National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  beginprevious14 - 23  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Working with literary text by the help of dramatic educational methods
Tulisová, Kristina ; Marušák, Radek (advisor) ; Ferklová, Alžběta (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA v PRAZE Pedagogická fakulta katedra primární pedagogiky PRÁCE S LITERÁRNÍM TEXTEM METODAMI DRAMATICKÉ VÝCHOVY WORKING WITH LITERARY TEXT BY THE HELP OF DRAMATIC EDUCATIONAL METHODS Vedoucí diplomové práce: doc. Mgr. Radek Marušák Autor diplomové práce: Tulisová Kristina Studijní obor: Pedagogika předškolního věku Forma studia: kombinovaná Diplomová práce dokončena: duben, 2012 2 Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně s použitím uvedené literatury. V Praze dne ………………… Podpis: ……………………… 3 Poděkování: Děkuji doc. Mgr. Radkovi Marušákovi za odborné vedení této diplomové práce. 4 Abstrakt: Tato diplomová práce se zabývá dítětem předškolního věku a jeho zájmem o knihu pro děti. Zjišťuje, s jakými literárními žánry jsou děti v mateřské škole seznamovány. Ověřuje rozdíl mezi dvěma postupy při práci s knihou pro děti, a to předčítáním a prostřednictvím metod dramatické výchovy. V první části jsou rozpracovány dvě hlavní oblasti: literatura a dramatická výchova ve vztahu k dítěti předškolního věku. Druhá část zjišťuje prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření míru a podobu využívaní literárních žánrů učiteli mateřských škol. Na dotazníkové šetření navazuje zpracování výsledků akčního výzkumu, který se zabýval mírou dětského zaujetí pro dané knihy. Hlavním kriteriem pro vyhodnocení...
A toy as a didactic tool for preschool children
The submitted bachelor thesis is focused on child's play and a toy. Game object is conceived as a didactic tool assisting in the development of a child during his or her preschool age. The work is divided into two parts - practical and theoretical. In the theoretical part we can find a summary of basic information on a toy for preschool age - its definition, how it evolved including the issue of these game objects for the age of three to six years. We can learn about the functions and importance of toys for pre-primary development including important aspects of personality development in the preschool period. In the second part of the thesis summarized knowledge on preschool children and children's toys is being applied. The method and implementation of the selected game object a construction set- is being described. The overall progress and implementation of three selected construction sets intended for children around four to five years. The aim of the thesis is to create construction sets that will develop children's imagination and spatial perception.
School maturity age children in the classroom heterogeneous
Bachelor thesis "School maturity age children in the classroom heterogeneous" focuses on the situation of children in the last school year in age heterogeneous classes. It figures out what is the possibility of the development of these children and their preparation for an entry into a primary school. The theoretical part focuses on preschool age children, including school readiness, division of children into classes in the context of the Framework curriculum for kindergarten and nursery schools abilities. There is the questionnaire survey method realized in the practical part. The group being researched is kindergarten teachers. From answers result opinions of teachers about heterogeneous class and school maturity in 5-7 years old. The work is supplemented by the games reservoir.
The level of motoric development of Tumultus sermonis children.
Bachelor thesis is devoted to the motor function level of a preschool age child with a cluttering, or with accelerated or precipitous tempo of speech. In the thesis is introduced the concept of cluttering, showed its definition, causes, symptoms and treatment options. The thesis points out the similarities of cluttering with ADHD syndrome. Bachelor thesis also acquaints with a motor function which is divided into gross motor skills, fine motor skills, graphic development, oromotor and micromotor skills. The thesis determines child level of motor function with cluttering diagnosis or with accelerated or precipitous tempo speech diagnosis and in chosen parts the survey compares with a research of E. Vymlátilová named "Psychological findings at children with cluttering" written in a year 1973. Keywords:
Educational influence of anxiety and fear in preschool children
This work addresses the educational influence of anxienty and fear. It is aimed at pre- school age child. The aim of this work is to deal with the problem of anxienty and fear and aid to prevent these situations. Selected problem I solved using the scientific literature. The work drawn up important facts about anxiety and fear, which should be known to the public, and mainly consisted of parents and guardians. Based on the findings of psychological data, we are able to help children who are overly anxious.
Methods of development of fine and gross motor skills of visually impaired children.
The theme of the bachelor's paper is ``Methods of development of fine and gross motor skills of visually impaired children{\crqq}. The theoretical part is aimed at clarification of the terms ``vision{\crqq}, ``development of visual perception{\crqq}, and also ``visually impaired child{\crqq}. I have further introduced there the terms ``gross and fine motor skills{\crqq}, which I defined in relation to children with visual impairment in pre-school age. The practical part of the paper is dedicated to the description of the objective of the work, research methods, and the results obtained. The objective of the research was to establish the level of development of fine and gross motor skills of visually impaired children in pre-school age, as well as of children in an ordinary nursery school. The following step was comparison of the results from both nursery schools. My hypothesis was stated as follows: ``The level of development of fine and gross motor skills of children in an ordinary nursery school is better than that of children in a nursery school for visually impaired{\crqq}. For performance of the research part of the work, I have chosen quantitative type of research, the method of controlled observation. The research took place in two nursery schools in České Budějovice. One of them was a nursery school for visually impaired children; the other was an ordinary nursery school. The total number of controlled observations performed was 200. The research set constituted of 50 children in pre-school age. The research results have shown that the development of motor skills of visually impaired children is at higher level than that of children in an ordinary nursery school. In the area of fine motor skills, significant differences between the two nursery schools have surfaced after comparison of the results. The differences in the area of gross motor skills were less marked. Consequently, my hypothesis did not prove true. The bachelor's paper in question can be used as a study material for the students of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies, as there is no publication comprehensively elaborating those issues.

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