National Repository of Grey Literature 41 records found  beginprevious21 - 30nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The crime of theft under s. 205 of the Criminal Code
Šušák, Michal ; Říha, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the offence of theft, as the typical representative of all the offences against property. The reason for my research is to offer a comprehensive view to this difficult issue. My study is composed of four main chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the topic. Chapter one is introductory and defines basic goals and a content of the text. This chapter also includes some considerations about the theft and about the thesis itself. Chapter two attempts to illustrate a historical introduction of the topic. It is subdivided into three main parts. The first part describes the oldest references about a theft in the history, the second part analyzes a development in the roman law and the third part is about the notion of the theft as it went through changes throughout Czech law history. Chapter three examines relevant Czech legislation. It is subdivided in four main parts. There are the nature of the offences against property and the legal formulations of offence of theft in current Act No. 40/2009 and in previous Act No. 140/1961 introduced in the first and second part of this chapter. The third part focuses on problems which followed the coming into force of the current law, such as complications caused by a new formulation of the theft and its consequences,...
Selected facts of cases of traffic violation in the exercise of public administration
Márton, Michal ; Kopecký, Martin (referee) ; Prášková, Helena (referee)
Rigorous thesis brings the focus on selected facts of cases of traffic violation by author, who deals with this agenda for 6 year term. Rigorous thesis deals with the problems connected with aplication and interpretation of laws. Text is devided into four basic parts: historical context of laws regulates traffic violation, the term of "offence" and it's relationship between other violation of law such as criminal act and administrative offence, selected facto of cases of traffic violation, conclusion. Text is completed by model cases and references to actual decision of Supreme administrative court, criminal senat of Supreme court and Constitutional court of the Czech republic. In the case of application problem, author brings the comparation of legal acts of Czech republic with Slovak republic and Poland, which are the states with high number of traffic violation as well and also brings the proposals for "de lege ferenda" solution.
Issues of criminal liability of legal entities
Hudáková, Jana ; Gřivna, Tomáš (advisor) ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.
Analysis of offence after active defence
Šimonovský, Petr ; Buzek, Mario (advisor) ; Kokštejn, Jakub (referee)
Title: Analysis of Offence after Active Defence Objectives: The primary objective of this thesis is to implement quantitative and qualitative analysis of offence after reaching the ball during active defence within Bayern Munich matches. Attacks finished with a shot or a final pass. Consequently, the aims in view will be evaluated. Methods: The work uses the indirect observation method in particular matches which were available due to video records. Successful attacks were analysed according to quantity and quality. This analysis is focused on a detailed study of each attack from its foundig thanks to gaining the ball during active defence to its ending. Results: The results show the types and models realized during the monitored attacks of Bayern Munich team within the UEFA Champions League 2012/2013. Further, offensive and defensive phases of the game in the modern aspect of football are clarified. Last but not least, we are able to apply the models in question to different achievement groups. Keywords: UEFA Champions League 2012/2013, football, active defence, offence, cooperation, Bayern Munich, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis
Offences heard by authorized municipalities
HAJNOVÁ, Daniela
This bachelor thesis focuses on offences that are committed against civic coexistence and property. These offences are heard by special committees that are founded by authorized municipalities. For this thesis, three towns were chosen Hluboká nad Vltavou, Lišov and Zliv. The main goal of the thesis is to find out how these towns are effective in hearings of offences in last five years. Another aim is to find out what kinds of punishments were applied and which are the most frequent. The thesis then compares the towns, i.e. which town is the most effective in hearings of offences and which is the least. The thesis is based on relevant literature, law codes, and statistics that are kept by the respective municipalities.
Proceedings for administrative infractions in the first instance
Lokvenc, Jan ; Prášková, Helena (advisor) ; Millerová, Ivana (referee)
Resume Title of this thesis: Proceedings for administrative infractions in the first instance. The thesis deals with administrative infraction proceedings in the first instance, mainly about the steps of administrative office before instituting the administrative proceedings. It is based on the new scholarly literature, incorporates new judicature and takes account of methodologies of Ministry of the Interior and practical problems. In the chapter I there are defined administrative infraction proceedings, its relation to Administrative proceedings Act and the infraction and there is also described the basic character of the proceedings for administrative infractions in the first instance. In the chapter II there is described competence of administrative office in administrative infraction proceedings, namely subject-matter jurisdiction, local jurisdiction and function competence. It deals with the changes of these competences too. Furthermore, in this context the thesis deals with professional competence of persons in authority and with contracts under public law. In the last part there are mentioned the reasons for exclusion of administrative persons, above all from bias. In the chapter III there is explained the purpose of steps before instituting the administrative proceedings. First, it describes the...
First-instance proceedings for administrative transressions
Novotná, Martina ; Prášková, Helena (advisor) ; Millerová, Ivana (referee)
Offence proceedings in the first instance Resumé The offence proceedings are a special type of the administrative proceedings, through which the administrative body adjudicate on the accused of the offence and his guilt and punishment. The purpose of the offence proceedings is to find out solution of a question, if the offence was committed and who is responsible for that. The offence proceedings are regulated mainly in the code no. 200/1990 Sb., Act on Transgressions, and subsidiary in the code no. 500/2004 Sb., Administrative Procedure Rules. Also legal principles are very important and influencing the offence proceedings. The offence is the object of the offence proceedings. The offence according to the Czech legal system is considered as a wrongful act which is injurious to the public as the crime is, but the difference between them is that the offence is less serious than a crime. The participants and the administrative body are the subjects of this type of proceedings. The offences are heard by the administrative body and the administrative body decides on rights and impose the obligations towards the offender. The participants of the offence proceedings are the accused of the offence, the aggrieved party, the owner of the thing, that might be confiscated, and the applicant, who put the petition....
Alternatives of Home Violence Settling as seen by the Roman Catholic Church
Fraisová, Naděžda ; Lorman, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Štica, Petr (referee)
My dissertation Alternatives of Home Violence Settling deals with various alternatives of how the home violence problems can be settled. The introductory chapter goes through the professional interpretation of the home violence term as well as causes, forms and specific signs of this violence type, being followed by description of its consequences and the myths which have gained a foothold in the general public. The home violence is characterized as a long-term, repeated and escalating physical, mental, or sexual cruelty to persons living in the common household; it takes place between close persons, adult family members, or also life partners. The victims, being exposed to long-term violence, lost their self-confidence, however, their fear and confusion increase; they also suffer from a good many various symptoms as depression, shame, decline of general state of health, or increased suicidal behavior. Chapter two focuses on the characterization of the home violence victims and delinquests as well. As to the victims, these can be everybody, irrespective of their education, age, social position or economic situation - women, seniors and handicapped persons as well as men. The home violence occurs between adult partners, spouses, parents and their children, but also between young and aged persons. Chapter...
The methodology for investigation of theft (criminal and forensic issues)
Hanousek, Václav ; Musil, Jan (advisor) ; Herczeg, Jiří (referee)
The work deals with the most common crime in the Czech Republic - theft, with a special focus on burglary. The emphasis is put on a detailed definition of the criminal offense of the theft by the currently valid legislation while outlining the previously valid legal regulations. From the criminalistic perspective, the work focuses on the classification of individual types of theft, theft offenders, victims of the theft, the most common evidence arising from burglaries and investigative capacity in explaining the theft, with an emphasis on the crime scene investigation and an interrogation of the accused. The rigorous work is also complemented by a part containing information on prevention of theft, practical examples and data from police statistics and victim surveys.
Proceedings for administrative infractions in the first instance
Lokvenc, Jan ; Prášková, Helena (advisor) ; Kopecký, Martin (referee)
Title of this thesis: Proceedings for administrative infractions in the first instance The thesis deals with administrative infraction proceedings in the first instance, specifically about the steps of administrative office before instituting the administrative proceedings. It is based on the new scholarly literature, incorporates new judicature and takes account of methodologies of Ministry of the Interior and practical problems. In the chapter I there are defined administrative infraction proceedings, its relation to Administrative proceedings Act and the infraction and there is also described the possibility of using analogy. In the chapter II there is description of the main procedural principles of administrative infraction proceedings and their importance to proceedings. In addition to the principles resulted directly from Misdemeanours Act there are also described the constitutional and administrative principles. In the chapter III there is described competence of administrative office in administrative infraction proceedings, namely subject-matter jurisdiction, local jurisdiction and function competence. It deals with the changes of these competences too. Furthermore, in this context the thesis deals with professional competence of persons in authority and with contracts under public law....

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