Formování a rozpad domácností z dat SLDB a VŠPS se zaměřením na osoby ve věku 20-49 let
Překlad názvu:
Formation and dissolution of households from data census and labour force survey, focused on persons, aged 20-49
Nývlt, Ondřej ; Kučera, Tomáš (vedoucí práce) ; Bartoňová, Dagmar (oponent) ; Kalibová, Květa (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Disertační práce
Abstrakt: [cze][eng] Uvod Tato pnice si klade za cí| popsat proces formování a rozpadu domácnosí v České republice na začátku nového tisíciletíse zaměřcnínr na osoby re včku20-49 |et' Jednoznačná dcfinicc I Introduction This work ainls to dcscribc the process of formation and disolution of households in thc Czcch Rcpublic at thc lrcginning of thc ncw nri||cnnirrnl with ťtrcus on pcrsons nt |hc agc ot 20-49. Án unaulliguous dc|irti(iorr tlI lrortscIttlItt ctrttr1xttitlr|c rviIlt cottttrtonIy trrct| dcfinition is a basic postulatc for this topic. l.ur1hcr, it is irrrporlant to try to strrcrurr housclro|ds on the basis oťalready defined individua| typcs ofhouselrolds. Thc houscho|d can be defined in diÍIerent ways The household reparch is not clear|y a demographic topic, because households can create a whole in a social or economic sense. Demographic knowledge tends to under$anding of a basic famiry structure between individua| members of houscholds Determination of individual types of households deÍines. on the basis ofthose family structures, the demographic aspect ofundersanding households Formation of family sructures is given by birttr, leaving family, adorescence in famiry, fintling a pa'1ncr, dissolution of fanrily, agcing or