The simulation of effect of membrane channel block by propafenone on electrical activity on human atrial cells
Brožková, K. ; Pásek, Michal ; Šlichta, J. Typ dokumentu: Příspěvky z konference Konference/Akce: Conference of the Czech Society of biomechanics with international participation Biomechanics of man 2000, Olomouc (CZ), 2000-11-24 / 2000-11-25
Abstrakt: The main aim of this study is to explore the effect of propafenone on suppression of irregular excitations in human atrial cell. A program was designed that contains the computational model of electric activity on human atrial cells and the mathematical model of interaction of propafenone with INa-channels. This integrated model can served for simulations of the drug effects.
Klíčová slova:
cardiac cells; propafenone; quantitative modelling Číslo projektu: CEZ:AV0Z2076919 (CEP) Zdrojový dokument: Biomechanics of man 2000, ISBN 80-244-0193-2
Instituce: Ústav termomechaniky AV ČR
Informace o dostupnosti dokumentu:
Dokument je dostupný v příslušném ústavu Akademie věd ČR. Původní záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0107260