National Repository of Grey Literature 32 records found  beginprevious23 - 32  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
XML Query Adaptation
Polák, Marek ; Holubová, Irena (advisor) ; Malý, Jakub (referee)
In the presented work we study XML schema evolution, its types and impact on queries which are related on the particular schema. The thesis contains a review of existing approaches of this problem. The approach presented in this work shows a possible solution how to adapt related queries while schema evolves. The thesis contains a description of an algorithm which modies queries related to the evolved schema. Finally the work contains a number of exper- iments that verify proposal of the algorithms and show their advantages and disadvantages. 1
XML Schema Evolution
Malý, Jakub
In the presented work we study the XML data evolution, reasons and consequences of XML schema evolution in particular. The thesis contains a survey of the existing approaches to this problem. The approach presented in this work extends the XSem conceptual model with the support for multiple versions of the model. Thanks to this extension, it is possible to define a set of changes between two versions of a schema. The thesis contains a description of an algorithm that compares two versions of a schema and produces a revalidation script in XSL.
Space Naval Combat - Space Battle Simulator
Krijt, Filip ; Klímek, Jakub (advisor) ; Malý, Jakub (referee)
The goal of this project is to try and implement a space action game Space Naval Combat utilizing the .NET framework and at the same time explore the potential of using the individual technologies of this platform for game development. In particular, the project involves using the following technologies: Windows Communications Foundation, Windows Presentation Foundation and LINQ to SQL combined with ASP.NET. The project also uses an open source library Lidgren Network, which is based on the UDP protocol, for network communication between the client and server components of the game. A crucial part of the project is also the utilization of the well-known nVidia PhysX physical simulation library, or rather its wrapper - Stilldesign PhysX.NET.
Simple experiments under the microscope
Malý, Jakub ; Drozd, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Mandíková, Dana (referee)
The aim of this work is to focus on a few high school physics experiments, which are explain in several wals or incorrectly or contain a part that is somehow overlooked. Appropriate adjustment of the experiments I wanted to refute the false explanation, deside which is correct or complete lack of explanation. At the end, I chose four experiments. All of them can be found in any high school textbook or collection of tasks and their explanation are either incomplete or not clear. They are: Conducting electrical current in the glass, where I investigated why heated glass conduct current. Archimedes's law in gases, where I tried to find out, why the bubbles floating in CO2, are after while falling to the bottom. Electrostatic motor, where I tried to find out, what causes the rotation of the motor, which is represented by PET bottle. And a free fall of a tennis ball, where I was finding out, how much is a time of fall influenced by air resistance and what is the minimal height, from which have to be balls thrown, for detecting different moment of impact by the human eye.
Unusual experiments in education of optics at grammar school
Malý, Jakub ; Drozd, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Jermář, Jakub (referee)
Nazev prace: Netradicne pqjate pokusy z optiky na gymnaziu Autor: Jakub Maly Katedra: Katedra didaktiky fyziky Vedouci bakalafske prace: Doc. RNDr. /denek Drozd Ph.D. e-mail vedouci'ho: /dcnck.Dro/d^ Ahstrakt: Protoze oplika byva fazcna az jako posledm blok vc vyuce fyziky, je casto z casovych duvodu ochuzena o mnohe zajimave pokusy. Ci'lem teto prace jc vymysleni a vyzkouscni pokusii, ktere by mohly vhodne doplnit a zpestfit vyuku optiky na gymnaziieh. Jsou zde zmfneny ctyfi. Sestrojeni dalckohlcdu, pokus s lotalnim odrazcm, Rayleighuv rozptyl a vytvafeni duhy. Kazda kapitola ma teoretickou cast a cast ve ktcre je popisovan poslup pfi provadeni pokusu. V kazde kapitolejsou lake zinineny proble'my, ktcre mohou nastat, vcetnc navrhu na jejich feseni. Klicova slova: pokusy, optika, dalekohled, duha Title: Unusual experiments in education of optics at grammar school Author: Jakub Maly Department: Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. /dcnek Drozd Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: /denck.Dro/difV'mn' Abstract: Optics is usuallysituated as a last part of education of physics. Because of time pressure optics is usually deprive of many interesting experiments. The object of this work is making up and practicingexperiments, which can complete and vary education of optics at grammar school. Here arc mention...
Settlers of Catan
Malý, Jakub ; Parízek, Pavel (referee) ; Zavoral, Filip (advisor)
The aim of the present work is to convert a wellknown board game Settlers of Catan into a computer game for two to four players playing over a computer network. Common aspects and attributes of board games that must be taken into consideration during the design of the program including several possibilities of implementation of such a game are covered in the first parts of this work. The rest of the work is devoted to the implementation of one particular game - Settlers of Catan, description of the communication, representation of players, game plan and all the game mechanisms and rules of the game.
XML Schema Evolution
Malý, Jakub ; Klímek, Jakub (referee) ; Holubová, Irena (advisor)
In the presented work we study the XML data evolution, reasons and consequences of XML schema evolution in particular. The thesis contains a survey of the existing approaches to this problem. The approach presented in this work extends the XSem conceptual model with the support for multiple versions of the model. Thanks to this extension, it is possible to define a set of changes between two versions of a schema. The thesis contains a description of an algorithm that compares two versions of a schema and produces a revalidation script in XSL.
Application for Worktime Monitoring and Reporting
Šlapák, Jiří ; Škoda, Petr (referee) ; Malý, Jakub (advisor)
This bachelor thesis studies the management of software development, reporting and tracking work of developers. The basic ideologies for this thesis are agile methodologies Scrum and Kanban. The combination of the two is called Scrumban. The final result of this thesis is an intuitive web application called Scrumban Board, which offers a way for team management, planning tasks for teams and tracking efficiency of the development. The second part is a minimalistic application called Scrumban Client for the Windows operation system. This application offers an easy way of tracking work time.
Component Filter for .NET WinForms
Maťátko, Martin ; Pospíšil, Milan (referee) ; Malý, Jakub (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the design and the implementation of a component allowing to filter data. These are in most occasions organised using a database. This can be stored localy at a client, or on a server. The component supports both types of storage. If the database is stored on a server, the filtering criteria can be applied on the server itself even before transfering the data to the client. Furthermore the thesis describes a general solution of the problem and a specific implementation. The component is developped in the C# language for running environment .NET. All the parts of the application, including the graphic user interface, are designed and described with regard to an easy use and expansibility.
Risk management
Mynář, Jan ; Hnilica, Jiří (advisor) ; Malý, Jakub (referee)
Tato práce se zabývá problematikou derivátů a jejich využití při zajišťování rizik plynoucích z pohybů úrokových měr, měnových kurzů a cen komodit. Zajišťování jednotlivých rizik je prezentováno na konkrétních příkladech spolu s podrobným popisem použitých instrumentů. Nakonec je představena koncepce zajišťování rizik v nadnárodní společnosti.

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