Original title:
Kdo je nejvíce zasažen růstem cen? Rozdíly v inflaci pro různé domácnosti 2020–2023
Translated title:
Who is most affected by price increases? Differences in inflation for different types of households 2020–2023
Janský, Petr ; Kolář, Daniel ; Šedivý, Marek Document type: Research reports
cze Series:
Studie IDEA, volume: 10/2023 Abstract:
[cze][eng] Mezi lednem 2020 a březnem 2023 vzrostly ceny v ČR kumulativně o nebývalých 33 %. V této studii ukazujeme rozdíly v inflaci pro různé skupiny domácností.Between January 2020 and March 2023, prices in the Czech Republic rose cumulatively by an unprecedented 33%. In this study, we demonstrate the differences in price inflation experienced by different types of households.
Czech Republic; households; price increases Project no.: StrategieAV21/22 Funding provider: AV ČR