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Influence of Storage Conditions on Metabolic Profile of Apples
Duroňová, Kateřina ; Vávrová, Milada (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The goal of presented dissertation has been complex analysis of changes in content of fatty acids, enzymatic and low-molecular antioxidants in apples and related evaluation of perception of originators of storage diseases for apples stored in various conditions. Main part of the work has been dedicated to study of the impact of storage of apples in modified atmosphere with reduced amount of oxygen and in reference “normal” atmosphere for six months. Next part of the work has been dedicated to study how apple storage in common, consumer affordable, conditions (storage in a cellar, in a refrigerator, and in room temperature) affects content of low-molecular antioxidants. For testing has been selected apple kinds Jonagored, Golden Delicious, Idared, Šampion, and Granny Smith. Within the scope of this work has been optimized the method for determination of fatty acids in plant material with higher content of wax. The measured values imply the apples are valuable source of many important nutrition substances like vitamins, provitamins and antioxidants. During the storage process these substances exhibit considerable protective function. Long-term storage, mainly in the atmosphere with reduced amount of oxygen (FAN), enables preservation of majority of these important nutrition substances depending on the kind of apple and conditions of storage. Freezing process is conservative to apples (mainly in the presence of protective substances), while in the process of drying the values of all monitored antioxidants decrease depending on temperature and conditions of drying. Upon the choice of the storage method one must consider nutrition, sensoric characteristic and consumer demands.
Controlled production of lipids and lipidic substances by selected yeasts and microalgae
Szotkowski, Martin ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Huelva, Ines Garbayo Nores, University (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
Karotenoidy jsou přírodní pigmenty vyskytující se v mikroorganismech jako jsou řasy, kvasinky a sinice. Představují nejrozšířenější skupinu antioxidantů s významným biologickým účinkem. V současnosti vzrůstá zájem o karotenoidy vzhledem k jejich příznivým vlivům na lidské zdraví. Chlorofyly jsou zelená fotosyntetická barviva, která nacházejí uplatnění v potravinářství jako intenzivní zelená barviva. Koenzym Q je znám svým pozitivním vlivem pro správnou funkci řady orgánů v lidském těle. Ergosterol je nedílnou součástí membrán kvasinek a hub. Je to provitamin D2, který je důležitou součástí imunitního systému. Mikrobiální lipidy, nebo také ‚‚Single cell oils‘‘ jsou charakteristické vysokým obsahem zdraví prospěšných nenasycených mastných kyselin, které lze využít ve farmacii či kosmetice. Mikrobiální lipidy jsou dále studovány jako alternativa pro výrobu biopaliv. Dizertační práce byla zaměřena na studium a možnosti optimalizace produkce lipidů a lipidických látek vybranými kmeny karotenogenních kvasinek, mikrořas a sinic. V rámci práce byly testované kvasinky rodu Rhodotorula, Rhodosporidium, Cystofilobasidium a Sporidiobolus podrobené kultivacím na sérií médií s různými C/N poměry v rozsahu 13 až 100, obsahujících upravené odpadní substráty z potravinářského průmyslu. Vybrané kmeny byly poté kultivovány v bioreaktorech v médiu obsahujícím kombinaci odpadních substrátů. Kultivace mikrořas rodu Desmodesmus, Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Coccomyxa, Chlamydomonas, Botryococcus se zabývaly optimalizací jednotlivých komponent média a aplikací různých stresů s cílem navýšení produkce studovaných metabolitů. V rámci experimentů s extrémofilní mikrořasou Coccomyxa byly provedeny pilotní velkoobjemové kultivace v otevřených nádržích. V závěrečné části byl provedeny pilotní screeningové a velkoobjemové bioreaktorové experimenty zaměřené na možnosti kokultivace karotenogenních kvasinek a mikrořas. Testované kmeny kvasinek byly s rozdílnou úspěšností schopny utilizovat média obsahující hydrolyzované odpadní substráty. Nejlepším kmenem byl Sporidiobolus pararoseus, který na médiích dosahoval nejvyšších produkcí biomasy i sledovaných metabolitů. Z testovaných odpadních substrátů byla nejlepší kombinace odpadního fritovacího oleje a hydrolyzátu kávové sedliny. Úspěšná optimalizace složení hlavních komponent minerálního média vedla k zvýšené produkci studovaných metabolitů. Největší vliv měl optimální poměr P/N a aplikace oxidačního stresu. Nejlepších výsledků dosáhly mikrořasy rodu Desmodesmus a Scenedesmus. Velkoobjemové kultivace Coccomyxy onubensis potvrdily rezistenci kultury proti kontaminaci vnějšími vlivy a schopnost růstu za vysoké teploty a intenzity světelného záření. Kokultivační experimenty potvrdily schopnost symbiotického růstu kvasinek a mikrořas. Nejlepších výsledků dosahovaly všechny testované kvasinky s mikrořasami rodu Demsodesmus a Scenedesmus a v menší míře i rodu Coccomyxa.
Kundrát, Vojtěch ; Vilčáková, Jarmila (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The presented dissertation thesis deals with the polymer polyhydroxybutyrate and other biopolymers as a basic building block for the construction of micro- and nanoscopic structures and materials used in food and cosmetics. In the theoretical part, current literary review is prepared to introduce the basics of this application field. The practical part of the work is composed of three blocks developed during the doctoral study. In the first and most important part are summarized comments to the academic and patent outputs, where among the academic ones it is possible to find two peer-reviewed articles dealing with the electrostatic and wet spinning of PHB and properties of prepared materials. The patent outputs consist of several accepted and applied projects, which summarize results on both PHB spinning methods, but also on general approaches enabling the processing of PHB into forms enabling many applications in food and cosmetics. Second part was focused on the patented composition of the UV protection cream based on the prepared nanoscopic and micro- morphologies of PHB. The third block summarizes results focused predominantly on the electrostatic spinning of PHB and other biopolymers. Finally, a short chapter containing a brief description of projects that were in a way related to the dissertation topic, but rather practical development work in Central Tanzania and West Africa, which draw on knowledge and contacts gained during studies at FCH BUT Brno.
Proteome and Metabolome Changes in Selected Organisms under Stress
Halienová, Andrea ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Čertík, Milan (referee) ; Šucman, Emanuel (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
Living conditions of every organism are influenced by various factors at this time. Some of them have positive effect on organism, some negative. Basic condition for surviving is the ability to resist and adapt to changing metabolic and living conditions. Every single stress effect can lead to changes in metabolism but organisms have ability to develope sufficient mechanisms for stress response. Some of them are similar for all living organisms (enzyme production, endogenous primary stress metabolites) some of them are specific for certain organism or stress type. Cell stress response can be observed on different levels (proteomic, genomic, metabolomic). In proper conditions it can be used indrustrially. In this work, influences of various stress factors were studied. These factors were applied on selected organisms – carotenogenic yeast and plant materials. Yeast stress response was induced by osmotic and oxidation stress factors. Changes on proteomic level and in production of selected secondary metabolites were observed. Proteome was analyzed by 1D and 2D electrophoresis with subsequent analysis of proteins by mass spectrometry. Yeast strain Rhodotorula glutinis CCY 20-2-26 showed the best adaptation to stress factors, which was moreover accompanied by overproduction of carotenoids. This finding can be premise for next industrial production of carotenoids. In plant samples predominantly enzymes and metabolites involved in antioxidant response were studied.
Use of some encapsulation techniques to controlled release of active substances in food and cosmetics products.
Skoumalová, Petra ; Rittich, Bohuslav (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The presented doctoral thesis is focused on preparation, characterization and application of organic micro- and nanoparticles as transport systems for active components and some their complex natural sources. Active component were packed into liposomes and polysaccharide particles. As active components were used caffeine, some drugs – clotrimazole and ibuprofen, further antioxidants and vitamins. Antimicrobial herbs and spices extract, antimicrobial peptides lysozyme, nisin and other antimicrobial ingredients were encapsulated too. Encapsulation of selected hydrolytic enzymes was tested, too. Particles were also used for encapsulation of probiotic strains Bifidobacterium breve and Lactobacillus acidophilus and prebiotic components. These prebiotics were co-encapsulated into capsules with probiotic cells. Natural extracts were encapsulated e.g. extracts of guarana, ginseng, goji, green barley, propolis, black, green and white tea, coffee, fruit and vegetable extracts. The efficiency of encapsulation was determined by HPLC/PDA and by spectrophotometry. Long-term stability of particles and amount of released component in model/real foods, in model cosmetic conditions and in a model physiological environment were monitored too. Size of prepared liposomes and polysaccharide particles was determined by dynamic light scattering and by light microscopy and electron microscopy, respectively. Stability of the particles was measured using a zeta potential. Also, analytical centrifugation was used to measurement of sedimentation velocity and stability of the prepared particles. The antimicrobial activity were tested using two Gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus), two Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens) bacteria and one fungal strains (Candida glabrata). For determining the antimicrobial properties of active component and prepared particles two the most widely used methods were used - agar diffusion method and broth dilution method. The viability of probiotic strains were performed using flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy. Encapsulation of active component was successful in all types of particles. Liposome showed a very good long-term stability mainly in water conditions with neutral pH and polysaccharide particles were stable in acidic conditions. Prepared particles showed a very good stability in model stomach environment, while in model intestines environments particles were disintegrated and active component were released. Prepared particles with encapsulated caffeine as well as other tested antioxidants and vitamins could be used to modern types of energy drinks, food supplements and also for some cosmetics applications. Encapsulated antimicrobial components could be used for food application as well as for cosmetics and pharmaceutical application like antimicrobial wound formulation. Encapsulated enzymes can be used for controlled release of proteases in wound healing, as delivery systems in digestive tract and as a part of pharmaceutical preparative and food supplements for enzyme therapy. The study revealed that encapsulation of probiotics and also co-encapsulation of probiotics with prebiotics exhibited longer stability of particles and survival bacterial cells. So, prepared particles are suitable for use to food product with beneficial effects on the human body.
Ecotoxicological Assessment of Point Pollution in the Ecosystem
Doležalová, Šárka ; Beklová, Miroslava (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Koutný, Marek (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
The main subject of this dissertation is the ecotoxicological evaluation of significant point sources of pollution. These include wildfires and wide fires of factories and also industrial and urban wastewater treatment plants. The local application of pyrolytic product obtained from sewage sludge as the point source of pollution was also included in the thesis. Tests in aquatic and contact arrangement with using both water and soil organisms for ecotoxicity evaluation of selected matrices were chosen. Crustaceans Thamnocephalus platyurus, Daphnia magna Straus and sea bacteria Vibrio fischeri were selected as representative organisms of water animals. Duckweed Lemna minor was chosen as water plant. Further collembola Folsomia candida and earthworm Eisenia fetida were chosen as representatives of soil animals. Finally onion Allium cepa L. and mustard Sinapis alba are representatives of terrestrial plants. Submitted thesis deals about analytes of interest, their properties and ways of distribution to the environments. The output of the thesis is a comprehensive assessment of the effects of selected point sources of pollution on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems organisms and ecotoxicological risks assessment. The fire extinguishing agents have been proven to be the most stressful substances for all selecteded organisms.
Problems of Drug Residues Determination in Waste Waters
Lisá, Hana ; Márová, Ivana (referee) ; Hajšlová, Jana (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
The PhD thesis deals with determination of sulfonamides and tetracyclines in waste waters. Sulphonamides and tetracyclines are widely used in human and veterinary medicine. They are biologically active compounds and block biological processes in waste water treatment plants. These substances can influence microorganisms in the environment. Sulphonamides and tetracyclines induce resistance in low concentrations. These substances penetrate into the environment from industrial production, use in households, hospitals, veterinary clinics and fish farms. Tetracyclines and sulphonamides were determined in waste water from waste water treatment plants in Brno. Optimalization of extraction of these compounds was performed by solid phase extraction. Sulphonamides and tetracyclines were determined by liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector or coupled with mass spectrometry. Optimalized method was used for determination tetracyclines and sulphonamides in waste water from waste water treatment plants in Brno in years 2007 – 2010.
Bokrová, Jitka ; Pekař, Miloslav (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
The presented doctoral thesis is focused on preparation of nanoparticles and nanofibers with natural active ingredient and testing their biological effects. Modern types of application forms were prepared from biomaterials based on one or more natural polymers. Chitosan particles were prepared from cross-linked polymer using ultrasonication. A mixture of soy lecithin and cholesterol was used for preparation of liposomes. Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate was used for preparation of combined liposomes, too. All liposome particles were prepared by ultrasonication. Nanofibers were obtained from polyhydroxybutyrate using electrospinning. Mixtures of low-molecular antioxidants obtained by extraction from natural sources were used as active ingredients. Different types of teas, barks, herbs, spices, fruits and vegetables were selected as sources of natural antioxidants. Total phenolic and flavonoid content and total antioxidant activity of extracts were determined using spectrophotometrical methods. Obtained natural extracts were subsequently used for encapsulation. Prepared application forms were characterized in terms of their physicochemical properties. Particle size was monitored by dynamic light scattering. Colloidal stability of particles in suspension was determined using zeta potential. Spectrophotometry was used to evaluate the efficiency of encapsulation of active compounds into particles. The morphology of the new type of combined PHB liposomes was monitored by electron microscopy. Chromatography was used for quantification of individual components of particles. Morphology of nanofibers and incorporation of active agent into their structure were monitored using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Afterwards, antimicrobial, cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of preparations were evaluated. It was found that the most suitable types of extracts for liposome preparation are aqueous and lipid extracts of natural antioxidants. Prepared particles showed excellent stability and good encapsulation efficiency. The study confirmed that incorporation of polydroxybutyrate into liposome structure does not reduce neither the colloidal stability of the particle, nor the efficiency of encapsulation process. Antimicrobial and antimycotic effect of preparations against model microorganisms Micrococcus lutues, Serratia marcescens and Candida glabrata was detected. It was found that process of encapsulation increases the inhibitory effect of natural extracts of antioxidants. The safety of preparations was assessed using two human cell cultures: epidermal keratinocytes and HaCaT cell line. Assays of cell viability and plasma membrane integrity were used to determine cytotoxicity of preparations. Low toxicity of liposome particles was confirmed by a series of cytotoxic tests. Obtained data showed that association of phospholipid with PHB polymer does not cause a significant increase in cytotoxicity in human skin cells. Genotoxicity testing on model procaryotic organism confirmed zero genotoxic potential of preparations. The new type of combined particles and polymeric fibers cant thus be used as a carrier for active ingredients, complex natural extracts, antimicrobial agents and many others.
Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment of the Southern Moravia Region
Lána, Radim ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Večeřa, Zbyněk (referee) ; Hajšlová, Jana (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
Byla provedena studie bioakumulace POP v potravním řetězci a historických trendů hladin POP v sedimentech Brněnské přehrady. Současné úrovně kontaminantů byly stanoveny v jelci tloušti z řeky Svratky a rovněž byla posouzena hygienická kvalita ryb z rekreačního rybolovu. Současné úrovně POP v terestrickém ekosystému byly posouzeny pomocí analýz jehličí jako přirozeného indikátoru znečištění. Studium jedinců tří druhů dravých ptáků z ČR bylo zaměřeno na zhodnocení kontaminace těchto vrcholných predátorů POP. S pomocí analýz vybraných druhů ryb ze Záhlinických rybníků byl rovněž studován proces bioakumulace. Posouzení parametrů dvou moderních extrakčních technik a jejich využitelnosti pro izolaci POP z různých matric bylo námětem poslední části dizertace.
Controlled Drug Release from Biodegradable Hydrogels.
Oborná, Jana ; Chýlková, Jaromíra (referee) ; Kráčmar, Stanislav (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (referee) ; Vávrová, Milada (advisor)
This dissertation is focused on the controlled release of drugs from a biodegradable amphiphilic hydrogel based on hydrophobic poly(lactic acid), poly(glycolic acid) and hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) (PLGA-PEG-PLGA, ABA) and its modification with itaconic anhydride (ITA). The resulting ,-itaconyl(PLGA-PEG-PLGA) copolymer is referred to as ITA/PLGA-PEG-PLGA/ITA or ITA/ABA/ITA. Itaconic acid provides reactive double bonds and a functional carboxyl group at the ends of the PLGA-PEG-PLGA copolymer chain, thereby rendering the modified ITA/ABA/ITA copolymer less hydrophobic and offering the possibility of forming a carrier for hydrophilic drug substances. These functional copolymers are thermosensitive and change in the external environment (e.g. temperature) causes a sol-gel phase transition due to the formation of micellar structure. The bioactive substances can thus be mixed with a copolymer which is in a low viscous phase (sol phase) and subsequently the mixture can be injected into patient's body at the target site where it forms a gel at 37 °C. This hydrogel becomes a drug depot, which gradually releases the active substance. Prediction of the substance’s release profile from the hydrogel is an effective tool to determine the frequency of administration, potentially enhancing efficacy, and assessment of side effects associated with dosing. The analgesic paracetamol and the sulfonamide antibiotic sulfathiazole were used as model drugs, representing hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances, respectively. The active substances had a significant effect on the resulting hydrogel stiffness. Type of solvent, incubation medium and nanohydroxyapatite also influenced on the gel stiffness and subsequent stability of the hydrogel-drug system. Controlled release of drugs took place in simulated conditions of the human body. Verification of Korsmeyer-Peppas (KP) drug-release model is also discussed in this thesis. The KP model was found suitable for simulating the release of sulfathiazole from ABA and ITA/ABA/ITA hydrogels. On the contrary, the performance of KP model was not suitable for describing the release of paracetamol from the ABA hydrogels. Therefore, a new regression model suitable for both buffered simulated media and water has been proposed. The proposed model fitted better the release of both sulfathiazole and paracetamol from composite material prepared from ABA hydrogel and nanohydroxyapatite.

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2 Kračmar, S.
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