Český protektorátní tisk za Reinharda Heydricha
Překlad názvu:
Czech protectorate press in Reinhard Heydrich era
Renčínová, Pavla ; Bednařík, Petr (vedoucí práce) ; Kryšpínová, Jitka (oponent) Typ dokumentu: Diplomové práce
Abstrakt: [cze][eng] Cílem mé práce je poukázat na roli oficiálního protektorátního tisku při prosazování nacistických mocenských zájmů, přiblížit obsah a formu článků ve vybraných periodikách, i okolnosti jejich vzniku - z hlediska historie, jurisdikce i geopolitických souvislostí. Při zpracování tématu jsem se soustředila pouze na oficiální tisk a historické prameny, a na roli aktivistických žurnalistů, kteří se velkou měrou podíleli na osudu celého národa. Při zachycení celistvé podoby tisku v období protektorátu by bylo zapotřebí sledovat ještě ilegální tisk a aktivity odboje - v mé práci tuto problematiku zohledňuji jen zběžně. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)A total power over the Czech official print became an integral part of the Nazis' policy during the Second World War. The print in all occupied countries should have served as one of the most important means by which the Nazis wanted to promote their ideology. Reinhard Heydrich, who came to the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia in autumn 1941, at first needed Czech people to cooperate for war industry. He was ready doing anything to achieve it. There were some journalists who /for various reasons/ helped him a lot. They did not only administratively execute his instructions but also took part in many fascist agitations. They had close connections with Gestapo and occupation authorities. On regular press conferences they were given instructions how to inform about what 's happening in the protectorate as well as on the battle field. As the result, they were responsible for many people's lives and fates and meant a great danger for whole nation. Besides these loyal quislings there were a number of such journalists who cooperated with the Czech resistance and exile in London. More than a hundred of them were executed or died in concentrate camps. London radio broadcasting showed how little people believed in the official protectorate print. Although the Nazis were quite successful in threatening the Czech...