National Repository of Grey Literature 24 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Criminality in the Czech Repulic
Doležalová, Barbora ; Cahlík, Tomáš (advisor) ; Palanská, Tereza (referee)
This thesis aims to analyze factors influencing crime rate in the Czech Republic. From time immemorial, crime rate has been a part of our society and its impacts do not influence only its victims but the whole economy as well. The main contribution of this thesis is an econometric analysis of the most recent panel data of Czech counties from 2010 to 2017. Thanks to this dataset we identified factors and their significances. For more accurate results we also examined factors influencing particular crimes - robbery, burglary, rape and murder. By analysis we found out that unemployment rate is significant factor, however, this factor has negative relationship with crime rate. This relationship can be described that by increasing unemployment rate people more care about their belongings, hence, it is harder for criminals to commit a crime. Positive and significant relationship was found between unemployment and robbery. Furthermore, results show that the percentage of foreigners is positively significant to burglary and rape. Therefore, it is important to focus on integration of foreigners into our society. Moreover, income inequality is positively significant in a rape model and the deterrence is positively significant as well in a crime rate model.
The change of normative perception and thinking about the Nuclear Sharing within NATO
Kořínek, David ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Beneš, Jan (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the development of the NATO's normative perception and thinking over the nuclear weapons and the nuclear sharing concept. While the nuclear sharing lays in the main area of the interest of this thesis, the approach towards the nuclear weapons itself is the inseparable component of this research. This thesis is divided into three main chapters. The chapter one explains the historical position of the nuclear weapons in the NATO thinking and the history of the nuclear sharing in relation to the NPT. It also introduces the basic theoretical debate and definition of the concept. The chapter two explains the chosen methodological framework, describes the set of analysed documents and sets rules for the coding of those documents. For the purposes of this analysis, I decided to use the methodological framework of the content analysis, which is created through the content analysis software NVivo 12. It is followed by the chapter three which is visualising and explaining the results of the content analysis created following the script already described in the chapter two.
Deterrence, Credibility & Learning: Lessons from Three Enduring Rivalries
Jedinák, Marek ; Ludvík, Jan (advisor) ; Smetana, Michal (referee)
Author analyses three protracted conflicts of the 20th century (Cold War, Israeli-Arab Conflict and Indo-Pakistani Rivalry) in both qualitative and quantitative manner in order to find out an answer for the following research question: "Does a deterrence failure caused by a lack of credibility increase the likelihood of general deterrence failure in the next crisis?"
Why do States build Nuclear Weapons? Application of Sagan's Theoretical Models on the Case of Israel
Čermáková, Kamila ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
This rigorous thesis deals with the historical development of the Israeli nuclear program and examines motives which led either to the decision to acquire nuclear weapons or to further develop Israeli nuclear arsenal. Indentified motives are compared with the theory by Scott Sagan who proposed three 'models in search of the bomb'. Security Model sees the effect of nuclear weapons on state security as the motivation, the Domestic Politics Model considers nuclear weapons to be a tool for gaining political profit and the Norms Model emphasizes their symbolic value. My proposition is that other than abovementioned motives, or more motives from different models might be found. Such a result would pose a challenge to Sagan's theory, and could be used a basis for further research. To define independent variables, which are the motives in my case, the method of process tracing is used. I identify critical moments which led to changes in the direction of the program, and define motives on their basis. In the thesis, I further deal with the policy of strategic ambiguity, which consists in complete non-acknowledgement of Israel's nuclear status and enabled Israel to reduce negative effects of the region's nuclearization.
Why do States build Nuclear Weapons? Application of Sagan's Theoretical Models on the Case of Israel
Čermáková, Kamila ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Ludvík, Jan (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the historical development of the Israeli nuclear program and examines motives which led either to the decision to acquire nuclear weapons or to further develop Israeli nuclear arsenal. Indentified motives are compared with the theory by Scott Sagan who proposed three 'models in search of the bomb'. Security Model sees the effect of nuclear weapons on state security as the motivation, the Domestic Politics Model considers nuclear weapons to be a tool for gaining political profit and the Norms Model emphasizes their symbolic value. My proposition is that other than abovementioned motives, or more motives from different models might be found. Such a result would pose a challenge to Sagan's theory, and could be used a basis for further research. To define independent variables, which are the motives in my case, the method of process tracing is used. I identify critical moments which led to changes in the direction of the program, and define motives on their basis. In the thesis, I further deal with the policy of strategic ambiguity, which consists in complete non-acknowledgement of Israel's nuclear status and enabled Israel to reduce negative effects of the region's nuclearization.
Missiles and Radars as Security DilemmaThe Case of the Third Pillar of the U.S. Missile Defence in Central Europe
Kantor, Lukáš ; Střítecký, Vít (advisor)
The thesis deals with the former Bush's plan of the so-called third pillar of the American missile defense system in Poland and Czech republic. We demonstrate on this topic the value of several key (neo)realist theoretical concepts. Specifically, the exact types and functioning of security dilemmas are analyzed in the framework of American-Russian, American-Iranian and American-Czech/Polish relations. The thesis also illustrates the importance of related modalities of deterrence and shows, which states and how balanced the US. In addition to that, attention is paid to the question whether the "shield" was motivated by defensive realist worries about security or rather by offensive realist struggle for power and gains at the expense of others.
The role of nuclear weapons in the 21st Century U.S. security strategy : comparation of documentation Nuclear Posture Review from the years 2001 and 2010
Smetana, Michal ; Hynek, Nikola (advisor) ; Karásek, Tomáš (referee)
The present thesis aims to compare the approach of the Bush and Obama administrations towards the role of nuclear weapons in the United States security strategy. The author focuses at the Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) reports from 2001 and 2010, employing a detailed comparative analysis of their respective content as well as their implications. The analysis concentrates at broader conceptual issues as well as very concrete steps related to specific elements of the United States strategic arsenal. The author of the thesis argues that the current political discourse which attributes a nearly revolutionary character to the approach of the Obama administration to the United States nuclear policy does not fully match the actual dimension of change between the NPR of 2001 and 2010. In fact, the evolution of the United States nuclear strategy maintains its own dynamics in many aspects. Additionally, the present thesis also tries to analyze both documents within the context of the evolution of the United States nuclear strategy since the 1990s which allows the author to identify the shifts as well as the patterns of continuity in the US nuclear policy in the post-Cold War period.
Futenma - a challenge for the U.S.-Japanese alliance
Kraus, Lukáš ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Kolmaš, Michal (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the crisis of two important allies, Japan and the US, which began in relation to the negotiation during the rule of the Prime Minister Hatoyama about the relocation of the controversial Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, which is located on the Okinawa Island. This thesis firstly reconstructs the historical context of the U.S.-Japan alliance and the role of the bases in it. The importance of the peace movement, which is still a vocal player of the Okinawa events today, is also mentioned. Then this paper examines the feature of the bases, especially of the Futenma Air Station. Another key part of the paper is made by description of the processes, which targeted reducing of the burden of Okinawa people, caused by the presence of the bases on Japanese ground. The Futenma became the main symbolof these negotiations. In it main part, based on the level of analysis concept, this thesis provides the analysis of the negotiations of the three actors of the 2009-2010 crisis - the Prime Minister Hatoyama and his cabinet, who came out of the elections with the programme of changing the government system (seiken kōtai) and the revision of the former Futenma Henoko relocation plan; the Obama administration, which persisted on the Henoko plan; and the people of Okinawa, who are...
The Role of the Atomic Weapon in the Foreign Policy of the United States during the Korean War
Štěpánková, Jitka ; Bečka, Jan (advisor) ; Calda, Miloš (referee)
Atomic bomb has had a profound impact on the international relations after the end of the Second World War. It became not only an effective military weapon, but as the American statesmen hoped, it could also served as an instrument of foreign policy and become a political and diplomatic asset. The United States wanted to use the atomic weapon to obtain concessions from the USSR and in general, to deter the enemy. This thesis analyzes the role of the atomic bomb in the first "hot" conflict of the Cold War - the Korean War. The atomic bomb, according to American military planners, should have played a crucial role in the US military plans, but in a limited war, which the Korean conflict turned out to be, their concepts proved to be inapplicable and as a result, the nuclear weapon was not used in combat operations. The atomic bomb was thus used in the Korean War not as a military weapon, but as a political instrument. President Eisenhower and his Secretary of State John F. Dulles, for example, believed that the nuclear threats which they had addressed to their communist adversaries, led to the armistice in Korea 1953. By analyzing the steps made by the American politicians as well as the theoretical studies focusing on the nuclear weapons as a deterrent in foreign policy, however, it can be argued that the...

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