The effect of meteorology and aerosol size distribution on light scattering properties at a rural background site in Central Europe
Suchánková, Lenka Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: Bažant postraguate conference 2023, Prague (CZ), 20230531
Abstrakt: The aim of this study is to characterize the light scattering properties of aerosols at the rural background site National Atmospheric\nObservatory Košetice (NAOK; 49°34’20.787”N, 15°4’48.155”E) in Central Europe, namely the coefficients of total light scattering (σsp) and backscattering (σbsp), the Ångström exponent (SAE), the backscattering ratio (b), and the asymmetry factor (g), with special attention to the influence of meteorology and aerosol size distribution on these properties. We measured σ𝑠𝑝 and σ𝑏𝑠𝑝 at three wavelengths (450, 550, and 700 nm) using the Integrating Nephelometer TSI 3563 (PM10 inlet). The measurements were performed from August 16, 2012 to December 31, 2019.
Klíčová slova:
backscattering; measurements; properties aerosols Číslo projektu: LM2018122 (CEP), GJ18-15065Y (CEP) Poskytovatel projektu: GA MŠk, GA ČR Zdrojový dokument: Proceedings of Abstracts, ISBN 978-80-86186-29-0
Práva: Dílo je chráněno podle autorského zákona č. 121/2000 Sb.