National Repository of Grey Literature 1,125 records found  beginprevious641 - 650nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The concept of community property
Boltnar, Jan ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee) ; Rozehnal, Aleš (referee)
This submitted PhD thesis deals with a legal regulation of the community property in the light of current case-law. The thesis is composed except of the introduction and the conclusion of seven coherent chapters, the chapters dwell on the creation, subject and management of marital assets, and the modification, termination and settlement thereof are the core parts of the thesis. Furthermore, the emphasis is placed on those issues of proprietary relationships between spouses that may be encountered in the practice of law. In conclusion, the treatment of marital assets de lege ferenda is discussed in view of the new Civil Code. The PhD thesis was developed using legislation as at 1 September 2012, publications,articles published in professional journals and court decisions.
Foundation and benevolent fund
Mazanec, David ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
This rigorous thesis titled Foundation and benevolent fund is divided into ten chapters and its extent has reached one hundred and twenty-four standard pages of plain text. The aim was to describe one of the most typial legal person i.e. foundation and benevolent fund from doctrinal as well from theoretic point of view. Opening chapter is dealing with division of legal persons concerning their theoretical classification between legal persons of private law and legal persons of public law. Simultaneously the chapter is aimed at detailed elaboration and specification of conceptual characteristic of entities of private law. The entire opening chapter is interconnected with issues related to general conception of legal persons from the point of view of the most significant theories i.e. theory of fiction and theory of real united entities. In second chapter we have essayed to describe historical perspectives of development of foundation. Regarding historical perspectives we have started from the historical background of Roman law period and we have reached the codification works set in 19th century (in particular ABGB). Establishment of Czechoslovakian legal system was not omitted either and through the presentation dealing with repression of foundation law in the period on second half of the 20th...
Change of circumstances related to contract on the future contract
Král, Václav ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
The purpose of this rigorosum thesis is to deal with the preparatory institute of private contractual law, pactum de contrahendo, under the influence of a qualified change of circumstances. This institute passed through to the contemporary legislative conception long progress, currently in the Czech Republic its simultaneously regulated into two effective codes and in connection with recent re-codification of the Czech private law, the explicit regulation is also contained in the new Czech Civil Code. The thesis focuses on the preliminary agreement being concluded according to the effective Czech Civil Code, on its purpose, utilization and function. The thesis also characterises its subjects, subject- matter, content and the process between entering into the preliminary agreement and the future agreement. The thesis deals in detail with the extinguishment of obligation deriving from under the influence of changes in circumstances. In several cases the thesis provides alternative approaches to a particular issue, presents judicial opinions of legal experts and pursues case law. The thesis also describes the development of regulation of agreement to make contracts in the context of Czech law within the range, which was appropriate to the subject, the thesis refers to similar legal institutes and...
The issues of marriage divorce and its consequences
Němeček, Eduard ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Elischer, David (referee)
Mr. Eduard Němeček, MD Divorce issue and its consequences Diploma Thesis 5. Summary: This work proposes a closer look at the divorce-related topics with consequential impacts both on financial situation of divorced spouses and destinies of minor children as resulting from divorced marriages in Czech Republic. Till date, this issue has been solved in different ways at both district and regional courts. In our republic, a more unifying element is represented by decisions of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. This is a very serious social phenomenon which, according to statistics affects a large number of parents, children, but also childless partners. Yet from ancient times this phenomenon is known to be socially undesirable being almost entirely rejected by the Catholic Church in its canon law. The increase in divorces has resulted namely from the advancement procedure of society. It is a societal phenomenon known to occur irrelatively of the states and political systems, from the totalitarian regimes through those autocratic, up to highly democratic systems of developed countries worldwide. During the creation of this work, up to 40% of marriages have been critically monitored as expected to be ended in divorce. It's a long-term social phenomenon that surpassed all political systems from the...
Security interest in relation to insolvency proceedings
Novopacký, Lukáš ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Elischer, David (referee)
The thesis titled `Security interest in relation to insolvency proceedings' aims to describe the legal institute of lien through its manifestation in insolvency proceedings. It is built on the assumption that the fundamental value of securing a payment of a debt using lien manifests primarily in a scenario when the debtor becomes insolvent and the insolvency proceedings are initiated. Out of all the methods of resolving insolvency present in the Czech legal system this thesis only deals with bankruptcy and it focuses on the lien granted over real estate. Apart from the Introduction and the Conclusion, the thesis is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter aims to give a general introduction into the law regarding security interests. The second chapter is dedicated to the fundamental principles of law relating to liens outside of the insolvency proceedings. It describes process of granting of a lien and its purpose. The third, essential chapter deals with the execution of a lien in the insolvency proceedings resolving bankruptcy. The main focus is put on the legal position of lienor in the bankruptcy proceedings. The fourh, final chapter presents statistics dealing with insolvency proceedings recovery rate in the Czech republic during the period of 2008-2012.
Autonomy of will in private law
Schubertová, Zuzana ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Elischer, David (referee)
68 Abstract The principle of autonomy of will is a fundamental principle of private law. It is impossible to imagine the functioning of private law without it. The principle is primarily based on the principles of equality and freedom, the key principles on which the foundations of a democratic legal system and free society are built. The aim of my thesis is to define the autonomy of will, compare the principle of autonomy of will with other fundamental doctrines and principles from which it arises and/or principles which are closely related to. I believe that most of the legal relationships based on private law are founded on the principle of autonomy of will, therefore, I decided to describe some of these institutes in more detail in my dissertation as well. The thesis is divided into a general part and a specific part. In the general part I deal predominantly with the inclusion of the principle of autonomy of will into the principles of private law. This part also contains some theoretical concepts and is closely linked to constitutional law, the Bill of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the principles on which the Civil Code is built. I further deal with the interpretation of certain terms, then the principle of autonomy of will itself and how it is perceived by several authors. In addition to that, I...
Intestate Succession.
Kučerová, Eva ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Elischer, David (referee)
Intestate Succession Inheritance law is a very important part of civil law, because it ensures transfer of rights and obligations of the deceased to his successors and to preserve the values for future generations. Our inheritance law is characterized by its essential feature is the influence of the state in probate proceedings through the judicial commissioner (notary). This thesis focuses on the regulation of intestate succession in our legal system and in particular to the regulation contained in the Civil Code, 40/1964 Sb. and regulation in the new Civil Code, 89/2012 Sb. I'm trying to refer the changes that with the new Civil Code in our law occur and the possible positive or negative consequences of these changes. My work consists of four main parts, which are further divided. In the first part of my work I try to show to preconditions that are needed to make the inheritance ever happen. These preconditions are the death of a natural person, the existence of heritage, capacity of heir or legal reason inheritance (inheritance titles) and finally rejection heritage. Individual preconditions are divided into chapters and there is every precondition described in more detail. In the second part of my work is contained regulation of inheritance law now effective, thus regulation in the Civil Code, 40/1964...
Special types of liability in civil law
Paarová, Jana ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
Thesis of the "Special types of liability in civil law" focuses on the regulation of specific types of liability contained in § 421 et seq. Civil Code. The work is devoted to the theoretical interpretation of the concepts of responsibility for damage, reflects the concept of unlawfulness and damages in the principles of European Tort Law, and also deals with the liability regime for damage in the new Civil Code. Theoretical concepts of liability are supplemented by case law, which is completed by these terms. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the current rules of special types of liability in civil law, especially in the relevance of the new Civil Code, foreign legal concepts of liability and legal responsibility, the principle of European Tort Law, they also discuss the concept of legal changes liability adjustments in the new civil Code.
Security instruments in private law
Poláčková, Saskia ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee) ; Rozehnal, Aleš (referee)
POLÁČKOVÁ, Saskia: Security instruments in private law. [PhD. thesis] / Saskia Poláčková - Charles University in Prague. Faculty of Law; Deparment of civil law. - Supervisor: doc. JUDr. Mgr. Josef Salač, PhD.. Praha: PF UK, 2012. This thesis shows results of an investigation into security instruments recognized by private law of Czech republic and of Slovak republic, specifically focusing on substantive civil law as a representation of general private law. The hypothesis under investigation is that a number of existing security instruments could be fully replaced by a single security instrument, namely the lien. In order to confirm or reject the hypothesis, common characteristics - principle of subsidiarity, principle of accessority, purpose to provide security, purpose to ensure repayment - as well as specific characteristics of individual instruments are compared. The thesis is divided into chapters, sections and subsections, and supplemented by the abstract, introduction, summary and bibliography. Chapter One deals with security instruments in private law, mainly in the areas of substantive civil law, commercial law and labour law as codified in Czech republic and Slovak republic. In this chapter, individual security instruments are categorized into several groups based on their respective...

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