Original title:
Závěrečná zpráva z focus groups: postoje české veřejnosti k politice, politické angažovanosti a ženám v politice
Translated title:
Final report on focus groups: public attitudes towards politics, political engagement and women in politics
Vohlídalová, Marta ; Maříková, Hana ; Volejníčková, Romana Document type: Research reports
cze Abstract:
[cze][eng] Výzkumná zpráva shrnuje výsledky focus groups provedených s různými skupinami české veřejnosti na téma postojů k politice, politické participaci a angažovanosti a k postavení žen v politice.The report summarizes findings based on focus groups conducted with different groups of Czech public on the issue of attitudes toward politics, political participation and engagement and the position of women in politics.
focus groups; politics; women Project no.: 255 Funding provider: Norway Grants