Original title:
A parallel algorithm for flux-based bounded scalar Re-distribution
Isoz, Martin ; Plachá, M. Document type: Papers Conference/Event: Topical problems of fluid mechanics 2022, Praha (CZ), 20220216
eng Abstract:
Let us assume a bounded scalar function ? : Q = I × ? ? ?0, 1?, I ? R, ? ? R3, where Q is an open bounded domain and its discrete counterpart ?h defined on a computational mesh Qh = Ih × ?h. The problem of redistribution of ?h over ?h ensuring the scalar boundedness while maintaining the invariance of R ?h ?h dV is surprisingly frequent within the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The present contribution is motivated by the case arising from coupling Lagrangian particle tracking and particle deposition within ? h with Eulerian CFD computation. We propose an algorithm for ?h redistribution that is (i) based on fluxes over the computational cells faces, i.e. suitable for finite volume (FV) computations, (ii) localized, meaning that a cell ?h P with ?hP > 1 affects only its closest neighbors with ?h < 1, and (iii) designed for parallel computations leveraging the standard domain decomposition methods.
CFD; OpenFOAM; scalar redistribution Project no.: EF15_003/0000493 Funding provider: GA MŠk Host item entry: Topical Problems of Fluid Mechanics 2022, ISBN 978-80-87012-77-2, ISSN 2336-5781