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Zajímavé a vzácné saprotrofní mikroskopické houby z exkrementů a ostatních substrátů jeskyně Domica a Ardovské jeskyně (NP Slovenský kras, Slovensko)
Nováková, Alena
A broad spectrum of saprotrophic microfungi representing possible food sources for cave invertebrates was isolated from different substrata (invertebrates, bat and marten excrements, bat guano, cave sediment, air) from the Domica and Ardovská Caves. .i.Pidoplitchkoviella terricola./i. and .i.Thielavia hyrcaniae./i. are rather rarely isolated micromycetes. The species interesting from the point of view of the colony appearance or microscopic properties were .i.Penicillium glandicola, Beauveria brongniartii, Chaetomium indicum, Penicillium hirsutum, Penicillium hordei, Rhinocladiella./i. sp., .i.Aspergillus versicolor, Echinobotryum./i. state of .i.Doratomyces stemonitis./i., and .i.Oidiodendron cerealis./i..
Změny ve společenstvech půdní mikroflóry a mesofauny během rozkladu listového opadu ve dvou vegetačních zónách - litter bag experiment
Jirout, Jiří ; Petrásek, Jiří ; Čápová, Lenka ; Farská, Jitka ; Jínová, Kristýna ; Rusek, Josef ; Krištůfek, Václav ; Elhottová, Dana ; Starý, Josef ; Nováková, Alena
The hypothesis, whether autochthonous species of soil biota are able to decompose litter from lower vegetation zones in higher zones, was tested by field trial. Litterbags with litter of beech (.i.Fagus sylvatica./i. L.) and/or oak (.i.Quercus robur./i. L.) were exposed in beech and spruce forest on the mountain Kleť (Protected Landscape Area Blanský les). Litterbags layout simulated vegetation zones shift to the higher altitude induced by global warming. There were used litterbags with three different mesh size (42 µm, 0,5 mm, 2 mm) for exclusion of certain parts of edaphon. Several changes of soil bacteria and micromycetes, oribatid mites, springtails and gamasid mites were studied during two years of exposition. There were exposed 480 litterbags at the start of the experiment (November 2002). After 2, 4, 6, 12, 24 months of exposition parts of all litterbags were recovered. Immediately after the sampling litter pH(KCl), moisture and mass loss were measured.
Mikroskopické houby v půdě, listovém opadu, exkrementech a střevním traktu .i.Dendrobaena mrazeki./i. (Lumbricidae)
Nováková, Alena ; Pižl, Václav
Species diversity and quantitative parameters (mycelial length, CFU counts) of saprotrophic microfungi assemblages were studied in the intestine and casts of .i.D. mrazeki./i. and compared with those in soil and litter at four plots of a thermophilous oak forest in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) in 2004. Soil dilution plate method and soil washing technique and three isolation media were used for the isolation of fungi. Differences in species number and composition of fungi assemblages were found both among individual substrates studied and between the results of different isolation methods. Number of species isolated by the soil dilution plate method was higher in earthworm casts than in soil, however, the opposite results were obtained using soil washing technique. CFU counts reached the highest values in leaf litter.
Soil microflora of spruce forests of the Bohemian Forest
Nováková, Alena ; Lukešová, Alena
Species composition and quantity of microalgae and micromycetes inhabiting soils of original spruce forest were studied in 3 localities of the Bohemian Forest (Trojmezná, Smrčina, Boubín) in years 2000-2003. Both intact plots, and those ones with selective tree cutting were compared in Trojmezná and Smrčina. In total, 46 species of algae and 72 taxa of micromycetes, represented by common soil species, were found in studied soils. Green algae (mainly Chlorophyceae and Charophyceae) prevailed both qualitatively and quantitatively among soil algae which was connected with low pH. All isolated micromycetes belonged to saprotrophic fungi. Total numbers of algal species ranged between 20-33 and total algal abundance between 48,1-4210,0 cells per g of dry soil in studied plots. Higher algal species richness was recorded in plots with selective tree cutting then in intact plots. Oposite trend of average total algal abundance was observed, despite big variations in particular sampling occasions. Numbers of taxa of saprophytic mycromycetes ranged between 32-40, lenght of mycelium between 6,1-84,5 m per g of dry soil, and numbers of CFU between 57,5-2413,4. No differences in species composition and quantity of saprotrophic micromycetes between intact plots and plots with tree cutting were found.
Potential sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids for saprophagous soil invertebrates
Elhottová, Dana ; Frouz, Jan ; Krištůfek, Václav ; Lukešová, Alena ; Nováková, Alena ; Tříska, Jan
Main sources of important nutritionally compounds - polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) essential in soils animal diet were compared. The highest concentration of PUFA was found in cyanobacteria (namely Antarctic strain Pseudophormidium sp.), followed by fresh litter, algae, fungi and decomposed litter. The PUFA occurrence in bacteria including actinomycetes was rare. Leaf litter is the most important source of PUFA for soil invertebrates in regards to both PUFA concentration and occurrence in soil. The stage of litter decomposition significantly affected the content of all 13 detected PUFA. The total PUFA content decreased significantly during litter decomposition. Enrichment in certain PUFA was observed in the latest stages of litter decomposition, indicating that the soil microflora improves the nutritional value of the decaying ĺitter.
Mycotic flora in vermicultures and intestines of Eisenia andrei
Nováková, Alena ; Pižl, Václav
In spring and autumn 2000, microscopic fungi associated with fresh and processed substrates and with the intestines of Eisenia andrei were studied in three vermiculture plants differing in their productivity. 119 species and 6 forms of microscopic fungi were isolated. Of those, 97 taxa were recorded from vermiculture substrates and 76 taxa from worm intestines. In vermiculture substrates, Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, Geotrichum candidum, Penicillium expansum and P. roquefortii were dominant among taxa isolated by soil dilution plate method, and Rhizopus stolonifer was most frequently isolated by soil washing technique. A. fumigatus, Mucor circinelloides f. circinelloides and P. expansum predominated in the intestines of earthworms. Processed vermiculture substrates regularly yielded higher numbers of cultivable micromycetes (CFU-counts) than fresh ones. The CFU-counts of earthworm intestines were close to those of processed substrates in two vermiculture plants studied. In the third plant, however, intestinal CFU-count was the same as that found in fresh vermiculture substrate.
Soil microscopic fungi in two different mine spoils in the Lusatian mining district
Nováková, Alena
Soil microscopic fungi (including keratinophilic, cellulolytic and thermophilous fungi) were studied in two representative mine spoils (Terciary, marine brackish carboniferous and pyritic sands and Quaternary fluvioglacial sands) in the Lusitanian mining district. Spoils were amended with lime, ash, sewage sludge, mineral fertilisation and compost and also without any treatment. Experimental plots were planted with pine seedlings (Pinus sylvestris L.), control plots were not planted (spontaneous plant succession). Differences in species diversity were estimated among different treatments and also between studied mine spoils, significant differences were recorded in quantitative estimations (CFU counts, fungal biomass).
Soil biota succession in colliery spoil heaps - a comparison of unrehabilitated and afforested sites
Pižl, Václav ; Frouz, Jan ; Tajovský, Karel ; Lukešová, Alena ; Nováková, Alena ; Starý, Josef ; Háněl, Ladislav ; Balík, Vladimír
Communities of soil biota were studied in spoil heaps of the Sokolov coal mining district (Czech Republic) unrehabilitated since heaping, when surface pattern consisting of crests and troughs was created by heaping machinery. Their succession was studied using a deductive method. Difference in succession development of soil organisms in unrehabilitated heaps and in those levelled and rehabilitated by afforestation with black alder were determined by a comparison of their communities in plots of the same age.

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