National Repository of Grey Literature 268 records found  beginprevious252 - 261next  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The psyche of women during their maternity leave
Hlaváčková, Marie ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor)
The aim of my thesis was to try to describe changes in perception that occur to women taking the parent role and accession to maternity leave. In the theoretical part, therefore, I first deal with the concept of motherhood in general, as well as changes in the psyche of a woman from pregnancy to baby and toddler age of children. Individual chapters are devoted to childbirth as a major event for the development of relationship with the child and the puerperium. In the empirical part of the work I am looking for different areas in which change in experience is reflected and context of these changes with other variables. The research was conducted in form of a questionnaire, the sample 71 women who spend their maternity or parental leave with her first child responded. These women showed a significant increase in responsibility, caring and a sense of fear, then increased feeling of happiness and life fulfilment as well as overall satisfaction. In contrast decrease was recorded in the possibility of selfdevelopment and communications possibilities of these women. For other items there was not seen a significant increase or decrease. When searching for the relationship between women's feelings and other variables was found non-linear relationship of certain items on the length of time spent by women on maternity...
The impact of premarital cohabitation on marital stability
Weissmannová, Lada ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor)
Th i s s t u d y e x ami n e s t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e twe e n p r ema r i t a l c o h a b i t a t i o n a n d t h e s t a b i l i t y o f s u b s e q u e n t ma r r i a g e . Th e c o n c e p t o f s t a b i l i t y h a s b e e n d r awn f r om a n a n a l y s i s o f d i v e r s e l i t e r a r y s o u r c e s , wh i l e t h e d e f i n i t i o n o f ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y i s t a k e n f r om Ca r y l Ru s b u l t ' s I n v e s tme n t Mo d e l . He r I n v e s tme n t Mo d e l S c a l e h a s b e e n u s e d f o r me a s u r i n g d e g r e e o f ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y. Th i s q u a n t i t a t i v e s t u d y i s b a s e d o n d a t a f r om a s amp l e o f 8 1 r e s p o n d e n t s . S t a t i s t i c a l a n a l ys e s h a v e n o t s h own a n y s i g n i f i c a n t r e l a t i o n s h i p b e twe e n p r ema r i t a l c o h a b i t a t i o n a n d s u b s e q u e n t ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y . An i n d i c a t i o n d i d a p p e a r , h owe v e r , t h a t n o n c o h a b i t o r s h a v e s l i g h t l y h i g h e r v a l u e s o f ma r i t a l s t a b i l i t y t h a n c o h a b i t o r s . T h e d i f f e r e n c e i n v a l u e s o b s e r v e d b e twe e n t h e two g r o u p s wa s s l i g h t l y u n d e r t h e b o r d e r l i n e o f s t a t i s t i c a l...
Psychological aspects of staying at foreign culture
Kučerová, Eliška ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Morgensternová, Monika (advisor)
This master thesis is focused on the psychological aspects of the reentry to the home culture from the studying programme LLP - Erasmus. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the reentry from Erasmus is seen as a complex phenomenon which consists of cognitive, affective and behavioral processes. The attention is mostly dedicated to the psychological problems of the reverse culture shock. In the theretical part, there is also introduced a concrete design of the reentry training because the reentry training seems to be really helpful for a successful students's readaptation. The empirical part of the thesis constists of the quantitative and qualitative study and investigates the psychological aspects of the reentry period of the individuals who study at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague and who attended LLP - Erasmus in the academic year 2007/2008. 103 students participated on the quantitaive study and they were tested if their sex, age and the duration of the foreign sojourn influence a degree of the reverse culture shock and the duration of the readaptation which is needed for coping with the readaptation problems. It was found that sex and age do not influence both a degree of reverse culture shock and the duration of the readaptation. The qualitative study continues on the...
Suicidal process in adult population
Komadová, Katarína ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor) ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Baudiš, Pavel (referee)
Suicidálny proces je komplexný fenomén vyskytujúci sa v roznych variantách. Vzniká na podklade životných udalostí, psychickej poruchy, dlhodobej vulnerability jedinca k suicidálnemu správaniu alebo ich kombinácie. V prípade, že na počiatku suicidálneho procesu stojí životná udalosť, k rozvoju suicidálneho procesu dochádza vtedy, ak ju jedinec subjektívne hodnotí ako významnú, nezlučiteľnú s pokračovaním v živote a nenachádza z nej riešenie. Suicidálnemu jednaniu nemusia vždy suicidálne myšlienky predchádzať. K rozhodnutiu k realizácii suicidálneho aktu može človek dojsť buď v období predchádzajúcom suicidálnemu jednaniu a ďalej sa k nemu odhodlávať alebo čakať na výsledok situácie, ktorú hodnotí ako neúnosnú alebo k nemu može dojsť až v čase tesne pred suicidálnym jednaním. V takomto prípade jedná následne po spúšťacom podnete. Tento typ je charakteristický pre skratkovité suicidálne akty, avšak može sa vyskytnúť i u osob, ktoré nad suicidálnym jednaním uvažovali už v období predtým alebo mali predstavy o úniku zo situácie prežívanej ako neznesiteľnej. Iným typom suicidálneho procesu je postupné zúženie v oblasti afektov, percepcie, kognícií a hodnot. K suicidálnemu jednaniu dochádza, ak sa jedinec nachádza v situácii, ktorú vníma ako neznesiteľnú alebo neriešiteľnú, ak sa nachádza v stave zúženia,...
Personal growth of the SUR psychotherapist training participants
Pavelková, Kateřina ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor)
This thesis investigates effects of long-term SUR therapist training on its participants' personalities. In theoretical part of the thesis the author defines SUR psychotherapy system, describes its theoretical background and nowadays representation of the training system. She surveys knowledge about personality and its growth. Dynamic psychotherapy as a theoretical source of SUR is described as well. She elaborates specific means used in training process that directly influence personality of the participants. She also investigates personality traits of therapist that determine success of the therapy. Practical part of the thesis describes longitudinal sudy of participants undergoing 5-years training in SUR therapy. She studies personal growth of the participants and compares it to general population that have not undergone such a training. Research methods and research findings are described in detail. In the conclusion she discuses her findings and proposes new directions for research in this area.
The psychological relations between perception of one's own voice and selfconcept
Sýkorová, Šárka ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šípek, Jiří (advisor)
The thesis deals with psychological aspects of human voice. It presents basic qualities of voice, anatomy and physiology of human voice and its development in ontogenesis. It offers a psychosomatic approach to voice and voice disorders, speaks about voice as a medium of self-presentation. It poits to relations of voice to selfconcept and offers some basic facts about selfconcept. The aim of the study was to explore whether there are some relations between perception of one's own voice and selfconcept in social interactions. Our results gave support to this relations.
Systemic psychotherapy in theory and practice on becoming a psychotherapist
Novotná, Nora ; Junková, Vendula (referee) ; Štětovská, Iva (advisor)
The thesis investigates the process of becoming a psychotherapist in the context of systemic therapy. It outlines philosophical and psychotherapeutic roots of the systemic approach, emphasizing postmodern thinking, in particular poststructuralism, radical and social constructivism and modern biological gnoseology. The work discusses theoretical foundations as well as practical applications of the teaching of the Prague Institute for Systemic Therapy (IST). It covers five main lines of thoughts in systemic thinking - the Milan school of family therapy, strategic therapy by Milton Erickson, brief solution-focused therapy (BSFT), Hamburg school and the narrative approach. The work focuses on defining and delineating the role of the therapist and the client, and their cooperation in the therapeutic dialogue. It emphasizes therapist's self-reflection during the therapeutic process as the primary way of influencing the client, and it discusses models which make the self-reflection more efficient. The art of dialogue is presented as the fundamental skill of a systemic therapist. Last but not least, the work covers an important area of systemic ethics and supervision. The empirical part of the work investigates, using the qualitative based interview, the process of becoming a therapist on a sample of 19...
Volunteering as a possible supplement to nurse's professional activity in infant's and children's homes
Kukačková, Markéta ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Šulová, Lenka (advisor)
Volunteering in Infants' homes is quite a new area of volunteering in the Czech Republic and is slowly developing. The aim of the present study was to introduce and evaluate one concrete example of a volunteer program in the Infants' and Childrens' home for children up to three years in Prague - Krč. This program was started four years ago and its main idea is to find one volunteer for each child in the home who would visit the child regularly at least once a week and who would pay him individua! attention. So every child can ha ve at least for a while o ne adult person only for himself and doesn 't have to share that person' s attention with other children. We were interested in the opinions of volunteers and nurses about this · new program. These two independent groups are the main participants and also observers of this kind of volunteering, so their opinions are important for evaluating the program and also for creating a functional methodology. This methodology is the outcome of this diploma thesis, and could be an inspiration for other similar institutions. Nurses and volunteers agree, that the relationship between child and volunteer develops with regular visits. This can be observed mainly in the behaviour of toddlers older than one year. The children usually look forward to their volunteer's visit,...
Psychological aspects of the effectiveness of outdoor programmes
Švyhnosová, Alena ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor)
An increasing number of organizations are using outdoor based programmes for individual managers, management teams and work groups. Outdoor programmes are based on experiential learning and encourage change and help each participant more fully achieve self-knowledge and understanding of others. Outdoor programmes use activities that are stimulating problem-solving tasks designed to help group members develop their capacity to work effectively together. Many tasks are like children's games, others are comlex and designed for specific needs. The participants gain experience by working together in a non-traditional work environment, recognise their own limits, learn how each member thinks and works. An important part of these activities is participant's reflection and discussion about the activity, how they approached the situation, and possible points of learning. This discussion is supported by the facilitator who iniciates the discussion, sets the rules for it and guides the discussion so the participants learn from the experience they have just gained and can use it not only for the next acitivity. The facilitator provides structured opportunity to help participants learn more deeply. Although many organizations use these programmes, they are not usually interested in results these programmes have. Our...
Variation in relationship between sexes in time of pubescence amongst classmates
Čelikovská, Lucie ; Štětovská, Iva (referee) ; Gillernová, Ilona (advisor)
The thesis concerns relationships between boys and girls in time of pubescence in a class. The purpose of the thesis is exploration of the changes of the preferences between sexes in time of pubescence amongst classmates. The theme is based on the sociometric data (sociometric research) which were gathered during the program of primary prevention of social pathological phenomenon in the classes. The theoretic part involves subjects concerning examined phenomenon and surroundings: description of an individual in the time of pubescence, socialization, class as a small social group, the program of primary prevention of social pathological phenomenon. The empirical part analyses data of positive preferences gained by the sociometry (sociometric research). The basic goal of quantitative research is to survey the changes of quantity of positive intersexual preferences in the specific categories of age. The results are based on a group of nearly 5000 probands. The hypotheses of significant change in relationship of boys towards girls are confirmed. As well, research describes the period in which these changes were realized.

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