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Studium exprese MDR pump u kvasinek Saccharomyces cerevisiae za různých růstových podmínek: metoda s fluorescenční sondou diS-C3(3)
Zahumenský, Jakub ; Gášková, Dana (advisor) ; Krůšek, Jan (referee)
In this work, we studied two yeast ABC transporters, Pdr10p and Pdr15p. At the time of assignment of this thesis, it was believed that these proteins contribute to the yeast MDR phenotype (PDR) on the grounds of their high homology to another yeast MDR protein, Pdr5p. In order to study these pumps, two sets of isogenic null-mutant strains were prepared with all possible combinations of gene deletions. We report that both of the studied proteins are very important in sus- taining the normal plasma membrane microenvironment for the most abundant, and essential, yeast plasma membrane protein, H+ -ATPase and so influence the membrane potential. Pdr10p and Pdr15p thus play an as yet unknown role in reg- ulation of the activity of this enzyme. Furthermore, we report that deletion of the genes coding for these proteins severely reduces the ability of the H+ -ATPase to be activated by the protonophore CCCP which is a weak acid. Studies performed with immunosuppressant FK506 further show that this compound reduces the viability of S. cerevisiae mutant strain PLY643 lacking genes coding for Pdr5p, Snq2p and Yor1p. Further deletion of Pdr10p and Pdr15p does not increase the lethality of this compound. Neither CCCP nor FK506 are substrates of the stud- ied pumps. 1
Reliability of Technical Systems
Ertl, Jakub ; Šácha, Jakub (referee) ; Karpíšek, Zdeněk (advisor)
The diploma project is focused on investigating the reliability of multi-state technical systems. A summary of the basic conception of renewal theory and stochastic processes is given in this paper. The possibility of solving multi-state systems reliability by using Markov models or simulation is shown. The software Reliab. S. M. S. O. 1.0 was created for solving non-homogeneous series, parallel, series-parallel and parallel-series systems. Outputs of this software are described in chapter 10. This work also contains $\beta$-factor method and theory of common-cause failures. The diploma project was supported by project from MSMT of the Czech Republic no. 1M06047 "Centre for Quality and Reliability of Production" and by grant from Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Czech Science Foundation) reg. no. 103/08/1658 "Advanced optimum design of composed concrete structures".
Performance of Composite Nuclear Fuels during Normal Operation and Nuclear Reactor Accidents
Foral, Štěpán ; Valach,, Mojmír (referee) ; Haščík,, Ján (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá oblastí kompozitních jaderných paliv založených na UO2 . V práci je vyjmenováno několik materiálů vhodných jako aditivum ty jsou srovnány z několika různých hledisek. Byla vybrána kombinace UO2 + SiC pro detailní analýzu. Bylo zjištěno, že tato kombinace vykazuje dobré parametry v průběhu normálního provozu. Uvolňování plynných produktů štěpení je nižší společně s tepelně-mechanickým namáháním. Nicméně, je potřeba vyvinout nové modely chování kompozitních paliva. Analýza havárie blízké typu LOCA ukazuje, že palivo UO2 + SiC vykazuje poněkud lepší parametry ve srovnání s UO2 . Centrální teplota je nižší a mechanické namáhání je rovněž nižší. Na druhou stranu, analýza RIA havárie ukázala možné potíže. Například, zvýšená tepelná vodivost byla pravděpodobným důvodem zvýšené maximální teploty pokrytí a umocněné krize varu. Toto zjištění se pravděpodobně týká všech paliv založených UO2 , které mají zvýšenou tepelnou vodivost pomocí dopantů.
Preparation and characterization of cosmetic emulsion with addition of active compounds
Zinkovska, Natalia ; Smilková, Marcela (referee) ; Smilek, Jiří (advisor)
In the theoretical part, this bachelor’s thesis focuses on the overview of the basic characteristics and properties of the emulsion. Great attention is paid to choosing the type of emulsifier and the calculation hydrophilic-lipophilic balance. The mechanisms andcauses of instability of emulsions and their possible prevention and methods of stabilization are analyzed. The present state of the problem aimed to the analysis of existing methods for determination of emulsion stability and their use in practice is also part of this thesis. The experimental part of the work is primarily focused on the preparation of O/W cosmetic emulsions with additive of active substances such as UV absorbers. To characterize the prepared samples, pH values were measured and viscosities determined. The stability of the emulsion was carried out using an analytical centrifuge, and these results were further correlated with the standard gravitational stability tests (change of storage temperature of the formulation) according to the SÚKL methodical guidelines (REG-49, REG 51), which are the Czech version of the 75/318 /: Stability tests on active ingredients and finished products. Methods of preparation and composition of individual samples are described, which is further correlated with the stated characteristics of prepared creams.
Bootstrap Method and its Application
Pavlíčková, Lucie ; Lacinová, Veronika (referee) ; Karpíšek, Zdeněk (advisor)
The diploma thesis describes the bootstrap method and its applications in the estimate accuracy statement, in the confidence intervals generation and in the testing of statistical hypotheses. Further the method of the discrete probability estimation of the categorical quantity is presented, making use the gradient of the quasi-norm hereof distribution. On concrete examples the bootstrap method is applied in the confidence intervals forming of the categorical quantity probability function. The diploma thesis was supported by the project of MŠMT of the Czech Republic no. 1M06047 "Centre for Quality and Reliability of Production", by the grant of Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (Czech Science Foundation) reg. no. 103/08/1658 "Advanced optimum design of composed concrete structures" and by the research plan of MŠMT of the Czech Republic no. MSM0021630519 "Progressive reliable and durable structures".
Stochastic programming models with applications
Novotný, Jan ; Michálek, Jaroslav (referee) ; Popela, Pavel (advisor)
Diplomová práce se zabývá stochastickým programováním a jeho aplikací na problém mísení kameniva z oblasti stavebního inženýrství. Teoretická část práce je věnována odvození základních přístupů stochastického programování, tj. optimalizace se zohledněním náhodných vlivů v modelech. V aplikované části je prezentována tvorba vhodných optimalizačních modelů pro mísení kameniva, jejich implementace a výsledky. Práce zahrnuje původní aplikační výsledky docílené při řešení projektu GA ČR reg. čís. 103/08/1658 Pokročilá optimalizace návrhu složených betonových konstrukcí a teoretické výsledky projektu MŠMT České republiky čís. 1M06047 Centrum pro jakost a spolehlivost výroby.
Diagnostics and assessment of the bridge structure
Fadrný, Michal ; Heřmánková, Věra (referee) ; Kocáb, Dalibor (advisor)
This diploma thesis targets on diagnostics and assessment of bridge structure Most Kaštanová přes Svitavu, reg. number 380-001. Concrete material characteristics have been assessed in laboratory, after visual inspection, diagnostical testing and sample core drilling were made. Findings from laboratory tests are summarized in the conclusion of the thesis. It focuses on an evaluation of current bridge condition and presents various options that will help polong lifetime of the bridge.
Distributed Graph Query Engine Improvements for Big Data Graphs
Faltín, Tomáš ; Yaghob, Jakub (advisor) ; Tommasini, Riccardo (referee) ; Vora, Keval (referee)
Graph pattern matching queries enable flexible graph exploration, similar to what SQL provides for relational databases. In this thesis, we design and improve key compo- nents of a distributed in-memory graph querying engine. First, we optimize a distributed depth-first search (DFS) asynchronous pattern matching algorithm by combining it with breadth-first search (BFS), thus improving the overall engine performance by leveraging strengths of both approaches: ability to strictly bound the consumed memory of DFS and better parallelization, locality, and load balancing of BFS. Second, we further ex- tend the distributed pattern matching with a novel solution for reachability regular path queries (RPQs) that supports variable-length patterns based on regular expressions. Our design retains the underlying runtime characteristics, allowing for efficient memory con- trol during path exploration with great performance and scalability. Third, we improve query planning, which is one of the most crucial aspects impacting the performance of any querying system. Choosing the "best" query plan is challenging due to the many aspects influencing the performance, especially in a distributed system. We present a lightweight mechanism for gathering runtime information, which can be used to select the most effective query plan...
The impact of Brexit on the activity of banks: 2013-2021 country by country reporting data
Hatalová, Lucia Mária ; Janský, Petr (advisor) ; Sivá, Soňa (referee)
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union marks one of the most important events in recent history. The consequences of Brexit, particularly the loss of passporting rights in the services sector, have had severe adverse effects on British trade because it created barriers and challenges for British businesses to access the EU market and vice versa. This thesis aims to contribute to the existing literature on the impact of Brexit on financial ser- vices, specifically focusing on the banking sector. I use the country-by-country reporting data spanning from 2013 to 2021 to investigate the activity of 44 Eu- ropean banks. Using the turnover of the banks as a substitute for measuring banking activity, I estimate the gravity model employing the PPML and OLS estimators. The results indicate a negative effect of 24% on the turnover of British banks abroad relative to the domestic turnover. This suggests that the loss of pass- porting rights and the subsequent regulatory changes decreased the international operations of UK-based banks. In contrast, EU-based banks experienced 30% higher turnover in partner countries than domestically. 1
Organization and Management of the Process of Integration of Children with Different Mother Tongues in Primary Schools
This diploma thesis is part of the project entitled Selected Aspects of the Integration of Foreigners Living in the Czech Republic and Their Relationship to Social Work funded by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (reg. no. GAJU 101/2022/S). The diploma thesis deals with the organization and management of the process of integration of children with a different mother tongue at primary schools. The aim of the diploma thesis is to find out how the integration process is set up from the point of view of school management at elementary schools attended by pupils with a different mother tongue. The practical part deals with the basic data of the participating schools educating children with a different mother tongue who have expressed interest in participating in the research. It also deals with the course of integration of pupils at basic schools, deficiencies in the integration of pupils and helping entities in the integration of pupils into basic schools. The interview was based on theoretical knowledge. Open coding in the subtext of the conducted interview was used to evaluate the data. The sample consisted of twenty-one schools from the South Bohemian Region that expressed interest in participating in this work. Based on the conducted research, the individual research questions and the objective of the work were answered. The results showed that each integration of children/pupils with a different mother tongue is very individual and always depends on the specific child and his motivation to learn the Czech language. although this procedure for the integration of children/pupils with a different mother tongue is not precisely defined, it is very important and should not be underestimated.

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