National Repository of Grey Literature 24 records found  previous11 - 20next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The Charecters of Teacher in Czech Films made after 1989
Štiková, Kristýna ; Mouralová, Magdalena (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
This thesis focuses on presentation of the teacher in Czech films made after 1989. Within the constructivist approach is the teacher character in the movie social construct presented to the viewer and it can influence the social reality of the viewer and then shape. The author analyzes the character of teachers in selected cinematographic works and then constructs ideal types, which compares with a previously created and modern typologies of teachers. Analysis of the film is focused on the way the teacher character in the film sees the profession of the teacher and what relationships has with pupils. In addition, monitors sociodemographic characteristics of the characters of teachers in movies. Based on the analysis of movies are constructed ideal types of teacher and then are faced with teacher typologies made by J. Prokop, G. Fenstermacher and J. Soltis, Ch. Caselmann and W. O. Döring.
Young people on the labour market in relation to job centres activtiy in Central Bohemia
Herinková, Jana ; Kohoutek, Jan (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
The main aims of the thesis is to explore the situation and awareness of youth on labour market, to evaluate existing political instruments and to suggest a recommendation for the most effective intrument to makte the situation better. I follow these aims by executing a secondary data analysis, an expert interviews with workers of IPS in Central Bohemia, Regional labour office in Příbram and VÚPSV, furthermore I follow these aims by my own survey within 5 chosen high schools in Central Bohemia. The thesis focuses on exploration of the issue from perspective of future graduates on labour market, as well as the perspective of IPS workers (as the main stakeholder), who actively works with unemployed youth or future graduates on daily basis. According to the research I concluded, that the most effective instrument for the chosen group is consultation, which is provided mainly by the IPS workers. There are various types of consultation in the region and therefore various levels of future graduates awareness. The consultation should by unified in every Central Bohemia region. To make this possible, it is needed to create good working conditions to the IPS workers. After the reform of labour offices the conditions are not very satisfiing due to personal changes, resposibility changes and technological...
Prevention of bullying in elementary schools
Herák, Robert ; Tumová, Anna (advisor) ; Kohoutek, Jan (referee)
In my diploma thesis I analysed the success of the implementation of the policy on the prevention and solution of bullying at primary schools in the Czech Republic. I was based on the theory of implementation and street level bureaucracy. The hypothesis for the success of the implementation of this policy is the acceptance of schools, teachers, and the Director of the schools. To analyze the success of the implementation of the policy on the prevention and solution of bullying, I took advantage of the available professional literature, I've analyzed the current documents, which shall submit to the Ministry of Education (for example Methodological guideline for the prevention and solution of bullying), I have used the knowledge from the survey, focus groups and regular meetings of Directors, which realizes the company SCIO. I graduated five structured interviews with Directors of elementary schools. In the next section, I focused on the quantitative research, survey for the Director of elementary schools. I focused on the Director of elementary schools, because they are the key actors for the implementation of educational policies and have enough information about the everyday school practice. The first section of the quantitative research deals with the education of teachers in schools the issue of...
Capacities of elementary schools in the hinterland of the big cities in the Czech Republic
Charvátová, Kateřina ; Veselý, Arnošt (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
Capacities of elementary schools in the hinterland of the big cities presents actual problem of Czech educational system and no sufficient specialized attention is paid to it, except it has significant impact to the quality of education in these localities. Moreover it can support the inequalities in education. Therefore this diploma thesis offers complex view of investigated issue. The benefits of this work lies especially in the effort to indicate discussion about this topic, which no experts pay special attention to. The main goal is to describe the research problem, to clarify all the causes and consequences of the insufficient capacities in elementary schools problem and find out what is the extent of the problem in the hinterland of Prague. Primary and secondary data was used to achieve these goals. The overall research concept is based on mixed research technique. This diploma thesis finds out what is the current status of elementary schools education system in the hinterland of the big cities and what are causes and consequences of insufficient capacity problem of elementary schools with both quantitative and qualitative methods. Capacities of elementary schools present quite complicated problem which is caused by various reasons. It is hard to say if elementary schools founders failed in...
Evaluation of implementation of National Strategy of global development education in Czech primary education
Čápová, Iva ; Kalous, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of Global Development Education and the process of the implementation of National Strategy for Global Development Education in Czech primary schools. In 2011, the National Strategy for Global Development Education came into force, thereby Czech Republic adopted the principles and objectives of Global Development Education. Goals that are defined in the document are supposed to be implemented in the next five years. However, as the thesis shows the implementation is a complex process that depends on a wide range of aspects. The author has attempted to identify factors that influence the success of the implementation process. In addition, the thesis tried to answer the question of whether the implementation of the goals of the strategy thrive or fail, and explain why this is happening. With the use of ongoing evaluation practical recommendations to improve the process of implementation of the National Strategy for Global Development Education was proposed. It was pointed out that the causes of imperfect implementation can be as unfavorable socio-economic conditions, as well as poorly defined policy objectives, lack of systemic support from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the lack of cooperation between the actors involved or inadequate use of...
Entrance examination procedures for Bachelor studies at Charles University faculties with social science orientation
Beranová, Barbora ; Kohoutek, Jan (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
The main aim of the thesis is to explore a current status of entrance examination procedures, which are applied for bachelor studies at faculties of Charles University with social science orientation (i.e. the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Arts). In first part, utilizing an analysis of relevant secondary data, the thesis deals with the description of current forms of entrance examination procedures. Besides description of current practice, the thesis further contains an analysis of stakeholders and qualitative research which is based on an analysis of interviews with representatives of faculty decision-makers, representatives of students from the faculty academic senates and students of the three analyzed faculties. The inteviews were transcribed and open-coded, which led to the sorting information into categories by theme. As a method of stakeholder analysis a "quick" analysis of stakeholders was used in order to identify the main stakeholders of the issues under investigation. Overall, the analysis of interviews shows that each faculty has different strategies and preferences for selecting students during the entrance procedure. Hence, possible consensus of entrance examination procedures in similar fields across the three faculties is not entirely likely,...
Analysis of drawing of the EU structural funds by public universities in the Czech Republic
Zahradník, Matěj ; Mouralová, Magdalena (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
This paper focuses on the analysis of absorption of EU structural funds by public universities in the Czech Republic in the period of 2007-2013 under the operational programmes Education for Competitiveness OP, Research and Development for Innovation OP, Prague Adaptability OP and Prague Competitiveness OP. Emphasis is put on the differences between Prague and outside Prague public universities, considering that Prague is the only Czech region that exceeds 75% of the average GDP per capita in the EU and the schools based in there have different access to the resources from the Structural Funds than outside Prague schools. The analysis compares the number of projects of Czech public universities, as well as the amount of funds drawn by them. There has been created a value used for comparison by applying the total amount of funds drawn by Prague and outside Prague public universities to students in these two areas. In the last chapter of the work, there are some possible effects of unequal distribution of resources and problems associated with their drawing outlined through a discussion with several experts. Among these impacts and problems are included circumvention of the rules, filled absorptive capacity of outside Prague regions, high cost of sustainability of projects funded via OPRDI and a risk...
Causes of low civic and political participation of children and youth in the CR
Rousová, Jindřiška ; Potůček, Martin (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
This thesis deals with the topic of low civic and political participation of children and youth in the Czech Republic. Participatory democracy theory and theory of civil society are used as starting values. The work deals mainly with organized civic and political participation of children and youth. It is shown, based on several international studies, that in comparison with other states the civic and political participation of Czech children and youth is of the significantly lower level. Area of youth participation falls within the national policy on youth and therefore this work describes basic public-policy documents that are related to the topic of participation of children and youth. In the frame of this work, analysis of the actors involved in the czech youth policy-making, was done. Possible ways of civic and political participation of children and young people, such as children and youth associations, school parliaments, political parties, academic senates, etc, are discussed as well The work identified the main causes of low civic and political participation of children and youth and also proposed specific measures which can help to increase the level of civic and political participation of children and youth in the Czech Republic.
Forest preschool feasibility study
Ratajová, Lucie ; Kalous, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Tumová, Anna (referee)
This thesis deals with the problem concerning the foundation and operation of forest preschools in the Czech Republic. The first forest preschool in the Czech Republic was founded in 2007 and the number of forest preschool has increased to forty-functioning forest preschools. However the forest preschools do not meet the requirements of preschool services. In the Czech Republic is no legislative rules for the operation of forest preschools. Nevertheless the research from abroad confirmed the positive effect on mental and physical development of children at preschool age. Above that the northern countries, Denmark and Germany support the functioning of the forest preschools. The foundation and the operation of forest preschool in the Czech Republic is accompanied with a lot of unclear issues. Because of that, the feasibility study provide a material which will help to future funders to evaluate the feasibility, reasonableness of the project, provide the information which will influence the operation and the foundation of the forest preschool in their neighborhood. The main aim of the thesis is to assess an implementation aspects that can influence the establishment of forest preschool. The feasibility study is related to the specific forest preschool in the district of Strakonice. The thesis is...

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