Název: Numerical simulation of unsteady low-Mach number viscous flow in a channel
Autoři: Punčochářová, P. ; Kozel, Karel ; Horáček, Jaromír ; Fürst, J.
Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference
Konference/Akce: Interaction and Feedbacks 2009, Praha (CZ), 2009-11-24 / 2009-11-25
Rok: 2009
Jazyk: eng
Abstrakt: This study deals with a numerical solution of a 2D unsteady flow of a compressible viscous fluid in a channel for low inlet airflow velocity. The unsteadiness of the flow is caused by a prescribed periodic motion of a part of the channel wall with large amplitudes, nearly closing the channel during oscillations. The channel is a simplified model of the glottal space in the human vocal and the flow can represent a model of airflow coming from the trachea, through the glottal region with periodically vibrating vocal folds to the human vocal tract. The flow is described by a system of Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flows. The numerical solution is implemented using a grid of quadrilateral cells. Due the motion of the grid, the basic equations are considered in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian form. Numerical results are presented for Mach number 0,012m, Reynolds number 5000 and vibration frequency 100 Hz.
Klíčová slova: airflow of vocal tract; biomechanics of voice; finite volume method
Číslo projektu: CEZ:AV0Z20760514 (CEP), IAA200760613 (CEP)
Poskytovatel projektu: GA AV ČR
Zdrojový dokument: Proceedings Interaction and Feedbacks 2009, ISBN 978-80-87012-23-9

Instituce: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dokument je dostupný v příslušném ústavu Akademie věd ČR.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0177727

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-40722

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Věda a výzkum > AV ČR > Ústav termomechaniky
Konferenční materiály > Příspěvky z konference
 Záznam vytvořen dne 2011-07-01, naposledy upraven 2024-01-26.

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