annotation: This diploma thesis deals with the synthesis of ideas of ecological modernization theory, which has been developing since the 80's of the 20th century particularly in Western Europe. The ecological modernization theory wants to explain, interpret and propose environmental reforms in conjunction with continued economical growth, industrial development and globalization. The ecological modernization theory argues that a continuous industrial development does not lead inevitably to environmental degradation, but rather provides the best possible way out of the environmental crisis. Although the ecological modernization theory is a relatively young concept, during the first thirty years of its existence has greatly expanded and diversified, gained countless supporters and opponents, provoked a number of debates and inspired many empirical studies. This development, however, has led not only to new findings but also resulted in a dilution of the ecological modernization theory, which thereby has become confusing, vague and inconsistent. This thesis attempts to give a framework to the ecological modernization theory to specify not only its main ideas and goals,...
Public guards and their role in the environmental protection
Trejbalová, Eliška ; Humlíčková, Petra (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with public guards and the role they have in environmental protection. Firstly, the thesis focuses on the explanation of the concept of public guards, their historical development and present legal regulation. Secondly, the thesis deals with particular public guards, which are hunting guard, forest guard, fishing guard and nature guard. Their legal regulation and evaluation of their work is discussed in separate chapters. The next part of the thesis is concerned with The Public Guards Bill 2002. Finally, the thesis deals with a critical evaluation of the role that public guards have in environmental protection and proposes several solutions for the improvement of their work. The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of public guards and to suggest solutions for the improvement of their activities.
Development (building) procedure and environmental protection
Jeřábek, Martin ; Franková, Martina (advisor) ; Humlíčková, Petra (referee)
- 1 - Abstract The theme of the thesis is "Development (building) procedure and environmental protection". Between the aims of this theses belongs analysis of the construction proceeding according to Building act, further especially evaluation of contemporary legal adjustment environmental protection with connection to construction proceeding and disquisition about main instruments in environmental protection. The thesis deals with environmental impact assessment procedure, objections of the participants in construction proceeding, public participation in contruction proceeding and binding standpoints. The thesis is systematically composed of three chapters. The first chapter focuses on legal adjustment and main principles of environmental protection. Chapter two describes object, subjects and particular phases of construction proceeding foccused on building authority activities. The third chapter deals with particular instruments of environmental protection in construction proceeding. Finally, the thesis comprises a summary of contained conclusions.

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