Bivariate Geometric Distribution and Competing Risks: Statistical Analysis and Application
Volf, Petr Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ECONOMICS (MME 2020) /38./, Brno (CZ), 20200909
Abstrakt: The contribution studies the statistical model for discrete time two-variate duration (time-to-event) data. The analysis is complicated by partial data observation caused either by the right-side censoring or by the presence of dependent competing events. The case is modeled and analyzed with the aid of a two-variate geometric distribution. The model identifiability is discussed and it is shown that the model is not identifiable without proper additional assumptions. The method of analysis is illustrated both on artificially generated\nexample and on real unemployment data.
Klíčová slova:
bivariate geometric distribution; competing risks; unemployment data Číslo projektu: GA18-02739S (CEP) Poskytovatel projektu: GA ČR Zdrojový dokument: 38th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN ECONOMICS (MME 2020) : Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-80-7509-734-7