National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Impartiality in the U.S. Supreme Court: Navigating Judicial Values in a Political Arena
Doskočil, Jan ; Pondělíček, Jiří (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof Přemysl (referee)
Impartiality is an important theoretical concept that determines the ability of judges to provide both parties of litigation with a fair trial. Despite this, judicial impartiality is relatively unexplored in academic writings. This thesis aims to correct this discrepancy by delving into varying interpretations of impartiality and the occurrence of impartiality debates in the context of the Supreme Court confirmation hearings. The thesis seeks to answer the question of whether impartiality plays an important role in the appointment of new justices and whether impartiality concerns are overshadowed by political concerns. Furthermore, the thesis explores possible avenues for changes that would ameliorate impartiality discussions, both with respect to theoretical interpretations of impartiality and practical reforms of the confirmation process. Through an analysis of recent confirmation hearings, the thesis concludes that while impartiality is important in considerations of judicial candidates, the problem lies in its competing interpretations, which are mostly divided along the lines of partisan affiliation. Moreover, impartiality is at the core of all kinds of judicial philosophy, which complicates its theoretical separation from various schools of legal thought. This interpretational ambiguity,...
Participation of the Executive and Legislative on War Powers After 9/11
Doskočil, Jan ; Hornát, Jan (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
The subject of this thesis is a resolution titled "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists" and its importance regarding the matter of war power of the President of the United States. This resolution was proposed by the President George W. Bush immediately after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and Congress passed it with haste. It vested broad war powers in the President to the war on terrorism without the necessity of consulting Congress. This thesis' aim is to evaluate the importance of this resolution in the ever-evolving discussion about the participation of the executive and legislative branches on war powers. The thesis also analyzes the legality and legitimacy of the resolution according to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers' intentions while creating it. This thesis addresses these issues through analyzing diverse interpretations of the Constitution, statements made by the Framers of the Constitution, and through examination of the development of war powers in the second half of the 20th century.
Participation of the Executive and Legislative on War Powers After 9/11
Doskočil, Jan ; Hornát, Jan (advisor) ; Kozák, Kryštof (referee)
The subject of this thesis is a resolution titled "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists" and its importance regarding the matter of war power of the President of the United States. This resolution was proposed by the President George W. Bush immediately after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and Congress passed it with haste. It vested broad war powers in the President to the war on terrorism without the necessity of consulting Congress. This thesis' aim is to evaluate the importance of this resolution in the ever-evolving discussion about the participation of the executive and legislative branches on war powers. The thesis also analyzes the legality and legitimacy of the resolution according to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers' intentions while creating it. This thesis addresses these issues through analyzing diverse interpretations of the Constitution, statements made by the Framers of the Constitution, and through examination of the development of war powers in the second half of the 20th century.
Use of Festuca arundinacea for decorative lawns
Doskočil, Jan ; Svobodová, Miluše (advisor) ; Hrevušová, Zuzana (referee)
Use of Festuca arundinacea for decorative lawns Summary Festuca arundinacea is briefly bentgrass with broader and coarser leaves. Hardly perennial grass, native to Europe, is well known for its high resistance of dry weather, low intensity of maintenance and resistance of high use. These qualities gains thanks to its well-developed and deep root system, which is capable to gain water and nutrients from deeper parts of soil. Its use is in places with high use, like a race-course, edges of roads or vineyards alleyway. Today, in time of global warming, its usage becomes more important for park purposes and low-input turfs, where is its higher resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses, mainly against drought, utilized. Festuca arundinacea complement well with Poa pratensis in turf. Goal of this work was to evaluate turfs with Festuca arundinacea and chosen grass species under different mowing frequency. According to hypothesis frequency shouldn´t affect turf coverage. Coverage should be same with different mixture composition with Festuca arundinacea. The experiment was performed on experimental land of Czech university of Life Sciences Prague, Suchdol in 2015. Mixtures of Festuca arundinacea with Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis and Lolium perenne were seeded together with monocultures of these species in 2012. Mixture composition was 50/50 except mixture of Fesruca arundinacea and Poa pratensis, where the mixture was 75/25. There were conducted 63 plots, in 3 repetitions and in 3 different frequencies of mowing (by 14, 30 and 45 days). Each plot was 6 m2 big. The results were evaluated by analysis of variance ANOVA (P is smaller than 0.05) in program Statgraphics, version XV. Influence of mixture composition to level of growth was significant. The highest level of growth has monoculture of Festuca arundinacea (10,6 cm). The lowest level of growth has monoculture of Lolium perenne (5,4 cm). Monoculture of Festuca arundinacea had the highest intensity of grow (0,07 cm/day) at 14-day frequency of moving. Lolium perenne has the lowest intensity of grow (0,02 cm/day). At 30-day frequency of mowing mixture of Festuca arundinacea with Poa pratensis has the highest intensity of grow (0,24 cm/day). The lowest intensity of grow has Lolium perenne (0,01 cm/day). The highest intensity of grow was at 45-day mowing frequency. The highest intensity of grow has mixture of Festuca arundinacea with Festuca rubra (0,75 cm/day). The lowest intensity of grow has monoculture of Lolium perenne (0,06 cm/day). Influence of mixture composition to coverage was statistically significant. The highest coverage has mixture of Festuca arundinace with Festuca rubra (81,3 %). The lowest coverage has monoculture of Lolium perenne (58,6%). Influence of frequency to level of growth was statistically significant. The highest level of growth has 45-day frequency of mowing (6 cm) and the lowest level of growth has 14-day frequency of mowing (3,8 cm). Influence of frequency to coverage was statistically significant. The highest coverage 14-day frequency of moving (76,5 %) and the lowest has 45-day frequency of growing (66,7 %). The knowledge gained will be used for further compilation grass mixtures for park lawns. It turned out that it is better to prefer seeding mixtures with Festuca arundinacea than monocultures. To achieve high coverage and optimal intensity of growth with Festuca arundinacea was recommended to follow 30-day frequency of mowing.

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