Original title:
Separace a charakterizace stereoizomerů fosfinátových pseudopeptidů a serinu kapilární elektroforézou
Translated title:
Separation and characterizasion of stereoisomers of phosphinic pseudopeptides and serine by capillary electrophoresis
Koval, Dušan ; Jelínek, Ivan (advisor) ; Feltl, Ladislav (referee) ; Tesařová, Eva (referee) ; Stránský, Zdeněk (referee) Document type: Doctoral theses
cze Abstract:
CoNcLUstoNs This work demonstrates that capillary electrophoresis is a suitable method for analysis and physico-chemical characterization of biomolecules. lt was exemplified by px" determination of a series of nove| phosphinic pseudopeptides and by separation oÍ stereoisomers of the phosphinic pseudopeptides and serine' A self-consistent procedure for pK" determination by CZE was carried out' ln particular' various background electro|ýes Were tested in the acidic region at pH < 2. A set of background eIectro|ýes Was eVa|uated for reIiab|e determination of eIectrophoretic mobiIities in the 1.S - 12pH interval. The temperature of the solution inside the separation capillary was measured by a simplified approach, thus enabling precise determination of the electrophoretic mobilities' Additionally, a throughput of the CZE method for the pK" determination was substantially improved, while high separation efficiency and precision of the electrophoretic mobilities was retained. The method benefits from adjustable velocity of e|ectroosmotic flow, achieved by modiÍication of the capi||ary inner surface, and efficient determination of electroosmotic mobility. Further, a study was performed which exp|ored the validity of onsager mode| for theoÍetica| description of concentration dependence of the e|ectÍophoretic...
Institution: Charles University Faculties (theses)
Document availability information: Available in the Charles University Digital Repository. Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/95754