National Repository of Grey Literature 60 records found  beginprevious31 - 40nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
RPG Game in Unity with Procedural Elements
Líška, Samuel ; Vlnas, Michal (referee) ; Milet, Tomáš (advisor)
The main objective of this thesis is to create 2D top-down RPG game with a focus on procedural generation in Unity. This thesis contains a summary of information about videogames, procedural content generation, game engines, and Unity itself. This thesis also contains solution design and implementation of the game. Perlin noise and its processing into the biome with the usage of Whittaker diagram has been used. Multiple systems to enhance gameplay are described as well. Lastly, this thesis contains testing and evaluation with a small survey.
Computer Poker
Kýpeť, Jakub ; Surynek, Pavel (advisor) ; Toropila, Daniel (referee)
The present work describes a design and an implementation of environment for playing Texas Hold'em poker, including design and implementation of a system that simulates a player of this game. This system consists of three developed strategies, using all resources described in the work. The various strategies that we have developed, we have tested on a few games. The results obtained from the tests are analyzed and then compared with our assumptions and expectations. This work also consists a description of existing programs that are about same topic and then comparation with our application.
Visualization and verification of plans
Glinský, Radoslav ; Barták, Roman (advisor) ; Dvořák, Filip (referee)
Title: Visualization and Verification of Plans Author: Radoslav Glinský Department: Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic Supervisor of the bachelor thesis: Doc. RNDr. Roman Barták, Ph.D. Abstract: Plan analysis is an important part of complete planning systems. In order to make even larger plans transparent and human readable, we have developed a program which helps users with the analysis and visualization of plans. This program is called VisPlan - Interactive Visualization and Verification of Plans. VisPlan is an inevitable part of this thesis as it practically implements its plan verification and visualization solutions. VisPlan finds and displays causal relations between actions, it identifies possible flaws in plans (and thus verifies plans' correctness), it highlights the flaws found in the plan and finally, it allows users to interactively modify the plan and hence manually repair the flaws or just fine-tune the plan. Keywords: Planning, Artificial Intelligence, PDDL, Verification
Artificial intelligence for Texas Holdem poker game
Moravčík, Matej ; Petříčková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Sýkora, Ondřej (referee)
Recently there has been a great expansion of poker. This includes live games, as well as games on the internet. For beginners, it may be difficult to find opponents skilled enough and thus improve their gaming performance without deposit of their own funds. Using of artificial intelligence seems as good solution for the problem, but there are only few suitable programs available. This thesis describes the overall design and development of such an application, specially designed for tournament variant of Texas Hold'em poker. Most attention is devoted to the artificial intelligence. There are two main approaches discussed - approximate Nash equilibrium and the use of expert system. Emphasis is placed on the first option. The main contribution of this thesis is detailed description and comparison of three algorithms for calculating the approximation of Nash equilibrium. Two of them are original heuristics algorithms, that take advantage of specific structure of poker game. Algorithms have been implemented and their properties have been empirically evaluated. The final result is a full-featured application designed for end users. It simulates poker game and provides a powerful artificial intelligence with attractive graphical user interface.
Domain Specific Languages in Functional Programming
Rapavá, Jana ; Hric, Jan (advisor) ; Pilát, Martin (referee)
In Artificial Intelligence, especially in area of constraint programming, it's popular to design various modeling languages which allow solving problems on domain level and by using domain specific abstractions. Techniques known from research on Domain-Specific Languages are often useful in this effort. Functional programming languages offer new tools for designing such languages, particularly Domain-Specific Embedded Languages. This work investigates the advantages and disadvantages of using functional programming for designing and implementing a Domain-Specific Embedded Language for state space search problems.
Creating the Game Strategies for PuppetWars Using Neuroevolution
Šmelko, Adam ; Pilát, Martin (advisor) ; Matzner, Filip (referee)
In recent years the gaming industry has been on increase. In order to maintain competitiveness gaming companies are required to develop more and more compelling computer games what implies the presence of the very responsive artificial intelligence controlling the game elements, on which our work focuses. We have implemented a simple 2D programming game where we have experimented with the artificial intelligence in it trying to create a strategy beeing able to compete with human. We have explored several variations of learning through the evolutionary strategy applied to neural networks and we have created game characters worthy of being an equal opponent to the game user.
Running Motion Analysis
Eliáš, Radoslav ; Kolářová, Jana (referee) ; Goldmann, Tomáš (advisor)
Cieľom tejto práce je analyzovať pohyb a držanie tela pri behu. Systém pracuje so záznamom z dvoch kamier, zboku a zozadu. Využíva nástroj na detekciu postoja ľudského tela založenú na konvolučnej metóde. Práca porovnáva niekoľko detektorov. Výsledný systém používa detektor OpenPose a implementuje knižnicu s výpočtami pre rôzne metriky používane na ohodnotenie formy behu. Výsledky sú zobrazené v multiplatformnej aplikácii. Ohodnotená bola niekoľkými experimentmi na osobnej dátovej sade videí behu.
Identification and characterization of malicious behavior in behavioral graphs
Varga, Adam ; Burget, Radim (referee) ; Hajný, Jan (advisor)
Za posledné roky je zaznamenaný nárast prác zahrňujúcich komplexnú detekciu malvéru. Pre potreby zachytenia správania je často vhodné pouziť formát grafov. To je prípad antivírusového programu Avast, ktorého behaviorálny štít deteguje škodlivé správanie a ukladá ich vo forme grafov. Keďže sa jedná o proprietárne riešenie a Avast antivirus pracuje s vlastnou sadou charakterizovaného správania bolo nutné navrhnúť vlastnú metódu detekcie, ktorá bude postavená nad týmito grafmi správania. Táto práca analyzuje grafy správania škodlivého softvéru zachytené behavioralnym štítom antivírusového programu Avast pre proces hlbšej detekcie škodlivého softvéru. Detekcia škodlivého správania sa začína analýzou a abstrakciou vzorcov z grafu správania. Izolované vzory môžu efektívnejšie identifikovať dynamicky sa meniaci malware. Grafy správania sú uložené v databáze grafov Neo4j a každý deň sú zachytené tisíce z nich. Cieľom tejto práce bolo navrhnúť algoritmus na identifikáciu správania škodlivého softvéru s dôrazom na rýchlosť skenovania a jasnosť identifikovaných vzorcov správania. Identifikácia škodlivého správania spočíva v nájdení najdôležitejších vlastností natrénovaných klasifikátorov a následnej extrakcie podgrafu pozostávajúceho iba z týchto dôležitých vlastností uzlov a vzťahov medzi nimi. Následne je navrhnuté pravidlo pre hodnotenie extrahovaného podgrafu. Diplomová práca prebehla v spolupráci so spoločnosťou Avast Software s.r.o.
Brno Communication Agent
Jurkovič, Juraj ; Fajčík, Martin (referee) ; Smrž, Pavel (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is explore and subsequently apply techniques and technical solutions in development of information agents. Thesis primarily focuses on solving individual sub tasks using state of the art systems, interconnecting these systems, their adoption for specific domain and implementation of individual modules of communication agent system. User interface is based on multi-platform chat application Telegram. Information extraction from user input is executed by Dialogflow. Several external services are used for user request fulfillment. Elasticsearch is used for searching structured data. For answering open domain questions from free text we use R-net implementation. The resulting can have both ,its knowledge base and range of requests it can fulfill, easily extended and can be deployed to chat platform of choice.
Robotic Tracking of a Person using Neural Networks
Zakarovský, Matúš ; Lázna, Tomáš (referee) ; Žalud, Luděk (advisor)
Hlavným cieľom práce bolo vytvorenie softvérového riešenia založeného na neurónových sieťach, pomocou ktorého bolo možné detegovať človeka a následne ho nasledovať. Tento výsledok bol dosiahnutý splnením jednotlivých bodov zadania tejto práce. V prvej časti práce je popísaný použitý hardvér, softvérové knižnice a rozhrania pre programovanie aplikácií (API), ako aj robotická platforma dodaná skupinou robotiky a umelej inteligencie ústavu automatizácie a meracej techniky Vysokého Učenia Technického v Brne, na ktorej bol výsledný robot postavený. Následne bola spracovaná rešerš viacerých typov neurónových sietí na detekciu osôb. Podrobne boli popísané štyri detektory. Niektoré z nich boli neskôr testované na klasickom počítači alebo na počítači NVIDIA Jetson Nano. V ďalšom kroku bolo vytvorené softvérové riešenie tvorené piatimi programmi, pomocou ktorého bolo dosiahnuté ciele ako rozpoznanie osoby pomocou neurónovej siete ped-100, určenie reálnej vzdialenosti vzhľadom k robotu pomocou monokulárnej kamery a riadenie roboty k úspešnému dosiahnutiu cieľa. Výstupom tejto práce je robotická platforma umožnujúca detekciu a nasledovanie osoby využiteľné v praxi.

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