Název: Uvěřítelnost narativních textů a jimi budovaných (fikčních) světů
Překlad názvu: Believability of Narratives and of (fictional) Worlds Generated by them
Autoři: Špidla, Kryštof ; Bílek, Petr (vedoucí práce) ; Hrbata, Zdeněk (oponent) ; Bauer, Michal (oponent)
Typ dokumentu: Disertační práce
Rok: 2011
Jazyk: cze
Abstrakt: The dissertation thesis called Narrative Texts' and their (fitonal) world Plausibility and (Fictional) Worlds created by These Narratives is based on the hypothesis that there is a specific feature of narrative texts: plausibility. The dissertation thesis is focused on the role of a reader in the process of the narrative worlds' actualization and there are also distinguished two sorts of narrative texts - narrative texts, which construct possible fictional worlds; and narrative texts, which create non-possible fictional worlds such as distinct kinds of self-voiding fictions. The thesis also differentiates between two sorts of plausibility - plausibility of fictional worlds and plausibility of fictional narrative act. Reference of narratives which means relation between fictional and actual world represents the fundamental issue. The dissertation thesis also concerns the relationship of plausibility of fiction and actual world changes, in other words - the relationship of plausibility and cultural- historical horizon. Reference frames also represent crucial concepts. These frames establish means of reception and plausibility reliance on them. The theoretical findings are illustrated through concrete examples of narratives - primarily through contemporary Czech prose. The dissertation thesis...

Instituce: Fakulty UK (VŠKP) (web)
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu: Dostupné v digitálním repozitáři UK.
Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11956/47048

Trvalý odkaz NUŠL: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-311330

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 Záznam vytvořen dne 2017-05-09, naposledy upraven 2022-03-04.

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