Oscillation of a Bubble in Surfactant Solution
Vobecká, Lucie ; Vejražka, Jiří ; Zedníková, Mária ; Orvalho, Sandra ; Tihon, Jaroslav Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2010 and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7 /19./, Prague (CZ), 2010-08-28 / 2010-09-01
Abstrakt: The decay of shape oscillations of a bubble in solutions of a soluble non-ionic surfactant are studied by means of high-speed imaging. The oscillations are induced by a sudden motion of a capillary, to which the bubble is attached. The bubble then either detaches or remains attached at the capillary. In both cases, the observed bubble shape is decomposed into eigenmodes (Legendre polynomials). The frequency f and the decay time τ of the lowest oscillation mode are evaluated. Their dependences on the surfactant concentration c, on the bubble size and on the bubble age are studied.
Klíčová slova:
bubbles; oscillation; surfactant solution Číslo projektu: CEZ:AV0Z40720504 (CEP) Zdrojový dokument: Summaries 3, ISBN 978-80-02-02248-0 Poznámka: Související webová stránka: www.chisa.cz/2010, www.ecce7.com
Instituce: Ústav chemických procesů AV ČR
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu:
Dokument je dostupný v příslušném ústavu Akademie věd ČR. Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0188189