National Repository of Grey Literature 30 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Willingness to pay for tickets for public transport
Tesařová, Štěpánka ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Palanský, Miroslav (referee)
This thesis investigates consumers' willingness to pay for an annual public trans- portation ticket in Prague, Czech Republic. Two MLR estimation models were created from the data collected via a self-developed questionnaire. The frst model measured the willingness to pay for public transportation annual tickets among the general public, while the second model focused on students.The study discovered that age, education, satisfaction with the number of stops, number of transfers per trip, possession of driving license, and use of individual public transportation have a signifcant infuence on the willingness to pay of the general public. Additionally, the study found that education, distance traveled and satisfaction with sustainabil- ity have a signifcant infuence on the willingness to pay of students. The optimal price for proft maximization was found to be 4800 CZK for the general public and 2800 CZK for students. JEL Classifcation D10, D12, L91 Keywords WTP, willingness to pay, public transportation, price Title Willingness to pay for tickets for public trans- port
Households' adoption of energy-efficient technologies in Greece: Independently or Jointly?
Spyropoulou, Dimitra ; Ščasný, Milan (advisor) ; Opatrný, Matěj (referee)
Hlavním cílem práce je analyzovat individuální preference řeckých spotřebitelů voblasti technologií osobních vozidel s alternativní palivem, včetně bateriových elektrických a plug-in hybridních elektrických vozidel. Vzhledem k nízkému rozšíření elektrických vozidel a velkému potenciálu solární energie v Řecku zkoumám dopad veřejné podpory kombinace fotovoltaiky a bateriových elektrických vozidel, pokud jsou tyto dvě technologie podporovány společně, na rozhodování spotřebitelů. K odhadu preferencí a ochoty platit reprezentativního vzorku potenciálních kupců automobilů v Řecku za peněžní, technické a politické atributy vozidel používám experimenty diskrétní volby. Shledávám, že spotřebitelé mají pozitivní vztah k bateriovým elektrickým a plug-in hybridním elektrickým vozidlům a že instalace fotovoltaiky je nástrojem pro plné využití výhod elektrických vozidel. Výsledky ukazují, že cena vozidla, provozní náklady, běžná doba nabíjení a dotace na instalaci wallboxů jsou klíčovými faktory ovlivňujícími přijetí elektrických vozidel. Zkoumám také nepozorovanou i pozorovanou heterogenitu spotřebitelských preferencí. Politická doporučení zahrnují společnou podporu přijetí elektrických vozidel s instalací fotovoltaiky a wallboxů, pokud je to možné, snížení počáteční ceny a zvýšení znalostí spotřebitelů o...
Willingness to pay for ski passes in Slovakia
Bakošová, Diana ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Šťastná, Lenka (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the willingness to pay for ski passes of consumers in Slovakia. Ordinal logistic regression is utilized on data collected by a self-developed online questionnaire. The dependent variable, Resort, rep- resents four resort types categorized from the least to the most expensive. The length of a usual ski resort visit in days, the length of the slopes in km, the difficulty of the slopes, the resort's locality, and the option to buy ski passes online were shown to have a positive effect and be statistically significant in the final model. The presence of a ski lift for kids in the resort and the ability to arrive at a resort by car in less than an hour were shown to be statistically significant with a negative effect. The only statistically significant demographic variable was shown to be the consumers' income in thousands of euros with a positive effect. JEL Classification C25, D12, L83, Z32 Keywords Willingness to pay, ski pass, ordinal logistic re- gression, Slovakia Title Willingness to pay for ski passes in Slovakia
Estimating willingness to pay for increasing probability to conceive
Kolářová, Natálie ; Ščasný, Milan (advisor) ; Šťastná, Lenka (referee)
The purpose of the thesis is to analyze preferences for increasing the probability of conceiving. Willingness to pay for increasing the probability of conceiving is estimated using the private good scenario and a new complex of vitamins and minerals as the contingent product. Specifically, we use the discrete choice experiment with three attributes: the increase in the probability of conceiving, the number of months of trying to conceive from when this probability will be increased, and the cost to be paid for this product. Data are obtained through a stated preference survey conducted in 2014 in four European countries (the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Italy, and the Netherlands). We estimate a mixed logit model, allowing for unobserved preference heterogeneity. We find that people are willing to pay to increase a female's probability of conceiving, and their willingness to pay is higher after 12 months of trying to conceive when one is becoming infertile. Respondents are willing to pay for increasing the chance to conceive even during the period when they are not diagnosed as infertile, i.e., from 6 months of trying to conceive, except in the Netherlands. Italians are willing to pay the most, while Dutch are willing to pay the least. By controlling for the main characteristics of...
Willingness to pay for houseplants in the Czech Republic
Halouzková, Eliška ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Šťastná, Lenka (referee)
This thesis examines consumers' willingness to pay for houseplants in the Czech Republic. The data for the thesis were collected via self-developed question- naire. From the data, two regressions were created. First one measured the willingness to pay for houseplants, the second measured factors influencing the exact prices respondents are willing to pay. The study found that several factors, such as gender, previous houseplant purchase, the perception of house- plants as a home decor item, preference for artificial plants, view of houseplants as a hobby and whether houseplants improve their mental health have signif- icant influence on the willingness to pay. The significant factors for the price the respondents pay was university education, preference for low maintenance houseplants, place of purchase, size of the houseplant and recent houseplant purchases.
Návštěvnost v Krkonošském národním parku – ochota platit za kulturní ekosystémové služby a vliv pandemie Covid-19 na návštěvnost v parku
Krejčí, Tomáš
The thesis deals with the topic of willingness to pay for ecosystem services in the Krkonoše Mountains National Park. It also examines the impact of COVID measures on visitor numbers in this National Park. The aim of the thesis was to determine the potential willingness of visitors to the Krkonoše Mountains National Park to pay for entrance. A secondary aim of the thesis was to evaluate the effect of the Covid-19 measures on visitor numbers based on data from census facilities located in the National Park. A literature search method was used in the thesis to clarify the concept of ecosystem services, their valuation and payment for them, including the willingness-to-pay method. Quantitative research was used to fulfill the objective of the thesis in which data was collected from a questionnaire survey. The data was then compiled into contingency tables and interpreted using graphical displays. The most common amount that visitors are willing to pay to enter the National Park was found to be 50 CZK. Data from the census facilities showed that anti-Covid-19 measures that somehow restrict the movement of people have a negative effect on visitor numbers in the National Park.
Willingness to pay for e-books in the Czech Republic
Tomášková, Lenka ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Votápková, Jana (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explain willingness to pay for electronic books in the Czech Republic. Data were collected via online questionnaire. Using the logit model, following variables were identified to have significant influence on probability of buying an e-book. These variables are ownership of an e-book, online shopping, membership in the library, buying printed books, physical appearance of book and thinking about e-books as electronic documents which should be for free. Moreover, in case of printed book's price equals 270 CZK, respondents are willing to pay 132 CZK in average for an electronic version of the same title. Keywords ochota platit, e-kniha, logit, Česká republika
Determinants of generic drug substitution in the Czech Republic
Žílová, Pavlína ; Votápková, Jana (advisor) ; Bryndová, Lucie (referee)
This study uses logistic regression to estimate the probability of choosing the brand-name drug despite the presence of cheaper generics given patient and drug characteristics in the Czech pharmaceutical market in the period 2009-2013. Results of the analysis may help guide policies to decrease pharmaceutical costs. In order to motivate people who are more likely to choose the original version of drug, policy makers may impose higher copayments and lower subsidies on the original drugs which they use. Additionally, two supplementary analyses were applied to sub-sectors of the pharmaceutical market: antihypertensive drugs and antibiotics. Fixed effects logistic regression is employed to test the robustness of the results.
Willingness to pay for mobile internet in the Czech Republic
Doskočilová, Kateřina ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Luňáčková, Petra (referee)
Willingness to pay for mobile internet in the Czech Republic Abstract The main focus of this thesis is to examine consumers' willingness to pay for mobile internet in the Czech Republic. The data for the estimation were collected via a self-developed online questionnaire. Using the logit model, the factors, which significantly influences the WTP, were identified. These include: the ownership of a smartphone, perceived importance of availability of the internet connection, having a monthly mobile tariff and the way of using mobile applications. Additionally, the price, that the consumers' would be willing to pay for their ideal tariff, is examined and it is shown, that the level of education has a significant negative effect on this price.
The influence of watching videogame streams on purchase decisions of gamers and their willingness to pay, evidence from the Czech Republic
Mertová, Veronika ; Polák, Petr (advisor) ; Kukačka, Jiří (referee)
This thesis aims to understand the relationshipbetween viewership of video game streams and purchase decisions players make. Furthermore, the price they are willing to pay is explored. The emphasis is on understandingthe difference in these effects for big blockbuster games and small independentlydevelopedtitles. The data was collectedusingan online survey distributed in gaming-focusedgroups on social media. The data on purchase decisions was analysedusing a logit model. It showed that trust in streamer's recommendations increases the chance of purchase along with the number of preferred genres and games bought for indie titles. Moreover,it showed a positive relationshipbetweenbeing a student and purchasinga big game after watching. A standard ordinary least squares model was used to analyze the price and showed that hardcore gamers, people who buy on release day, and people with a wider range of interest in games tend to pay more. On the other hand, older people, students, and people who prefer to buy games on sale are willing to pay less. Keywords Video games, streaming,indie, AAA, willingness to pay, logit,Czech Republic Title The influence of watching videogame streams on purchase decisions of gamers and their willingness to pay, evidence from the Czech Republic

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