National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí (central Bohemia), a late Hallstatt - early La Tene settlement
Mikešová, Veronika ; Bláhová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Dreslerová, Dagmar (referee)
My bachelor work is concerned with the archeological finds processing from Late Hallstatt to Early La Tne age. The finds have been discovered during rescue archeological research in poly- cultural residential area in Vrábí- Brandýs nad Labem. The aim of my work is to make systematical and synoptic processing of archeological materials, subsequently explicate the finds and place the residential area in the context of time and place. The emphasis is placed to utilize the findigs with maximum efficiency and to make it possible to compare archeological data from other localities.
Land evaluation of important prehistoric agricultural sites in Bohemia
Poništiak, Štefan ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Dreslerová, Dagmar (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the land evaluation of 80 prehistoric archaeological sites. The aim of the thesis is comparison of evaluated land in the past and the present on the basis of suitable sources. Information about the past evaluation of land was drawn from the Theresian Czech cadastre and imperial imprints of maps of the stable cadastre. The present land evaluation is represented by maps of BPEJ and their evaluation points. The comparison of evaluated land in the cadastre of archaeological site on the maps of imperial imprints with one kilometre perimeter around the site is also included. The survey of literature characterises briefly the prehistoric eras and the diversified approaches to the land evaluation up to the present times. The result of the thesis is that the land evaluation is higher in the present on the basis of used research tools and methods. The land evaluation is lower in the immediate vicinity of the site. The effect of various factors on the results of the thesis is discussed at the end of thesis. Keywords: land evaluation, archaeological sites, BPEJ, perimeter of kilometre
Anthropogenic impact on landscape transformation and vegetation changes reflected in pollen spectra from Central-Eastern Europe.
Jamrichová, Eva ; Kuneš, Petr (advisor) ; Dreslerová, Dagmar (referee) ; Marinova, Elena (referee)
The present thesis focuses on the impact of human communities on postglacial vegetation changes and landscape transformation in the region of Central-Eastern Europe. The main aim of the study was to evaluate how past human activities are reflected in pollen spectra from different types of mostly small-sized sites. Since the Middle Holocene onwards, human impact contributed to the formation and spread of various types of open habitats, altered the vegetation composition by introducing new species, influenced forest structure and supported the acceleration of geomorphic processes such as soil erosion or sediment accumulation. Human-induced alteration of the landscape cover and vegetation composition is reflected in pollen spectra, but it is often difficult to identify. Considered as direct evidence of human activities are the presence of pollen grains of cultivated plants in pollen spectra. Besides, there are several indirect traces of human impact on the landscape such as the spread of secondary anthropogenic indicators (apophytes), fluctuation in pollen curves of trees as a consequence of change in landscape cover or woodland composition, increases of micro-charcoal particles due to human-induced fire or erosion processes. Chapter 1 presents confirmation of the assumption that Neolithic human...
Land evaluation of important prehistoric agricultural sites in Bohemia
Poništiak, Štefan ; Šefrna, Luděk (advisor) ; Dreslerová, Dagmar (referee)
The presented bachelor thesis deals with the land evaluation of 80 prehistoric archaeological sites. The aim of the thesis is comparison of evaluated land in the past and the present on the basis of suitable sources. Information about the past evaluation of land was drawn from the Theresian Czech cadastre and imperial imprints of maps of the stable cadastre. The present land evaluation is represented by maps of BPEJ and their evaluation points. The comparison of evaluated land in the cadastre of archaeological site on the maps of imperial imprints with one kilometre perimeter around the site is also included. The survey of literature characterises briefly the prehistoric eras and the diversified approaches to the land evaluation up to the present times. The result of the thesis is that the land evaluation is higher in the present on the basis of used research tools and methods. The land evaluation is lower in the immediate vicinity of the site. The effect of various factors on the results of the thesis is discussed at the end of thesis. Keywords: land evaluation, archaeological sites, BPEJ, perimeter of kilometre
Environment and prehistoric agricultural societies (in Bohemia)
Dreslerová, Dagmar ; Kuna, Martin (advisor) ; Pavlů, Ivan (referee) ; Hajnalová, Mária (referee)
Práce se zabývá vztahy mezi pravěkými zemědělskými kulturami a vybranými faktory přírodního prostředí v Čechách. Největší pozornost je věnována klimatu, jehož charakter a změny ovlivňují všechny další prvky ekosystému včetně lidské společnosti. Dále jsou zkoumány vztahy k nadm. výšce, půdám, teplotám a srážkám, způsoby pravěkého zemědělství, vývoj porostu, míra odlesňování. Mapy prostorového rozšíření pravěkých kultur a předpokládaná hustota osídlení tvoří podklady pro odhad intenzity lidského vlivu na prostředí. Všechny sledované parametry (včetně klimatu) jsou regionálně omezené a i závěry z nich vyvozené mají pouze regionální platnost. Na základě rozvoje orného zemědělství a vztahu archeologických období k půdním a klimatickým podmínkám jsou stanoveny čtyři etapy pravěkého vývoje: neolit ¸ eneolit - starší fáze starší doby bronzové, mladší fáze starší doby bronzové - latén, doba římská - doba stěhování národů. Tyto etapy jsou konfrontovány s klimatickou historií modelovanou podle archeoklimatického modelu MCM. Zdá se, že závislost společnosti na klimatu a dalších sledovaných prvcích přírodního prostředí je silnější ve starší části pravěku, ale nejpozději během starší doby bronzové se uvolňuje. Po celé pravěké období se zdá být vztah prostředí - společnost uniformní, to znamená, že je vždy dávána...
Brandýs nad Labem-Vrábí (central Bohemia), a late Hallstatt - early La Tene settlement
Mikešová, Veronika ; Dreslerová, Dagmar (referee) ; Bláhová, Zuzana (advisor)
My bachelor work is concerned with the archeological finds processing from Late Hallstatt to Early La Tne age. The finds have been discovered during rescue archeological research in poly- cultural residential area in Vrábí- Brandýs nad Labem. The aim of my work is to make systematical and synoptic processing of archeological materials, subsequently explicate the finds and place the residential area in the context of time and place. The emphasis is placed to utilize the findigs with maximum efficiency and to make it possible to compare archeological data from other localities.
Computer applications in archaeology 13. Abstract book
Dreslerová, Dagmar
Abstract book from the international conference Computer application in archaeology 13 held in the Czech Republic.

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