National Repository of Grey Literature 268 records found  beginprevious262 - 268  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Active imagination. Options and risks
Kundrátová, Iva ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor) ; Junková, Vendula (referee)
Imaginace provázejí lidstvo po staletí. Je to oblast velmi fascinující. Na jednu stranu lidé využívali představ při objevování zákonitostí světa kolem sebe a konstruování nových vynálezů. Na straně druhé je imaginace vedla hluboko do nitra při meditacích a duchovním cvičení. To bylo inspirací i C.G. Jungovi při koncipování, v té době zcela nové, psychoterapeutické metody - aktivní imaginace. Uvedení imaginace, jako člověku přirozeně blízkého způsobu uchopení a zobrazení skutečnosti, do terapie se ukázalo jako velmi prospěšné. Aktivní imaginace zde našla své místo. V současnosti je jednou z běžně používaných terapeutických metod a proto i my, v rámci naší práce, vstupujeme do oblasti psychoterapie a dotýkáme se některých jejích principů a pravidel (například etického kodexu a některých obecných zásad práce terapeuta). Teoretickým východiskem a základem naší práce Je analytická psychologie. V jejích intencích se budeme pohybovat a také budeme užívat její terminologii, kterou nejprve vymezíme. Inspirací k napsání rigorózní práce na toto téma, byla autorčina diplomová práce. Ta shrnula dostupné informace o aktivní imaginaci a mapovala, zda a jak je používána mezi českými psychoterapeuty. Další vzdělávání a nové profesní zkušenosti poskytly autorce mnoho podnětů k vypracování obdobně tématicky zaměřené rigorózní...
To become a member of a first class: the child's adaptation to rules valid in the first class
Hončíková, Lucie ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Viktorová, Ida (advisor)
Beginning of a school atlendance creates one of very important moments in the chilď s life. Changes, which appear in this period, refer to aU parts of a chilď s life and mean an interference to a family life as well. In our diploma project we have aimed on a process of adaptation of a child to rules valid at school, which she/he meets in the first term of a school year. We have focused expeciaUy on the running ofthis process and on mechanisms it is determined by. In the theoretical part we have explained the problematics of the life at school in the first class and we have defined the basic concepts related to the early beginning of the school atlendance which we have worked later with. In a practical part we have firstly classified and then described every rule and the categories of rules and norms. Then we have observed the running of the process of adaptation of children to school norms separately in every month of the first term. After that we have compared the results. We have created the global picture of the process of adaptation as we have noticed it in our research. To reach our goal we have decided to choose mostly a technigue of observation of pupils in the chosen class. This technigue we have completed by directed interviews with pupils as weU as with their trachet and by other materials.
Koťová, Magdalena ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor)
The theoretical part of this thesis overviews particular theories of agoraphobia between 1960 and presence oriented on answering a question of causes of this disease. Empirical part consists of outline of narrative research conceming analysis of life stories of women suffering from agoraphobia. The author is looking for possible causes of this disease by women.
Life Goals - An Intergenerational Comparison
Morávková, Kateřina ; Kebza, Vladimír (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
This thesis deals with the subject of life goals. It presents selected life goal theories and possible life goal classifications. Attention is also paid to developmental characteristics of life goals in the context of Theories of life-span development. Another related subject is meaningfulness of life - which is closely related to life goals. It outlines philosophical roots of this concept and some psychological theories. The last subject of the theoretical part is psychological construct of well-being, which is presented by selected theories. Empirical part of this thesis is trying to verify the hypothesis that there is a significant difference between the content of important goals of younger and older adults. It also examines the connexion between intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations and Life satisfaction. In order to attain this aim, we used two methods trough two different questionnaires - Satisfaction with Life Scale and Aspiration Index (AI). Samples were made by assessing answers of 962 Czech adult respondents, and the survey packet was distributed to participants online. We found significant differences between younger and older adults in the importance attributed to different goals which concerned: Affiliation, Sense of community, Physical health, Financial Success, Image, Popularity,...
Passage of life in the light of rituals of parenthood and partnership in present young family
Fišerová, Lucie ; Junková, Vendula (referee) ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor)
This graduation thesis tries to define positive notion of the ritual in the family life. The work consists of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part we try to suggest positive psychological role of ritual. Psychology often considers ritual as a phenomenon which is related to the obsession. Current psychological literature perceives ritual in the positive way - as a pattern of 8pccific bchnvior which is oftcn rcpcnted in the time and which has a fundamental emotional effect. Ritual can be indivual or collective, it can be ritual which is performed every day, in ordinary situations or it can be transitional ritual which plays an important role during the times of crises or changes. Rituals and their emotional experiences have a big effect on individua! and/ or family. ln the empirical part of our thesis we try to define the ritual of parents and the ritual of partners or married couple. We interviewed nine married couples in the age of 23-34 which have at least one baby. Our aim was to identify the role of the family ritual in young families. The family rituals, especially transitional, are rendered in the family traditions but the "ordinary" partner or parental rituals are very individua!. Each couple has own rituals which are important for their lives and for their needs. However we can...
Psychological aspects of intercultural couplehood
Loučímová, Bohumila ; Morgensternová, Monika (referee) ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor)
The interethnic dating represented either by interracial or intercultural couples became interestingly more often phenomena in the czech society since 2002. The purpose of this thesis is to depict coupling across the ethnical and national boundaries and to root our :findings in the context of czech cultural background and society. In the theoretical part we are following the general concepts describing the characteristics of culture itself, the interference of culture and individuals, the different styles of communication processes and the development of interpersonal relationship in the cultural setting. In the second chapter we come to the core theme by de:fining intercultural intimate relationship. Attention is paid especially to the establishment of mixed dating, various features specifying the intercultural couples, the quality of long-distance relationships and several pitfalls and promises emerging in this kind of couplehood. Closing paragraphs of the theoretical part introduce the intercultural adaptation as same as the recipe for success while dating across the cultural boundaries. The empirical part is contextualizing our theoretical conclusions in the czech cultural environment. It consists of two research directions - the qualitative study based on 8 interviews with czech respondents involved in...
Effect of yoga and tai-chi
Hermanová, Kateřina ; Šípek, Jiří (referee) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee)
Předmětem rigorózní práce, která se dostala čtenáři do ruky, jsou dvě techniky, se kterými mám osobní zkušenost: Jóga a tai-chi. Můj vývoj v poznáváná dvou zmíněných cest k sebepoznávání probíhal podobně jako u řady jiných adeptů. Nejprve, v době totality, jóga jako "podezřelá'', nicméně tiše akceptovaná "tělovýchovná disciplína", po nabyté svobodě k přístupu k informacím - tai-chi. Vedle svobody volby byl u mne přesun zájmu na tai-chi způsoben hledáním techniky dynamičtější a více společensky založené než jóga, která by měla přinejmenším stejně příznivé účinky na fyzickou i psychickou stránku osobnosti. Musím říci, že se mé očekávání splnilo a pokud budu moci alespoň částečně přispět k rozšíření zájmu o tyto způsoby práce s tělem a myslí, nebude pro mne čas věnovaný následující studii marný. Naznačené podobnosti a rozdíly mez1 oběma přístupy JSOU v podstatě ohniskem rigorózní práce. Zajímá mne, jaký typ lidí vyhledává jógu a tai-chi. Předpokládám, že mezi "jógisty" a "taichisty" budou určité podobnosti. Domnívám se totiž, že člověk hledající cestu k sebezdokonalení, může do jisté míry volit náhodně mezi jógou a tai-chi podle toho, která technika mu zrovna vstoupí do cesty. O to zajímavější pak pro mne je otázka, zda jsou těmito technikami přitahováni odlišní lidé např. kvůli různému filozofickému pozadí,...

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