Název: Vnitrodruhová variabilita Phlebotomus Sergenti, hlavní vektor Leishmania tropica
Překlad názvu: Intraspecific variability of Phlebotomus sergenti, a major vector of Leishmania tropica
Autoři: Dvořák, Vít ; Volf, Petr (vedoucí práce) ; DEPAQUIT, Jérôme (oponent) ; Maroli, Michele (oponent)
Typ dokumentu: Disertační práce
Rok: 2008
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: t ( Results l. We demonstratedthat crossing b possible betweenP. sergenti laboratory-reared specimens tom coloníes originating fiom Turkey and brael. Succesful mating and irseminationwas oberved and viable hybrid Fl and F2 offEpringswercobtaínedfromboth parentalcombinatiors.No satbtically significantdíftrencewas bund in theegg production oťthehybrideswtrcncomparcd!o theparents. 2. RAPD analysš was able to dštingušh clearly beween membes of Turkish and hneli colony.When Fl pÍogenyobtainedfromthecÍossflatingstudywere includedin the RAPD anallsb, thesesamples 6rmed a dbtinct groupwith positionintermediatebetween Turkish and lsraelisubgroup,not only sharinga portionof ban& with each of the parenal coloniesbutalsoexhibitingseveraluniqueloci. The rcsultsofRAPD analysbwerc in accord with geometricmorphometricanalysb of wing shapeof P. sergentifrom TuŘey and Israe| demomtratingtbatbothmolecutarbiologyandmorphologicalapproacbesarecomplementary. 3. RAPD provedto be a rseful methodfur identificationandcomparisonof P. sergenti specimem tom two foci of cutaneors leishmaniasbin northemIsraelwhich difrr in the vector. 4. No microsatsllitemarkes pÍeviouslyšolated for otherphlebotominespecieswerc found applicableon P. sergeni. A developmentof speciesspecific microsatellitemarker panel was sbÍtedand two suitable ma*es were...

Instituce: Fakulty UK (VŠKP) (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dostupné v digitálním repozitáři UK.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/18283

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-498564

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 Záznam vytvořen dne 2022-05-08, naposledy upraven 2022-05-09.

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