Original title:
SMV-2024-61: Sledování vlivu antipsychotik v animálním modelu pomocí magnetické rezonance
Translated title:
SMV-2024-61: Monitoring the effects of antipsychotics in an animal model using magnetic resonance imaging
Dražanová, Eva ; Jiřík, Radovan Document type: Research reports
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Aplikace a využití perfúzních, difuzních a spektroskopických metod magnetické rezonance pro pozorování vlivu antipsychotik na mozkovou tkáň laboratorního potkana.Application and utilization of perfusion, diffusion, and spectroscopic magnetic resonance methods for observing the effects of antipsychotics on the brain tissue of laboratory rats.
antipsychotics; arterial spin labelling; brain tissue; laboratory animals; neuropharmacology; nuclear magnetic resonance; perfusion; spectroscopy
Institution: Institute of Scientific Instruments AS ČR
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences. Original record: https://hdl.handle.net/11104/0360726