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Postupy ČNB při realizaci dohledu nad bankami
Wimmerová, Johana ; Půlpánová, Stanislava (advisor)
Bankovní sektor je nesmírně důležitý pro fungování tržní ekonomiky. Jeho role nespočívá pouze v zajišťování platebního styku, akumulaci a distribuci úspor, ale jeho funkčnost může významně ovlivnit celkovou stabilitu státu. A právě toto specifické postavení bank v ekonomice je hlavním důvodem pro zavedení dostatečné kontroly a regulace celého bankovního odvětví. Instituce bankovního dohledu se postupně vyvinula ve významnou součást každé tržní ekonomiky se specifickými znalostmi, zkušenostmi a standardizovanými postupy pro hladké fungování jednotlivých bank.

Výběr a implementace open source nástroje pro řízení portfolia projektů
Marek, Jan ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Kučera, Jan (referee)
Methods and ways of implementation of changes and innovations in companies through project management are in today's society very well established. There exists methodologies, techniques and tools for the management of individual projects. However in a role of project manager, I very often faced the fact that companies are performing the project portfolio management in very intuitive way. This in itself leads to failed and prematurely terminated projects, initiation of the wrong projects or realisation of correct projects, but at the wrong time. Very often I have also recognized, that there is lack of awareness of fact, that there are also Open Source applications that can help with the organization's portfolio. This thesis deals with the definition of requirements, search and selection of proper OSS application and subsequent implementation. In the first part of this thesis I prepare a theoretical framework about PPM, and on that basis then identify and verify a set of requirements for selection of right OSS PPM application. The next section of thesis describes searching for suitable applications from a variety of sources, assessment against the requirements and the final selection. In the last part the implementation project is drafted, which aims to serve other colleagues in project management as one of the possible implementation paths. The outputs are then continuously confronted with experts in matter of projects and project management in the field of IT in order to maximize symbiosis between theory and real life experiences. Virtually every project management methodology defines the collection of already-proven techniques, best practices or lessons learned from the previous similar implementations. The main contribution of this thesis I see in fact that it contains not only the design of the project implementation, but also describes a logical path, what leads to the result. Therefore this thesis could be used as a base or discussed best practice, when a project of implementation of PPM application in place.

New Methods for Increasing Efficiency and Speed of Functional Verification
Zachariášová, Marcela ; Dohnal, Jan (referee) ; Steininger, Andreas (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Při vývoji současných číslicových systémů, např. vestavěných systému a počítačového hardware, je nutné hledat postupy, jak zvýšit jejich spolehlivost. Jednou z možností je zvyšování efektivity a rychlosti verifikačních procesů, které se provádějí v raných fázích návrhu. V této dizertační práci se pozornost věnuje verifikačnímu přístupu s názvem funkční verifikace. Je identifikováno několik výzev a problému týkajících se efektivity a rychlosti funkční verifikace a ty jsou následně řešeny v cílech dizertační práce. První cíl se zaměřuje na redukci simulačního času v průběhu verifikace komplexních systémů. Důvodem je, že simulace inherentně paralelního hardwarového systému trvá velmi dlouho v porovnání s během v skutečném hardware. Je proto navrhnuta optimalizační technika, která umisťuje verifikovaný systém do FPGA akcelerátoru, zatím co část verifikačního prostředí stále běží v simulaci. Tímto přemístěním je možné výrazně zredukovat simulační režii. Druhý cíl se zabývá ručně připravovanými verifikačními prostředími, která představují výrazné omezení ve verifikační produktivitě. Tato režie však není nutná, protože většina verifikačních prostředí má velice podobnou strukturu, jelikož využívají komponenty standardních verifikačních metodik. Tyto komponenty se jen upravují s ohledem na verifikovaný systém. Proto druhá optimalizační technika analyzuje popis systému na vyšší úrovni abstrakce a automatizuje tvorbu verifikačních prostředí tím, že je automaticky generuje z tohoto vysoko-úrovňového popisu. Třetí cíl zkoumá, jak je možné docílit úplnost verifikace pomocí inteligentní automatizace. Úplnost verifikace se typicky měří pomocí různých metrik pokrytí a verifikace je ukončena, když je dosažena právě vysoká úroveň pokrytí. Proto je navržena třetí optimalizační technika, která řídí generování vstupů pro verifikovaný systém tak, aby tyto vstupy aktivovali současně co nejvíc bodů pokrytí a aby byla rychlost konvergence k maximálnímu pokrytí co nejvyšší. Jako hlavní optimalizační prostředek se používá genetický algoritmus, který je přizpůsoben pro funkční verifikaci a jeho parametry jsou vyladěny pro tuto doménu. Běží na pozadí verifikačního procesu, analyzuje dosažené pokrytí a na základě toho dynamicky upravuje omezující podmínky pro generátor vstupů. Tyto podmínky jsou reprezentovány pravděpodobnostmi, které určují výběr vhodných hodnot ze vstupní domény. Čtvrtý cíl diskutuje, zda je možné znovu použít vstupy z funkční verifikace pro účely regresního testování a optimalizovat je tak, aby byla rychlost testování co nejvyšší. Ve funkční verifikaci je totiž běžné, že vstupy jsou značně redundantní, jelikož jsou produkovány generátorem. Pro regresní testy ale tato redundance není potřebná a proto může být eliminována. Zároveň je ale nutné dbát na to, aby úroveň pokrytí dosáhnutá optimalizovanou sadou byla stejná, jako u té původní. Čtvrtá optimalizační technika toto reflektuje a opět používá genetický algoritmus jako optimalizační prostředek. Tentokrát ale není integrován do procesu verifikace, ale je použit až po její ukončení. Velmi rychle odstraňuje redundanci z původní sady vstupů a výsledná doba simulace je tak značně optimalizována.

Selection of the optimal financing housing for selected client
HOLÝ, Hubert
At the beginning of the thesis I am focused on gathering information on mortgage loans in the current financial market. At the beginning of the chapter on mortgage credit, I will discuss dividing the mortgage loans. I draw up a detailed procedure that has everything a client to do to get a loan, what are the procedures in banks and what banks need to know information about the client. The next chapter will bring information on building savings and conditions, which the client must satisfy in order to get a loan from the savings. Also characteristic of this product. In the last chapter of the theoretical part of the introductory acquainted readers with investments in mutual funds and bring their individual characteristics and procedures for negotiation. In the practical part will deal has particular offering selected companies, which will be compared using the methods of multi-criteria decision. The work is divided on the analysis of mortgage loans, building savings and investment products. Information from these analyzes will also be used for application to a specific customer with specific requirements for housing. From the client I find out any information about his wishes and requirements for their future with regards to housing. The client chooses the aspects that are most important for him and the order in which they should be respected. It is for this reason that it is often not important final amount that the client pays for the loan, but for him the current situation in life more important monthly installment. Finally, the client selected the optimal variant, as can finance their own housing.

Nové postupy biomonitoringu cizorodých látek ve vodním prostředí
Within the presented work, several approaches of biomonitoring were studied. A well-established method for human health risk assessment was applied to evaluate the quality of fish from open waters in the Czech Republic. As this work is targeted on sport fishermen, who frequently consume their own catches, besides the publication in scientific journal, a brochure with results of this study was distributed via the Czech Fishing Union. Health risks for consumers related to the consumption of wild fish were found strongly species and locality dependent. As there is no risks related with the consumption of carp (Cyprinus carpio) at all investigated sites, frequent consumption of predatory fish should be avoided at some fishing grounds. The use of passive samplers has become more and more attractive in the last two decades. As these devices are able to mimic the biological uptake of chemicals, their potential for replacing fish as bioindicators in routine biomonitoring programmes is evident. In our study, the comparison between analysis of fish tissues and POCIS extracts from selected sampling sites confirms this idea about interchangeability of these indicators in the case of PFASs as target pollutants. Moreover, no metabolic transformation of contaminants present in water take place in passive samplers contrary to living organisms, thus these reflect the actual contamination at the locality more precisely. The use of passive samplers completely fulfils the internationally accepted principles of Replacement, Reduction, Refinement (the three R´s). Another promising approach using YOY fish as bioindicators was evaluated within the present study. Multispecies samples of YOY fish homogenate was found as a better indicator for wide range of pollutants than muscle tissue of adult fish within one species from the same locality. As all inner organs and tissues are presented in analysed samples, more target pollutants in higher concentrations are detected compared to the muscle of adults. Besides the higher sensitivity in pollutants detection and quantification, practical and economic benefits are of concern in the case of the YOY fish approach. The YOY fish approach also particularly fulfil the three R´s strategy, as sampling of this age group of fish has a smaller impact on the environment than the sampling of adults. In case of mercury, that was found as a limiting contaminant for the consumption of fish from open waters in the Czech Republic, a nonlethal method of finclips sampling can be used for the monitoring of this compound in aquatic environments. Besides the monitoring, our optimised method for the estimation of muscle tissue concentrations could be used for human health risk assessment as well. The difference between real muscle concentrations and concentrations estimated using our method differs less than 10% in most of the investigated localities. Benthic organisms are an important part of the food web in aquatic environments, but insufficient information about its contamination is available. In another study included in this thesis, first evidence about bioaccumulation of certain pharmaceuticals in benthic organisms was described. Although, pharmaceuticals are generally considered to be not accumulative in organisms, our study proved that certain pharmaceuticals have bioaccumulation potential. From this finding, it is evident that not only the concentrations of pharmaceutical dissolved in water but also the diet represents an important exposure pathway of contamination by these compounds for organisms (fish) inhabiting aquatic environments.

Legalization of proceeds from crime
Kříž, Lukáš ; Hřebík, František (advisor) ; Markéta, Markéta (referee)
The thesis deals with issues of legalization of proceeds of crime in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part is focused on defining terms and analysis of the general characteristics of organized crime, including its development since the late 20th century to the present. Further detail is aimed at analysis of the crime of money laundering focusing on stages of the process of money laundering. The practical part describes the recover the proceeds of crime and compares previous and amended legal provisions concerning this issue. Further analyzes the statistical data of economic crime in the Czech Republic between 2008 and 2015, with a forecast of the years 2016 to 2018 and describes the analysis of actual cases of money laundering. At the end of the work deals with a summary findings and compare the characteristic features of the process of money laundering with the real practices recorded on specific cases.

Genetic structure of local domestic breeds
Neradilová, Silvie ; Baranyiová, Eva (advisor)
A switch from hunting to beginnings of farming and agriculture was a crucial step for humans and for developing civilization. This period was suitable for domestication processes. Dogs were the first domesticated animals at all. Their breeding was connected with settlement and cattle protection and they were used as shepherd and hunting dogs. In some cultures they are even used as food source. Recent trends lead to breeding of new breeds and division of original gene pool into smaller closed groups which lead to an increase of homozygosity and to display recessively inherited diseases. These effects are mostly visible in small local breeds that have a small population size. Global protection of genetic diversity in cattle, poultry and pigs was already addressed in many studies, probably because of the high economic value of these animals. Impact of domesticated carnivores to humans is comparable and due to the growing market in veterinary services it is needed to protect sufficient genetic variability of various unique races. The aim of this work is to compare selected local breeds of dogs from different regions of origin, to evaluate their overall genetic diversity, to determine the occurrence of candidate types of diseases and to compare the frequency of these diseases in selected breeds. Main output is to recommend appropriate methods to protect the gene pool of these unique races. Central European breed (e.g. Český Fousek), subtropical breed (e.g. Sarplaninec), tropical continental breed (eg. Basenji), tropical island breed (e.g. The New Guinea Singing Dog) will be selected. The material will be collected at exhibitions and in cooperation with local farmers. The samples will be processed by classical methods of population genetics in the laboratory of molecular genetics FTZ ČZU.

Audit in system of firm quality
Benk, Petr ; Kala, Štěpán (advisor) ; Jaromír, Jaromír (referee)
The thesis titled Audit in system of firm quality is focused on acquiring basic knowledge and skills associated with the term audit, its definition, defining the principle and necessity in the context of integration into the company's organizational structure. It presents requirements on the auditor itself, the working methods used in the audit activities and claims on the processing of the audit report. Important is also familiarization with the actual quality management system, which is clearly becoming an important tool to obtain a competitive advantage on the market. Due to disagreement with the publication of the monitored entity's trade name, in terms of this thesis the author described the organization as the company D. By analysis of outcomes related to the implementation of internal audit quality management system were identified possible bottlenecks of the auditees. During the reporting period was found that approx. 30% of nonconformities is still repeating from previous audits, it clearly testifies to inefficient solution of measures for eliminating identified nonconformities. Based on these findings was performed an analysis of the causes and effects associated with the occurrence of recurrent nonconformities, where the most important causes are team identified. These causes in terms of importance were identified by Pareto analysis regarding to the process itself (the missing steps, identifying the beginning and the end, the distribution of nonconformities according to the importance, etc.). Subsequently was performed drafting of more efficient process model suitable for effective implementation of audits in system of firm quality. In a use of change management in the organization was the new process model put into practice, including performance of assessment, approval, implementation, verification and validation tasks. The benefit of this thesis is mainly the possible application of the modified process model of audit in system of firm quality, which allows rapid optimization of business processes and procedures.

Economic analysis of selected company
Kupka, Ladislav ; Mach, Jiří (advisor) ; Kateřina, Kateřina (referee)
The subject of this Thesis is the financial analyses of the Housing Association Rozvoj Sokolov. The Thesis describes in the detail the general concept of financial analyses preparation, different types of financial statements and its content and various analytical tools. The Thesis includes a Methodical part and a Housing Association financial analyses part. The Methodical part describes various methods of analytical indicator calculations, its comparison and evaluation. The financial analyses of the Housing association is using the methodology described in the first part of the Thesis. The Industry Benchmark includes the comparison of key indicators to samples of another three housing associations from different cities Cheb, Olomouc and Prague. The Analyses includes also some accounting methods of the Company and its changes during the years and various operational issues of the housing industry. The result of the financial Analyses of the Housing Association Rozvoj Sokolov is the conclusion that the Association is in a good economical shape and does not face any fatal issues. However, current finacial market with low deposits and bond rates can result to reduction of the key revenue stream and management should focus on this issue. Also, the increasing value of short term receivables might result to a reduction of the Companies working Capital.

Stock Analysis
Král, Petr ; Pfeiferová, Daniela (advisor) ; Kukalová, Gabriela (referee)
The content of the Bachelor thesis named,, Stock analysis "is, as other theses, divided into two parts, which are the theoretical basis and practical part, taking primarily information from the first part and personal experiences with the movements of stock prices. In the first part the reader learns the basic building blocks, procedures and principles of functioning fundamental analysis as global analysis, industry analysis and company analysis and as graphs, graphical modeling and technical analysis methods. The second part of the thesis is a subsequent application of theoretical knowledge of technical analysis to predict the progression of stock title known as automotive concern Volkswagen before the scandal Dieselgate when shares of the company had one of the largest declines in history.