National Repository of Grey Literature 66 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Petr Zdražil - Violin Maker from Lesser Town of Prague
Lusková, Eva ; Kubátová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Saláková, Magdalena (referee)
The first part of the thesis "Petr Zdražil - The Violin Maker from the Lesser Town of Prague" tries to give a comprehensive overview of the development of violins and the history of the violin-making. It introduces the reader to important violinmaking personalities, the tradition of Prague violinmaking, and contemporary Prague violinmakers. The second part of the work is dedicated to the life and violin-making of the Czech violin maker Petr Zdražil, whose instruments are sought after by renowned Czech and foreign violin makers. The thesis describes the specific methods and procedures of this violin maker's instruments. The work intends to expand awareness about current violin making in the Czech Republic and to introduce the reader to his outstanding personality. Information for the thesis was gathered using the book resources and using the oral history method.
Violin and its usage in music lessons at lower secondary school
Hamplová, Veronika ; Kubátová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Hurníková, Kateřina (referee)
This thesis deals with the use of violin at lower secondary school. It derives from the historical tradition of violin at schools, and it looks into different circumstances of use of this instrument. The thesis comes up with specific activities that can be used in lessons. KEYWORDS Violin, music lessons, lower secondary school
Musical activities and adaption of non-native speakers in primary education
Nehilčová, Nikola ; Kmentová, Milena (advisor) ; Kubátová, Gabriela (referee)
This diploma thesis examines the integration of children whose native language is not Czech with the use of musical activities. It is a relevant tool which can help to achieve both educational and social success among non-native speakers. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the situation with foreign children in the Czech Republic, then it deals with the proper use of Czech terms regarding this topic. The diploma thesis describes musical activities as an effective tool for teaching a foreign language, which is in accordance with RVP ZV (Framework Education Programme). The practical part includes the inclusion of musical activities in special group of non-native speakers. The aim of the diploma is to create a functional, didactic and content-oriented tool for Music teachers at primary schools which is based on a book by Milena Kmentová, Třída zpívá ÍÁÍÁ: Hudební hry v rozvoji fonematického uvědomování (The Class Sings: E-I-E-I: Music Games For Developing Phonemic Awareness). This tool was verified during active research with foreign students at a public primary school in Prague. KEYWORDS children and their adaptation, learn the Czech language, musical activities, non-native language
An Insight into Selected Violin Teaching Methods in the Online Environment
Gojdová, Eliška ; Kubátová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Hurníková, Kateřina (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to outline issues of violin teaching within the online environment and propose an insight into selected violin teaching methods presented on the online platforms. The thesis focuses not only on renowned violinists, such as Nicola Benedetti, Yehudi Menuhin, Itzhak Perlman or Augustin Hadelich, but also on less famous violinists with a wide range of experience from the field of violin education and interpretation. Apart from the insight into teaching methods of Nicola Benedetti and Yehudi Menuhin, this thesis also proposes more detailed view on their lives and artistic careers. Also, the thesis includes an assessment of a questionnaire survey focused on a use of online platforms within a violin teaching or violin study/self-study. KEYWORDS Violin pedagogy, online environment, distance education, educational content, violin teaching methods, masterclass, tutorial, Nicola Benedetti, Yehudi Menuhin
The Path of Creativity with the Violin
Mišáková, Veronika ; Kubátová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Hurníková, Kateřina (referee)
This diploma thesis focuses on musical creativity and some possible ways to develop and cultivate it. It comments on Czech violin teaching materials from the point of view of developing creativity. It gives examples of instructional materials for learning other musical instruments which could be an inspiration for fostering musical creativity. In the practical part, it presents eleven creative worksheets (tvořilisty) designed to cultivate creativity in violinists during the early stages of violin learning and throughout their violin studies. The practical section also includes creative cards (tvořikartičky), which are a versatile tool for working with musical expression. KEYWORDS Creativity, violin teaching, development of creativity, creative worksheets (tvořilisty), creative cards (tvořikartičky)
The influence of Music philetics on the Personal and Social Development of pupil in Music Education at primary school
Horsáková, Markéta ; Selčanová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Kubátová, Gabriela (referee)
Univerzita Karlova Pedagogická fakulta Katedra hudební výchovy DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Vliv muzikofiletiky na osobnostně sociální rozvoj žáka v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ The influence of musicophyletics on the Personal and Social Development of pupil in Music Education at primary school Markéta Horsáková Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Zuzana Selčanová, Ph.D. Studijní program: Učitelství pro základní školy (M7503) Studijní obor: Učitelství pro 1. stupeň základní školy se specializací na hudební výchovu (7503T047) Rok odevzdání 2023 Odevzdáním této diplomové práce na téma Vliv muzikofiletiky na osobnostně sociální rozvoj žáka v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ potvrzuji, že jsem ji vypracovala pod vedením vedoucího práce samostatně za použití v práci uvedených pramenů a literatury. Dále potvrzuji, že tato práce nebyla využita k získání jiného nebo stejného titulu. Ve Starém Městě dne 4.7.2023 PODĚKOVÁNÍ Tímto bych chtěla velmi poděkovat své vedoucí diplomové práce Mgr. Zuzaně Selčanové, Ph.D., za její vřelý přístup, ochotu, trpělivost a podporu. Poděkování patří i mé rodině, která mi byla velkou oporou. 4 ABSTRAKT Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na využití muzikofiletických metod a prvků a jejich vliv na fenomén osobnostně sociálního rozvoje žáků v hudebně výchovném procesu na 1. stupni základního vzdělávání. Teoretická část...
Works of composer Otmar Mácha for Children
Vitásková, Lucie ; Bělohlávková, Petra (advisor) ; Kubátová, Gabriela (referee)
This work aims to explore the artistic development of the personality of the composer Otmar Mácha and his work in cultural and social contexts, to focus on his works intended for children and youth and to assess the possibilities of using his work in contemporary music education. It follows the beginnings of the composer's musical career and pays attention to the influences that shaped his personality and gave the unique character of his musical language. It examines the influence of regional musical culture, its roots, and artistic personalities that the composer met during his professional development and followed up on in his creative work. It analyzes the selected works from the point of view of their significance for aesthetic education and the development of children's musical imagination. In the composer's work, he looks for works that, through the emotional experience of a musical message, shape aesthetic feelings and values in the development of a child's personality. Keywords: Otmar Mácha, music for children, music education, work with songs, listening activities.
Bohuslav Martinů - Pastorales, Six Pieces for Cello and Piano H. 190: Interpretative and methodical analysis
Frantová, Magdaléna ; Kubátová, Gabriela (advisor) ; Palkovská, Jana (referee)
The thesis Six Pastorelas by Bohuslav Martinů for Cello and Piano H. 190: Interpretative and Methodological Analysis deals primarily with the composition of pastorelas from the perspective of the performer and the teacher. It includes a biography of the composer, a chapter on the historical circumstances of the work's composition, and its placement in the context of cello literature. The next section provides an analysis of the work. The focus of the work can be considered to be the chapters on performance and the actual methodology for practicing this work with students at the elementary school of music. The final section is devoted to recordings of the composition and comparisons between three different performers.

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