Original title: Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu. Zpráva o výsledcích projektu Dokumentace osudů aktivních odpůrců nacismu, kteří byli po skončení druhé světové války postiženi v souvislosti s opatřeními uplatňovanými v Československu proti tzv. nepřátelskému obyvatelstvu
Translated title: German opponents of Nazism in Czechoslovakia. Research report on project outputs “Documentation of fates of active opponents of Nazism who had been affected with Czechoslovak regulations applied against the so-called enemy population after 1945
Authors: Kocian, Jiří ; Čermáková, B.
Document type: Proceedings
Conference/Event: Zapomenutí hrdinové, Ústí nad Labem (CZ), 2008-09-11 / 2008-09-12
Year: 2009
Language: cze
Abstract: [cze] [eng]

Keywords: German antifascists from Czechoslovakia; regulations applied against the so-called enemy population
Project no.: CEZ:AV0Z80630520 (CEP)

Institution: Institute of Contemporary History AS ČR (web)
Document availability information: Fulltext is available at the institute of the Academy of Sciences.
Original record: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0183086

Permalink: http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-41290

The record appears in these collections:
Research > Institutes ASCR > Institute of Contemporary History
Conference materials > Proceedings
 Record created 2011-07-01, last modified 2024-01-26

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