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Statická analýza v nástroji Facebook Infer zaměřená na detekci porušení atomičnosti
Harmim, Dominik ; Smrčka, Aleš (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Cílem této práce je navrhnout statický analyzátor, který bude sloužit pro detekci porušení atomicity. Navržený analyzátor Atomer je implementován jako modul pro Facebook Infer, což je volně šířený a snadno rozšířitelný nástroj, který umožňuje efektivní modulární a inkrementální analýzu. Analyzátor pracuje na úrovni sekvencí volání funkcí. Navržené řešení je založeno na předpokladu, že sekvence, které jsou zavolány atomicky jednou, by měly být pravděpodobně volány atomicky vždy. Implementovaný analyzátor byl úspěšně ověřen a vyhodnocen jak na malých programech, vytvořených pro testovací účely, tak na veřejně dostupných testovacích programech, které vznikly ze skutečných nízkoúrovňových programů.
Statická analýza v nástroji Facebook Infer zaměřená na detekci uváznutí
Marcin, Vladimír ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Statická analýza dnes patrí medzi najpopulárnejšie metódy na odhaľovanie chýb v modernom softvéri, no častým problémom dostatočne presných statických analyzátorov je ich škálovateľnosť. Mnohé efektívne analyzátory (napr.:Coverity, KlockWork, atď.) sú navyše proprietárne, čím sa ich ďalšia rozšíriteľnosť a použitie stávajú obťažnými. Pokrok v tejto oblasti prináša Facebook Infer, ktorý ponúka open-source framework na tvorbu kompozičných a inkrementálnych statických analýz. V tejto práci predstavujeme vlastný Low-Level Deadlock Detector (L2D2), ktorý rozširuje funkcionalitu Inferu. Náš algoritmus spĺňa princípy kompozičnej analýzy, založenej na kontextovo nezávislom výpočte súhrnu pre každú funkciu, čo má za následok jeho vysokú škálovateľnosť. Algoritmus sme implementovali a overili na sade príkladov z Debian GNU/Linux, ktorá pozostávala z 11.4 MLOC. Aj keď náš prístup nie je ani presný ani úplný, ukazuje sa ako efektívny. Okrem toho, že dokázal odhaliť všetky známe uviaznutia, hlásil falošné pozitíva v menej ako 4% z testovaných programov.
Advanced Static Analysis of Atomicity in Concurrent Programs through Facebook Infer
Harmim, Dominik ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Atomer is a static analyser based on the idea that if some sequences of functions of a multi-threaded program are executed under locks in some runs, likely, they are always intended to execute atomically. Atomer thus strives to look for such sequences and then detects for which of them the atomicity may be broken in some other program runs. The author of this master's thesis proposed and implemented the first version of Atomer as a plugin of the Facebook Infer framework in his bachelor's thesis. In the master's thesis, a new and significantly improved version of Atomer is proposed. The improvements aim at both increasing scalability as well as precision. Moreover, support for several initially not supported programming features has been added (including, e.g., the possibility of analysing C++ and Java programs or support for re-entrant locks or lock guards). Through a number of experiments (including experiments with real-life code and real-life bugs), it is shown that the new version of Atomer is indeed much more general, scalable, and precise.
OSLC Adapter for Software Analysis
Vašíček, Ondřej ; Hrubý, Martin (oponent) ; Smrčka, Aleš (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this work is to provide an easy way of adding an OSLC compliant interface to an analysis tool. Such an interface allows tools to be easily integrated with other tools or systems, allows them to be used remotely due to its web based nature, and allows them to be easily connected with a database for persistency and queries. This is achieved by designing and creating an OSLC adapter using Eclipse Lyo that is universal enough to accommodate the functionality of most analysis tools. This is done by using the OSLC Automation domain interface and by leveraging the current command-line interfaces of analysis tools. This work provides an introduction to OSLC, Eclipse Lyo, and other related topics; defines requirements and differences of analysis tools; covers the design process of the adapter and the factors that impacted design decisions; and finally, presents the implemented adapter and evaluates it by using an automated test suite and then experiments with a set of different analysis tools. The most important evaluation indicator is that the current version of the adapter is already being used in practice to add an OSLC interface to four analysis tools: ANaConDA, Perun, Spectra (all three developed by VeriFIT); and HiLiTE (Honeywell).
Practical Application of Facebook Infer on Systems Code
Beránek, Tomáš ; Malík, Viktor (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Static analysis is nowadays often used in the development process to find defects in the produced software. Although static analysis tools can effectively find bugs in software with millions of lines of code, they have also some disadvantages. The main disadvantages are the difficulty to deploy the chosen tool on the given project, high numbers of false reports, and the time and space requirements. This thesis focuses on mitigating these negative features of the Facebook Infer tool mainly for the context of using it to analyse Linux utilities shipped as SRPM packages. To simplify its deployment, an Infer plugin has been created for the csmock tool, which allows static analysers to run automatically on packages for CentOS or Fedora. To reduce the number of false reports, a filter has been created, which filters Infer's output according to several proposed heuristics based on experience obtained by analysing the reports produced by Infer. The filter has been also included into the csmock plugin and tested on a number of packages. On the analysed packages, the filter was able to remove 60 % of false reports with a loss of 2.5 % of real defects. The time required to run the analysis can be reduced by using incremental analysis. Shortcomings of the incremental analysis provided implicitly by Infer were experimentally found, so this thesis also describes the creation of a wrapper for Infer, which replaces the incremental analysis in Infer.
Advanced Static Analysis of Atomicity in Concurrent Programs through Facebook Infer
Harmim, Dominik ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Atomer is a static analyser based on the idea that if some sequences of functions of a multi-threaded program are executed under locks in some runs, likely, they are always intended to execute atomically. Atomer thus strives to look for such sequences and then detects for which of them the atomicity may be broken in some other program runs. The author of this master's thesis proposed and implemented the first version of Atomer as a plugin of the Facebook Infer framework in his bachelor's thesis. In the master's thesis, a new and significantly improved version of Atomer is proposed. The improvements aim at both increasing scalability as well as precision. Moreover, support for several initially not supported programming features has been added (including, e.g., the possibility of analysing C++ and Java programs or support for re-entrant locks or lock guards). Through a number of experiments (including experiments with real-life code and real-life bugs), it is shown that the new version of Atomer is indeed much more general, scalable, and precise.
OSLC Adapter for Software Analysis
Vašíček, Ondřej ; Hrubý, Martin (oponent) ; Smrčka, Aleš (vedoucí práce)
The goal of this work is to provide an easy way of adding an OSLC compliant interface to an analysis tool. Such an interface allows tools to be easily integrated with other tools or systems, allows them to be used remotely due to its web based nature, and allows them to be easily connected with a database for persistency and queries. This is achieved by designing and creating an OSLC adapter using Eclipse Lyo that is universal enough to accommodate the functionality of most analysis tools. This is done by using the OSLC Automation domain interface and by leveraging the current command-line interfaces of analysis tools. This work provides an introduction to OSLC, Eclipse Lyo, and other related topics; defines requirements and differences of analysis tools; covers the design process of the adapter and the factors that impacted design decisions; and finally, presents the implemented adapter and evaluates it by using an automated test suite and then experiments with a set of different analysis tools. The most important evaluation indicator is that the current version of the adapter is already being used in practice to add an OSLC interface to four analysis tools: ANaConDA, Perun, Spectra (all three developed by VeriFIT); and HiLiTE (Honeywell).
Practical Application of Facebook Infer on Systems Code
Beránek, Tomáš ; Malík, Viktor (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Static analysis is nowadays often used in the development process to find defects in the produced software. Although static analysis tools can effectively find bugs in software with millions of lines of code, they have also some disadvantages. The main disadvantages are the difficulty to deploy the chosen tool on the given project, high numbers of false reports, and the time and space requirements. This thesis focuses on mitigating these negative features of the Facebook Infer tool mainly for the context of using it to analyse Linux utilities shipped as SRPM packages. To simplify its deployment, an Infer plugin has been created for the csmock tool, which allows static analysers to run automatically on packages for CentOS or Fedora. To reduce the number of false reports, a filter has been created, which filters Infer's output according to several proposed heuristics based on experience obtained by analysing the reports produced by Infer. The filter has been also included into the csmock plugin and tested on a number of packages. On the analysed packages, the filter was able to remove 60 % of false reports with a loss of 2.5 % of real defects. The time required to run the analysis can be reduced by using incremental analysis. Shortcomings of the incremental analysis provided implicitly by Infer were experimentally found, so this thesis also describes the creation of a wrapper for Infer, which replaces the incremental analysis in Infer.
Statická analýza v nástroji Facebook Infer zaměřená na detekci porušení atomičnosti
Harmim, Dominik ; Smrčka, Aleš (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Cílem této práce je navrhnout statický analyzátor, který bude sloužit pro detekci porušení atomicity. Navržený analyzátor Atomer je implementován jako modul pro Facebook Infer, což je volně šířený a snadno rozšířitelný nástroj, který umožňuje efektivní modulární a inkrementální analýzu. Analyzátor pracuje na úrovni sekvencí volání funkcí. Navržené řešení je založeno na předpokladu, že sekvence, které jsou zavolány atomicky jednou, by měly být pravděpodobně volány atomicky vždy. Implementovaný analyzátor byl úspěšně ověřen a vyhodnocen jak na malých programech, vytvořených pro testovací účely, tak na veřejně dostupných testovacích programech, které vznikly ze skutečných nízkoúrovňových programů.
Statická analýza v nástroji Facebook Infer zaměřená na detekci uváznutí
Marcin, Vladimír ; Rogalewicz, Adam (oponent) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (vedoucí práce)
Statická analýza dnes patrí medzi najpopulárnejšie metódy na odhaľovanie chýb v modernom softvéri, no častým problémom dostatočne presných statických analyzátorov je ich škálovateľnosť. Mnohé efektívne analyzátory (napr.:Coverity, KlockWork, atď.) sú navyše proprietárne, čím sa ich ďalšia rozšíriteľnosť a použitie stávajú obťažnými. Pokrok v tejto oblasti prináša Facebook Infer, ktorý ponúka open-source framework na tvorbu kompozičných a inkrementálnych statických analýz. V tejto práci predstavujeme vlastný Low-Level Deadlock Detector (L2D2), ktorý rozširuje funkcionalitu Inferu. Náš algoritmus spĺňa princípy kompozičnej analýzy, založenej na kontextovo nezávislom výpočte súhrnu pre každú funkciu, čo má za následok jeho vysokú škálovateľnosť. Algoritmus sme implementovali a overili na sade príkladov z Debian GNU/Linux, ktorá pozostávala z 11.4 MLOC. Aj keď náš prístup nie je ani presný ani úplný, ukazuje sa ako efektívny. Okrem toho, že dokázal odhaliť všetky známe uviaznutia, hlásil falošné pozitíva v menej ako 4% z testovaných programov.

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