National Repository of Grey Literature 25 records found  previous6 - 15next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Refractory epilepsy patient nursing care
Růžičková, Jana ; Želízková, Marta (advisor) ; Nežádal, Tomáš (referee)
The term epilepsy includes a group of diseases, that are manifested by the recurrence of unprovoked epileptic seizures. A single sporadic seizure is not a sufficient reason to determine the diagnosis, although we know, that most people, who will experience a seizure are going to have another one without a treatment. Epilepsy suffers from 0.5% - 1% of the population (i.e. every one or two-hundredth human). In my Bachelor Thesis, I handled with the issue of Nursing Care of a patient with farmacoresistant epilepsy. In the clinical section I described the etiopathogenesis of epilepsy including the possibilities of diagnosis and follow-up therapy. In the nursing section, I dealed with taking care of a patient with a pharmacoresistant epilepsy, admitted to hospital to invasive video-EEG monitoring. In my Bachelor Thesis, I tried to highlight the necessity for individual approach to the patient, solving his personal problems, seizures, medication, or eventual epilepsy surgery, and last but not least, the need for psychological care. However, what all patients with epilepsy have in common, are social problems, that without exaggeration, involved each of them from the first seizure or when the diagnosis is firmly established. The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis was expanding nursing staff¨s horizons on the...
Eye evolution and development: an insight from jellyfish and mouse
Růžičková, Jana
I. AIMS OF THE STUDY Vision is one of the most crucial senses in higher vertebrates and perhaps the most important sense for humans. The eye morphogenesis has been studied for a long time and especially in the last two decades to address the function of individual genes duing eye development became one of the most interesting topic. Although most of our knowledge about the genetic program underlying eye formation comes from vertebrates, valuable new information about eye evolution has recently been obtained by studies of cnidaria. Therefore elucidation of the biological role and function of eye components of jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora will enhance our knowledge of specific aspects of both eye evolution and development. Specific aims of my PhD thesis were as follows: 1. to describe a new crystallin gene in jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora with respect to the evolution of its regulatory sequences; 2. to characterize genes required for the assembly of camera-type eyes in jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora; 3. to study the role of Wnt/β-catenin during lens induction and formation by employing a new mouse tissue-specific Cre-line; 4. to investigate the functional properties of jellyfish PaxB by expressing it in the developing lens and retina of transgenic mice. 6
The European Union as a Foreign Policy Actor on the Sanctions Scene: The Case of Burma
Růžičková, Jana ; Weiss, Tomáš (advisor) ; Hyniová, Andrea (referee)
In connection with its foreign policy, the European Union was until 2003 often seen as an actor lacking basically any "hard" power and it was often labeled as a "normative" power, "civilian" power etc. However, a group of scholars led by Ian Manners has been claiming that in connection with the adoption of the European Security Strategy in December 2003 the EU has lost its "soft" characteristics and has moved closer towards a traditional military actor. The master thesis deals with this issue of the alleged militarization of the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) after 2003/2004 while focusing on one particular area of the CFSP - the policy of restrictive measures or sanctions. This area is unique because of its special characteristic: on one hand, sanctions as such represent a "hard", coercive foreign policy tool and on the other, the EU has been autonomously using them already since the 1980s. The question therefore is what the frequent use of sanctions implies about the character of the EU and whether does the policy of restrictive measures stand, as a matter of principle, in opposition to being a "soft" power. By means of discourse analysis of the official EU sanction documents and by using the case of Burma (which represents a "typical case"), the thesis attempts to demonstrate,...
Management competences development
Růžičková, Jana ; Michalík, David (advisor) ; Rymeš, Milan (referee)
The manager developement process is the anchor theme of the organisations and their HR departments. The quality manager is the key factor for the effective function of employees, teams within and the organisation as a whole, and facilitates the functioning process. This thesis deals with the problematics of manager developement, with a special focus on the training and other developing activities. The empirical part is orientated on three target groups participating on the manager developement. The qualitative part of the research was being realised through semi- structured interviews with lectors and HR managers. The quantitative part captures the interviews with the managers themselves. The manager skills are divided into four areas-Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Management of People and Self-Management. In the requirement of quantitative research the Questionaire of the Developement of Manager Skills was constructed. The three hypotheses were being tested, first by Pearson correlation coefficient, the following two by dependent t-test for paired samples with a significance level of 0,05. Across the whole spectrum of skills, there is a noticeable contradiction between the opinion of lectors, HR managers and managers. The managers emphasize more the influence of working experience for...
The image of the Commonwealth in the United Kingdom, 1991-2011
Růžičková, Jana ; Váška, Jan (advisor) ; Rovná, Lenka (referee)
Bachelor thesis "The Image of the Commonwealth in the United Kingdom, 1991- 2011" deals with the international organization Commonwealth of Nations, which evolved from the former British Empire after the Second World War and one of the main objectives of this thesis is to reconstruct the image of the Commonwealth in the contemporary United Kingdom. The UK played a pivotal role within the time of the formation of the Commonwealth, but during the sixties the British approach towards the Commonwealth had changed and Britain quietly started to turn away from the organisation. The timeframe of this paper is defined from 1991, the year of publication of the Harare Declaration, to present. By analysing documents and other mainly primary sources in the first section of this paper, the image of the Commonwealth is reconstructed from perspective of three elements of the British society, namely political scene, media and public. Consequently the crucial question whether the image of the Commonwealth corresponds with the reality is answered and areas where the image and the reality do not correspond are emphasised. The reality of the Commonwealth is derived from its official documents and special literature. Besides the reconstruction of the image the paper also deals with other more general topics such as the...
Evaluation in the primary schools
Růžičková, Jana ; Linková, Marie (advisor) ; Kropáčková, Jana (referee)
This diploma thesis covers a theme Evaluation in primary schools. The diploma paper consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with the issue of school evaluation as a whole, gives an overview of its historical development and clarifies a conception of the school evaluation - its essence, functions, methods and forms; it indicates modernizing trends of the school evaluation, particularly a verbal evaluation. A survey is made by a method of asking pupils of the fourth grades in basic schools, their teachers and parents. The opinions of these participants of the survey are compared with one another.
Change in management of nursing care in Hospital Přerov
Růžičková, Jana ; Vrzáček, Petr (advisor) ; Pešátová, Miroslava (referee)
Nursing is an integral part of medical care in all the type of medical facilities for a long time. Middle, lower an auxiliary personnel participate on this care. The number of this staff is much higher than number of physicians. On this account it is necessary take attention for nursing care organization which over the last twenty years pas through a revival in our country and it is focused on quality of care. This paper presents in theoretical part at first the history of nursing, changes in this field since Ancient Egypt to today's time. The second part presents problems of organization structure and manners of personnel management in any type of organization structural arrangement. Culture which is integral part of management is also presented in this part. The main subject of theoretical part is the change and its development and following methods of management. Two methods of change loading are described - by model of Lewin and Donnelly and co-workers. Practical part is written as a case study and presents diagnostics of nursing personnel management in Hospital Přerov since February 2006. That changes product recommendation followed by pivotal change of nursing management - from four levels functional driving to three level.

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