National Repository of Grey Literature 41 records found  beginprevious12 - 21nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Function and using textbooks for Informatics and ICT subjects in secondary vocational schools in the Czech Republic
Soucha, Filip ; Černochová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Neumajer, Ondřej (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to ascertain if the secondary vocational school students and teachers use printed textbooks in their ICT lessons, how they use them alternatively, what are their reasons not to use them. Lastly, if there is any notion about the ideal textbook for ICT classes. The theoretical part deals with the textbook concept and also discusses the contemporary status of printed textbooks. The research presents the results of quantitative survey performed among the pupils n=188 of a particular secondary vocational school and the teachers of various secondary vocational schools. The research was carried out via the questionnaires - the one for learners consisted of 15 items, the other for teachers consisted of 16 items. We found out that the textbooks are neither required nor needed by students and teachers alike however, some teachers utilize them as a support for the planning of their own teaching process. Nevertheless, they would appreciate the set of several textbook focused on specific fields. On the contrary, the students do not even have any suggestion of the ideal textbook concept, they are likely to be overwhelmed by the modern technologies. KEYWORDS textbook, informatics, adolescent, teacher
Basics of computer operation - didactic materials for elementary school
Drobná, Anna ; Brom, Cyril (advisor) ; Stará, Jana (referee)
The revision of the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education in the Czech Republic from 2021 introduces a new educational area called Informatics. The area has a completely different content than the former Information and Communication Technology area. It is necessary for teachers to have a sufficient number of high-quality didactic materials to choose from for teaching this new educational area. The first goal of this diploma thesis is to review teaching materials of informatics for Grade 1 to 5 of primary schools available in Czech language, and thus make it easier for teachers to find their way around them. During conducting the review, a lack of materials for teaching the principles of digital devices and basics of the principles of the Internet was noticed. The second goal is therefore to create new didactic materials for those topics. The didactic materials were created in cooperation with the Laboratory of Advanced Multimedia Education of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University and the children's channel of Czech Television ČT: D and are gradually published on this channel's website. KEYWORDS informatics, digital devices, digital technologies, internet, primary school, didactic material, Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education
Methodology for creating, storing and making available technical and administrative metadata from a web archive
Kvasnica, Jaroslav, ; Vozár, Zdenko ; Haškovcová, Marie, ; Kodad Holoubková, Monika
Metodika předkládá postup (pravidla) pro strukturu metadatového záznamu a popis technických a administrativních metadat z webového archivu. Nastiňuje teoretický rámec problematiky tvorby metadat webových archivů, popisuje granularitu záznamu a jednotlivá metadatová pole s hodnotami, kterých mohou nabývat, a jejich možnou formou zápisu. Vychází především z metadatové specifikace pro webové archivy mezinárodního konsorcia International Internet Preservation Consortium. Metodika byla vyvinuta pro potřeby Českého webového archivu NK ČR (Webarchiv). Je navržena tak, aby mohla sloužit dalším archivům webového obsahu. Jejím účelem je popis technických a administrativních metadat, která se vztahují k jednotlivým sklizním včetně kontejnerového formátu WARC. V souvislosti s touto metodikou byl vyvinut nástroj - software Grainery, který lze použít pro generování, extrakci, evidenci a zobrazení metadat podle postupů stanovených v metodice.
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Methodology for creating SIP packages with focus on digitization of printed documents
Cubr, Ladislav, ; Ostráková, Natalie ; Kočišová, Pavlína
Metodika pro vytváření balíčku SIP pro digitalizáty tištěných dokumentů je dokument, který popisuje procedurální postup pro užití standardů NDK pro metadata, formáty a obrazová data užívaná při digitalizaci tištěných dokumentů v českých knihovnách. Standardy NDK jsou závazné pro Národní knihovnu ČR a Moravskou zemskou knihovnu pro digitalizaci v rámci projektu Vytvoření Národní digitální knihovny, a dále pro knihovny digitalizující na základě podpory získané z podprogramu VISK7, případně pro další organizace, které budou odevzdávat svoje digitalizáty do LTP úložiště NK ČR k dlouhodobému uchovávání. Metodika pro balíčky SIP obsahuje i některá obecnější doporučení, která lze vztahovat i na jiné typy dokumentů než digitalizáty tištěných dokumentů (monografií a periodik), primárně se však zaměřuje na tento typ dokumentu.
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Simulations of open-ended evolution
Prax, Sebastian ; Toman, Jan (advisor) ; Tureček, Petr (referee)
Evolutionary algorithms are used to solve a number of optimization problems in the computer science. At the same time, they are fundamental pillar for creating evolutionary simulations and testing scientific hypotheses in a various areas of theoretical biology. In the first half of my work, I characterize the concept of "open-ended evolution", focus on its connection with the technical side of simulations and introduce readers to the problematics of system simulation. Further on, I deal with the phenomenon of increasing complexity and the idea of "evolutionary progress". All these topics are confronted with various perspectives of researchers in the field of evolutionary biology. In the second half, I summarize the benefits of existing projects for evolutionary biology and applied informatics, as well as the ways in which the simulations of open-ended evolution can be approached. Basically, these projects can be divided into two categories. They are either projects in which individuals develop towards a predefined goal, which is conditioned by a fitness function, or projects of researchers who seek to achieve an open-ended evolution by employing biologically realistic design of the genetic code and environment in conjunction with the absence of a particular attractor in the evolution of virtual...
Online questionnaire system supporting an informatics contest
The aim of this work is to create a web application that will enables the creation of online questionnaires used to nd out the opinions of participants of the Bob°ík informatics competition. The questionnaires created by the application contain several kinds of questions (a question with a text answer, a question with a choice of multiple options, etc.). The application is connected to the competition database. As a result, it is possible to include in the questionnaire the names of the competition questions, both for entering questions and for answers o ered. The application allows export of acquired data to xlsx les. The functionality of the questionnaire system was veri ed in practice by questioning the participants of the school round of the competition. The obtained data were statistically evaluated. The research showed that men believe more in themselves in the eld of computer science than women. Furthermore, it was found that there is a linear relationship between the subjectively perceived di culty of the competition tasks and the degree of non-response to the question. In the theoretical part of the thesis are free online systems which are described that allow the creation of questionnaires with di erent types of questions
Information economy in figures - 2017
Český statistický úřad
Basic overview of the state and development of the digital and information economy in the following areas: ICT Specialists, ICT Investment, Research and Development of ICT products, External Trade with ICT goods and services, ICT Sector.
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Analysis of textbooks for Informatics and ICT subjects in basic schools in Russia and in Slovakia
Šambazov, Ramil ; Černochová, Miroslava (advisor) ; Fialová, Irena (referee)
The theoretical part deals with characteristics of printed textbooks as didactical tools and as curriculum projects, including descriptions of textbook structures and their many functions. It acquaints with the methods used to mark and analyze textbooks, especially according to the evaluation criteria. The experimental part uses the questionnaires to show Informatic teachers' use and need of textbooks in the elementary schools in the Czech Republic. It also focuses on the mapping available in textbooks for ICT and computer-focused subjects used in Slovakia, Russia and the Czech Republic. It also conducts their content analysis and comparison using a quantitative method focused on the thematic tasks and activities of selected textbooks in consideration to the number of pages.
Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification
Puchnar, Michal ; Novák, Lukáš (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
This thesis is focused on analyzying of the information system in comapany Tirad s.r.o. which uses information system Workplan. Theoretical part is focused on problematics of information systems in general, it defines the methods for analysis of information system effectiveness. We are going to use systems Zefis and HOS 8. Based on these methods are discovered weaknesses and are proposed possible solutions for improving of information system effectiveness which leads to increasing of company performance and threads elimination.

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